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11. Mentored Intelligence. MI 

Mentored Intelligence is a computerised (AI) simulation of life value ethics and morality originating from human conscious intelligence. Presently unknown, it offers to rapidly overturn conscious ignorance, implement free societies and rid the world of criminal enslavement forever. 

Readers of this article should have ideally read the preceding ten articles, preferably my book Conscious Ascendance in addition, and, most helpfully, all three of my books on Amazon. They will know that artificiality plays no part and is entirely rejected.

The world is entering a new era, but sadly, AI cannot answer consciousness that is still founded on assumptions and presumptions impeding Man’s fantastic future. This article stalls that possible disaster by presenting an unprecedented life-sustaining alternative never imagined.

Man’s non-superior senses

Why do some animals, birds and fish, have senses superior to ours? Many can see, hear, touch, and taste far better than humans. Having created those abilities, why did the Creator deny us any use of the same top-of-the-range faculties?

The answer is simple. A specific conscious intelligence uniquely blesses us, meaning we are not deprived. Our ‘conscious intelligence’, is far superior, ably supported by senses that deliver all the data we require and no more. That is not commonly understood, but it explains technology’s explosion at the expense of conscious knowledge and why Artificial Intelligence (AI) now strives to (computationally) surpass our mental abilities, falsely hailing its technological supremacy above life itself.

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence in psychology refers to the mental capacity to learn from experiences, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment. It includes skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, learning quickly, and understanding complex ideas. —Simple psychology

That requires knowing how our conscious process works, but neuroscience and psychology admit they do not know what it is or how it works. How, then, can we know and express intelligence? And how can we create an artificial version, namely AI? 

What is AI?

AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, is a branch of computer science that develops machine systems capable of demonstrating behaviors linked to human intelligence. AI programs use data collected from different interactions to improve the way they mimic humans in order to perform tasks such as learning, planning, knowledge representation, perception and problem-solving. —Wix Encyclopedia
Creation - Ladder of life Image

AI’s Inherent Problems

AI undoubtedly has its place in the material and physical realms but none in the (non-material) realm of conscious intelligence for the above reasons. AI programs can generate inaccurate or misleading answers and images and even reproduce a bias in their source material, such as sexism or racism and even politics. Outcomes are only as unbiased or accurate, flawed, incomplete, or misleading, commonly known as data bias. Even the foundational data may be false, inaccurate, or deceptive. Yet all such corruption will have attained a sense of credibility or authenticity that few recipients will challenge.

Problems magnify

Those problems are greatly magnified through Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). There is a belief among researchers that artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence in every domain, known as "technological singularity." Some call this ‘super-intelligence’.

In short, theoretical AI research attempts to create software with human-like intelligence, thus performing tasks that it is not necessarily trained or programmed for. That gives AI systems autonomous self-control and the ability to learn new skills. Whether the outcome is based on garbage or truth, moral or immoral, just or unjust, ‘super-intelligence’ defies all challenges.

Abuse Prevention

Prevention of that abominable abuse is what I want to address. 

The above failings of AI further allow today's widespread assumptions and presumptions to fill the void created by conscious ignorance, seriously jeopardising moral or value checkpoints, if any are present. 

An artificial intelligence unable to correct misguided underlying precepts means conscious ignorance is enhanced, never allayed or remedied.

AI technology greatly benefits our learning, comprehension, problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and autonomy. However, it can also report untruths, lies, propaganda, erroneous teachings, corrupt laws, and little or nothing decrees it should not. It seriously lacks moral fibre because that is the state of its research base, as testified by the blatant lie that one mind can rule another. The resultant problem is horrendous. 

AI cannot learn the truth of life because it lacks it, and it cannot be taught the truth of life by any science, psychology, philosophy or governmental policy that ignores or refuses it. 

Thus, it can work unchecked, even immorally and unlawfully, without question, based on the idea that (autonomous) machine accuracy is superior to human subjectivity, which would override or deny its (unbiased) legitimacy.

Notwithstanding, all of its data deliveries depend on conscious intelligence. Humans originate AI, program it, teach it, supply data, and interpret the findings. It’s truth in, truth out—garbage in, garbage out, autonomously free from all checkpoints, approvals or rebuttals.

In short, AI is hell-bent on using technology to become the indisputable supremacist of conscious intelligence. After that, who controls that technology then controls the mind of man?

Absolute unaccountability is a recipe for Man’s annihilation, and that is AI’s potential path as we advance. People must be aware of these perilous risks, even if no real consensus has yet been reached. Some people say that AI research should stop and with good reason I suggest.

Can AI address that nefarious immorality?`

If AI does not adhere to the supremacy of divine intelligence manifest by human conscious intelligence, it fails, no matter its resolutions or pretended lordship!

Please re-read that very carefully! The Creator defined human conscious intelligence and wrote its program into our nature. Our task is to learn it and learn from it; never refuse its divine supremacy.

