What is Natural Identification – ID
Identity is described as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is, and most people accept that explanation without question. Observably one ‘person’ differs from another, just as a kettle has a different identity from the ‘thing’ we call a beach ball. Few people will dispute either of those understandings, however our ID, as issued by government, identifies their legal entity, one created in our (usurped) name. That deception describes that we need to establish our true and lawful identity as a flesh and blood living being, establish natural identification, define our rights, and initiate a new means of private identification that certifies all.
In colloquial every day language a person is our self, our partner, a neighbour and all other living human beings. In law, however, admiralty law most particularly, ‘person’ is the persona for a legal entity. ‘Legal entities’ are formed by attaching a body politic to each individual’s name; usually recognised by ALL CAP NAMES, wholly or in part. Thereafter these Legal Entities are referred to as subjects, citizens, persons and even natural persons. These names are government’s legal interpretation of ‘you,’ but are not in fact ‘you.’ Nonetheless, we all exist in the ‘public domain,’ subservient to authoritarian statutes, (incorrectly called ‘laws’), backed by force.
A method has been developed and centres on the word ILB©, which is the acronym for an ‘Independent Living Being.’ ILB (pronounced Isle-bee), was coined a word denoting a volitionally conscious, living human being that is independent from any and all political interference, usurpation or control—a free, independent, sovereign Homo sapiens being.
Collectivism is the hallmark of the public domain. Independent life, individualism, is the hallmark of the private domain. Independence and separation from the public domain can only manifest by establishing that a being lives and that life takes precedence.
iDeed - A revolutionary concept for personal identification ©
iDeed© is a (copyrighted) method establishing that each sentient Living Human Being really lives, and is therefore separate and independent from any fictional or fraudulent Legal Entity that, inhabiting the international jurisdiction of the sea, is DEAD!

ILB© Number (ILB)
The method creates an ILB© number for that express purpose, and for natural identification. An (algorithm derived) number is created from factual biometric data belonging to an individual’s life. Because this data, includes such factors as blood group, and gender, it cannot possibly refer to dead fictional entities. The resultant ILB number is unique, wherein certain digit combinations have certain life-attesting properties, hence natural identification. The result necessarily and reciprocally establishes that the donor of the bio metric data truly lives. Example: 128-104-283 191 170.
Private Property Code (PPC)
This ILB number method of natural identification further allows for a Private Property Code©. Using a different algorithm, the same biometric data is configured into a nine character alpha-numeric code. This code may be used to identify all private property from documents through music to surf boards and motor vehicles. Example: 9NTL 2 0314
This ILB number method facilitates a Security Code© which is also generated using a very special algorithm utilising specific data from the system software. Its purpose is to identify forgeries by revealing any mismatch or discrepancy in an invented ILB number, thereby showing it as counterfeit.
From Public to Private
Once an identifying ILB number certifies its owner as sourced from the owner’s biometric data, so the owner and the ILB number exist in the private domain, wholly severed from the public domain.
It is naive to believe that such a method might be used to extricate ourselves from the legal system. One cannot argue any case in any law court as a living human being, when such courts have no word to address a living man or woman. All matters concerning free-living beings are rejected. We’re all like pieces on a chess board, dead pieces of wood governed by statute laws. The idiotic irony is that without men and women, there are no courts.
The ILB Code system is future oriented therefore. Full purpose manifests in a free, peace loving, symbiotic, collaboratively oriented society. ILB Codes© and the Private Property Code© are not intended, nor do they serve as tools for anyone to free themselves from any present legal processes, cancel mortgage foreclosures, or mitigate any other legal circumstance in which they find themselves. The iDeed system© does not exist to prove oneself a free man or sovereign being in a court of law, as many people might hope. The most pressing task for which the iDeed system© exists, is to assert that we live, whereby all disputes concerning matters of life are with Creator, not with a court of law.
ILB is not your legal saviour
If you are presently embroiled in a legal battle and looking for a speedy, amicable or stress free outcome, or financial relief, best seek elsewhere.
To switch one’s mindset from forever accepting that ‘what is legal is right,’ so to accept and practice that what is ‘right is lawful,’ is for many people a mammoth mind reversal. Our minds are so ingrained with collectivism and legality, we’ve no concept of lawful individualism. Stultified by complying with imposed law, and mentally brainwashed to accept nothing but the concept of ‘rule,’ none of us have ever truly understood the full compass of free will, nor the concept of expressing natural law that is encrypted with the nature of us all.
The task therefore, as made clear by Buckminster Fuller, is not to fight the existing reality, but to build a new reality that makes the old redundant.
Applications of the ILB number system
First and foremost the task is to assert life and declare one’s independence from the state. It may still be years before such is formally recognised, but the more assuredly that task is begun, the quicker its implementation. If you have a hankering for a society such as this, it is up to you to work to that end. Authority never will.
Several uses and applications of this ILB number© identification method include Private Identification Cards, (see example card), private bank account numbers, and private vehicle number plates, per the example shown. (These are not legally permissible in Australia or in most countries presently, but are available now for ‘American State Nationals,’ per this page.)
References and further information
All questions and enquiries concerning ILB number matters may be addressed to the Authors via the contact page.
Please advise whether you live in Australia, or the USA, as our reply will differ according to the country you live in.