A New Conscious Era
A new conscious era is dawning, and signs of this epoch are evident worldwide. Technology will play a part, but consciousness is key, even though science is blind to it. Knowledge is your remedy, and learning is crucial. Fail, and humanity will likely fall.

Have you sensed humanity’s failure to understand the human conscious process? Has mankind been led down a cognitive path toward destruction? Has that era now passed, paving the way for an extraordinary future for humanity unlike anything the world has ever witnessed? Some say this revolution will happen in two or five years – before 2030. Are you ready?
In 2012, after filming the documentary “What the FUQ” for my son Scott, I asked myself, “How can the government be repurposed?” I was aware of the evils of admiralty law and that it is based on fictional legal entities, so I began to explore common law, followed by ‘natural law theory,’ and, eventually, human consciousness.
I found myself halted at every turn. Psychologists and neuroscientists openly admit that they do not know what consciousness is or how it functions.
I resolved to uncover the truth and succeeded. My discoveries are crucially important; they enhance our mental abilities and identify twenty natural laws that govern our biological and conscious processes.
In 2017, I published my findings in “Law From Within,” now superseded. The articles below are crucially important. They describe the essence of the conscious process and its intrinsic natural laws that render authoritarian rule evil, thus heralding the new conscious era and humanity's emancipation.
Please read the following introductions in turn, preferably reading each of the full articles.
1. Conscious Enlightenment

Is today’s unprecedented global upheaval errant politics merely, or is it a pervasive ‘conscious ignorance’ that for centuries has left Man no intellectual weapons to challenge a plethora of anti-reason, anti-life, diseased or corrupted premises thrust in our faces that leave us with no mental means to challenge any?
Nature abhors a vacuum; thus, when people are not taught how their mental operating system functions, humanity has a grave problem. Do you see it? Seemingly, invented explanations, hypotheses, assumptions, and presumptions arise, and we’ve no effective means to validate or authenticate them. With no conscious enlightenment humanity is mentally trapped, made subject to all manner of beliefs, conjecture, erroneous teachings, lies, propaganda, inventions, and draconian rules with punishment for non-compliance. Mental deprivation, stress, anguish and fear flourish uninhibited. Draconian authoritative rule prevails with no escape. Conscious enlightenment is a remedy we’ve never dreamt of! It's time to discover it!
2. First principles for the new conscious era

Academia and neuroscience have failed conscious comprehension, so no one knows what works for a one-day-old infant without words, math, or science, not forgetting an educated elder. No one senses a dire problem, much less a new conscious age or even conscious thriving.
Given that seemingly insurmountable barrier, I turned to observational science and deductive reasoning. Three years later, tears of compassion for humanity streamed daily for a month because I saw consciousness thriving and how it works throughout one’s lifespan. I discovered irrefutable, axiomatic facts of life offering intellectual wealth beyond anything ever dreamt. I mapped the process, producing many diagrams that illustrate the sequential flow of conscious intelligence. Personal benefits fly off the scale. I glimpsed an astonishing future for humanity within free societies unlike anything the world has reputedly ever witnessed.
3. The conscious process

My research discovered that consciousness is a process authored by free will whose governing rules render all authoritarian rule obsolete, if not criminal. My book Conscious Ascendance describes how we can consciously thrive. Were you taught that our conscious process depends on nutritious values, just as our digestive system depends on healthy foods? Yes or no, now you can learn to succeed beyond anything you’ve thought possible. You can excel in self-mastery, self-governance, intellectual ability, spirituality and sovereignty. Your mental abilities will skyrocket while anxiety and fears vanish. That new mindset is pure joy. Best of all, it has your Creator’s full backing and blessing for a new conscious era. Do that, and you’ll never think back!
4. Ethics, morality and justice in the new conscious era

Individual morality as man’s highest purpose allows the achievement of his happiness. No one can dispute this objectivity in and for life, or its values and facts of nature, without relinquishing their nature. In sum, we have an unstoppable power consented to, validated and endorsed by nature. Because that is intelligible, we must learn how to find happiness on Earth, most especially in the new conscious era. It is for us to choose and achieve our goals, thus bringing success according to our innate power to direct our lives. Life values are our tools of choice indisputably. The more you progress the better and more simple it gets.
See my books ’Conscious Ascendance,’ and ‘Navigate to Freedom.’
5. Spiritual Life values