Please study this Value Transfer Wave diagram from left to right. The (free will) conscious mind (8%) is above the horizontal line, and the (automated) subconscious (92%) is below. 

Value Trasfer Wave - Conscious Intelligence

This VTW diagram shows that cognitive awareness is about one-tenth of the 8%. The other 99 per cent is unknown, so dictionaries tell us awareness is consciousness. At the same time, neuroscience denies any knowing.

Is it surprising that none of those who discuss raising our frequencies or vibrations define consciousness? The diagram shows nine high faculties – 50% more than science recognises. Further study shows three groups of two linked pairs, plus an ‘engine of integration’ powering all six independently, yet simultaneously. This diagram is a recurring loop that shows free will enveloped by the subconscious mind. No one speaks of consciousness like this – small wonder we’ve never discovered the twenty intrinsic natural laws that empower and govern it. Image those trashing every bogus law library on earth in the cause of people’s freedom as the Creator intended! 

Do you see the source of worldwide conscious ignorance and social discord? The conclusion is clear.

  • Conscious intelligence exists. The Creator wrote its software into our nature.
  • Data transfer between our two minds is psycho-epistemology.
  • Life is of supreme value to humans since, without life, nothing is of value.
  • Life values determine ethics, morality, and justness as our gifted mental technology.
  • We choose life values, or the subconscious mind defaults to past actions as values we chose previously. It cannot work in a vacuum any more than an empty stomach can digest food. 
  • Machine intelligence can rapidly and vitally assist our comprehension of conscious intelligence, its precious usage and our divine ascendency, provided that its [computer] codes echo those gifted by the Creator.

Our task is to assert life’s superiority and ensure that nothing stands in the way.

Arresting Conscious Ignorance

If we adapt our conscious intelligence to computer technology, many people will likely ask, isn’t that biased? Aren’t we ruling what the computer can and must do—depreciating its power? None of that is true. We honour and revere the Creator by using our gifted intelligence to power computer technology. It then advances our lives, provided we acquaint it with the conscious technology the Creator gave us. Believe it or not, that’s precisely how our conscious process works. Physicality and computers are our toolbox for exercising spirituality. We do it. Computers can magnificently assist, but none can surpass our lives.

Change your mindset to life’s bountiful truths

Humanity is not in a spiritual battle with evil. It is on the cusp of spiritual triumph over all that stands in people's way. We don’t have to do this on our own. Conscious intelligence is our gifted partner exercised through the subconscious mind using our free will. Can technology assist? Yes, absolutely, but will it?

Mentored Intelligence MI

Suppose we wrote a computer program that used the life values powering our conscious process as shown by the VTW. First, the software codes would honour those values in their algorithmic deliberations. Second, the computer would mentor the outcomes of its efforts regarding life, excluding all that is anti-life.

Let me name this proposal: Mentored Intelligence. MI

By honouring and revering the life values upholding conscious intelligence, MI would quickly teach people to master themselves following intrinsic natural law, per my self-governance article.

It would be a (speedy) mentoring intelligence for humanity’s new age wholly in accord with societal freedom and a Protecture in place of government. It would endorse new modes of behaviour that are robust, self-controllable, and respectful.

This MI program would teach personal, human, and core values, all check-pointed and mentored by life values. Accordingly, the value transfer wave and the correlation diagram (below) provide a foundation for writing MI code.

Do you see? MI is not constrained in its scope, nor is it biased. Instead, it respects and complies with our Creator’s gifted conscious process precisely so that we can live uninhibited and be free from evil.

Just as conscience checks our intended actions as mentors, MI does precisely the same with data released to us. That is why I refer to it as Mentored Intelligence. 

Mentored intelligence is our assistant.

MI can assist people in two ways

  1. Teaching conscious intelligence through its released information.
  2. By actively mentoring its researched findings in life terms, excluding all contrary technology, religion and authoritarian politics.

The Creator’s blessing positively refuses legal artificiality in all forms, political domination and control, and authoritarian slavery conducted as though Man is a herded animal.

All of this is possible because we (now) know the Creator's gift of conscious intelligence, how it works, and what values uphold it. We also know that non-living machines can never have it. They do not need it. We do, and we have it. 

Any tendency toward bias is corrected by fidelity to our gifted conscious process. Computational errors are likewise exposed. Nothing approximates this achievement; nothing outshines the Creator’s gift to humanity. No person or ET can better it than by advancing its computational proficiency. Sovereign people have an ally they never envisaged.

How would Mentored Intelligence function?

My huge (copyright) database includes this website, four books, and a (50% complete) compendium of work over 13 years, presently about three hundred pages, plus much work by others.

A simple preliminary computer program will remove all duplication, fix grammatical errors and sort the topics alphabetically, even suiting the correlation diagram above.

 It can cross-reference all related issues for expanded discourse, providing a comprehensive reference database for all (conscious intelligence) enquiries supplemented by a different database dealing with intrinsic natural law. The reference database then contains thousands of  topics. 

Perchance you think MI is not possible, consider this from Telegram.

The content produced by AI systems will need to reflect "socialist core values" and avoid information that undermines "state power" or national unity.

My databases facilitate MI teaching conscious intelligence as the exect opposite. Does MI judge ethics and morality? No. Our Creator did that. We reference and use that gift to profit accordingly. Remember the definition of consciousness–

Consciousness is the systemic life-value transfer process between the conscious and subconscious minds, interfacing physicality and spirituality, authored by free will.

That is how MI radically differs from (unquestioned and unchallenged) AI.

The Correlation  Diagram

The diagram's remarkable correlations across four columns include 15 life values correlating with 20 natural laws, 10 tenets, and five branches of  philosophy. Thus, we have fifty contingent matters to address, but only once in the computer code. 

Life Values and intrinsic natural law must be embedded in MI’s algorithms, just as the Creator determined how values form emotions, as our mentor. These values impart an objective philosophy, as Nature’s Providence describes. 

Regardless of what life issues MI is solicited to resolve, the software only needs to address those value checkpoints and topics to report its findings in value terms. Thus, each enquirer is mentored.

Each may evaluate their findings according to their (spiritual) life values, just as they would for a felt experience ( emotion). In other words, MI uses the precepts of conscious intelligence to mentor its output findings, while the seeker processes the resultant sentient feelings as conscious intelligence informs we should. 

Spiritual values not metaphysical energies

Most importantly, spiritual values are not metaphysical energies. That change in mindset is crucial. For example, suppose MI was questioned as most people comprehend consciousness. E.g., How can I best raise my conscious energies, frequencies, or vibrations? [Those are matters for science to address — the old era that humanity is leaving behind, fortunately.]

Philosophy - Natural law diagram

The proper answer would read something like this—

“Thank you for your question. Sadly, it is scientifically unanswerable. Energies, frequencies, and vibrations are physical or metaphysical matters that science cannot answer because it admits to not knowing what consciousness is. Please rephrase your question in conscious terms, maybe like this — “How can I use my Creator's gift of conscious intelligence to best advantage?” 

Then it might question, To what advantage – personal or societal? 

Do you see where this is going? The old mindset is sent packing. Our Creator's conscious process forms a new mindset for humanity’s new era. MI software may provide a lightning-fast, accurate, authentic, law-bound mentor that hones the Creator’s principles and natural laws in deliberations and excludes anything contrary.

This new breed of (MI) programmers will enjoy their unique discipline, enabling substantive reinforcement of life values unlike anything considered in the past. They must fully comprehend that humans are the authors of their values, intuition, creativity, feelings, morality, self-governance, sovereignty and freedom precisely as the Creator intends.

Lessons that shift AI to MI

Human-generated MI factually embraces the Creators societal model for freedom.

  • As we program our subconscious mind with values, MI is similarly programmed.
  • Just as intuition is our search engine, Mentored Intelligence is similarly programmed.
  • As our conscience value-checks our deliberations before acting. MI alerts us in the same fashion.
  • No computer has feelings, nor does it need any. Life values are programmable concepts needed for MI to release its findings, while our resultant feelings are those that our (sentient) nature appeals we respond to.
  • Monitored Intelligence functions to achieve truth, identity, accuracy, validity, precision, speed, and honesty within intrinsic natural law and conscious intelligence. It cannot invent a ‘life’ without destroying itself, just as we cannot invent (political) legal entities supreme above human life.
  • Space precludes a complete list, but the (above) correlation diagram from my book ‘Nature’s Providence’ should guide every MI author’s reckoning.

    Value Transfer Loop Diagram

    Mentored Intelligence Summary

    A glorious world is coming, and we are here to begin the changeover. We are Creator beings in the physical and soul senses. Mentored Intelligence has the potential to rapidly advance the new era into which Man is now moving.

    We now have the means to powerfully overcome mainstream media’s blockage of truthful and lawful information and forever rid the world of conscious ignorance. Mentored Intelligence can assist us in being free from enslavement, provided it works within our spiritually human nature and never crosses that boundary. Otherwise, it is the master, and we are the slaves.

    This massive leap forward will help develop moral societies where individuals can actively shape, define, and implement creative and constructive futures for people based on their unique abilities. It will significantly strengthen the social fabric by empowering individuals to recognise and utilise their innate skills, propelling humanity far beyond the limits of our past achievements. Authoritative regimes will have nowhere to hide.

    Those who wish to specialise in Mentored Intelligence will triumph. Our gifted conscious intelligence informs precisely how it is done. MI practitioners and users will be warmly welcomed and applauded, even by free ETs exercising like means on the same life path.

    © Kenneth E. Bartle 2025