Spiritual life values are ours by free choice. When our conscious and subconscious minds spiritually align, we experience order, peace and harmony. Conversely, when they are not in agreement, disorder manifests as stress, anguish, or trauma.
Our choice is clear. Nature invites us to discover and live a life filled with joy and happiness, with efficiency and efficacy, all marked by spiritual attainment and love. We can accept or refuse that invitation, remembering that our faculties are governed accordingly. It becomes clear that beautiful, loving, cooperative, and moral secrets exist in our conscious process that we have never learned. Learn the truth and we can profit handsomely.
6. Intrinsic natural law

Intrinsic natural law is little known, although many people would like to live in freedom as their Creator intended. They also sense that political domination and control seriously inhibit that choice today through regulatory imposts, which have markedly increased over the past four years. Many people claim to be awake, but if any past political structure had protected people’s rights and freedoms as it should, the world would not have plummeted towards destruction.
Our conscious process uses twenty intrinsic natural laws. None command us. None rule. They guide and uphold our lives as our Creator's model for free societies. Our task is to learn and implement them, thus protecting our thriving abilities. That’s the key to man’s new conscious age. Discover what history has long hidden…
7. Self-governance in the new conscious era

Self-governance via intrinsic natural law replaces the phrase ‘consent of the governed’ with 'the nature of those governed’ because nature has already implanted moral law intrinsically within us. Self-governance is the hallmark of humanity's new epoch or age. Authoritarian rule plays no part, meaning that everyone’s free will is preserved, which is nature’s consent indisputably. Understanding (intrinsic) natural law enables us to re-appraise society as we know it, cancel what does not work and institute what does. No government remains to authoritatively rule because that violates free choice consistent with ’the nature of those governed.’ When relealised that ‘consent of the governed’ holds everyone in bondage with no relief, and ‘self-governance via one’s nature’ in the new conscios era is the only thing that can free humanity from centuries of human enslavement, you’ll glimpse heaven on earth as never before.
8. Natural law education is vital

Natural Law education is fundamental to humanity’s new era, which deserves worldwide exposure. My book diagrams reveal underlying life values and resultant emotions as the Creator’s gift of an automated mentoring system. This embraces spirituality, ethics, morality, and natural justice. Intrinsic laws uphold our lives, yet none rule or command us, whereby ignorance, injustice, and suffering are irrefutably remedied. This knowledge unquestionably impacts science, psychology, philosophy, and human science, calling for drastic changes to curricula, especially in natural law education. These issues are for you and your children to live in a free and peaceful society, which is becoming more paramount daily. We, our children, and our grandchildren will all benefit.
9. New-age society

A new-age society dawns and it unleashes a fundamental truth. Tyrants have no power to rule you because they voluntarily relinquished the jurisdiction of life into which they (like you) were born. That voids every pronouncement they make. No death premise can rule life.
Life is what you are–your banner. Freedom is secured, not prescribed. State control is only necessary to preserve and protect it—never commmand it.
Are you glimpsing a free society future never spoken of? Today’s task is not to amend the legal system premised on dead legal entities, instead to assert our lives and responsible freedom through self-governance and protect both. The death-based system is left to self-destruct and never return, and good riddance!
10. Protectures in the new conscious era

Protectures ensure that truth and freedom unite to protect the quality of human life within self-governance. As freedom becomes commonplace, health care, trade, education, media, technology, and conscious knowledge will thrive. Leisure activities will escalate. Freedom is the trophy, but respect for the lives of others is the race. Nature’s gift of personally actioned synergistic power has no equal. No society has ever embraced it, yet no one can refute it.
Humanity now has the solution it yearns for, specifically, a new Constitution, a Declaration of Independence, and a Charter of Individual Rights. These Constitutional documents set the stage for 'Protectures' to lawfully replace legal/politico governments.
11. Mentored Intelligence. MI

Artificial intelligence ( AI) advances rapidly yet is thwarted by many inherent problems that advocates seek to overcome. To that end, AI is expected to soon have supreme autonomy and superiority (‘singularity’) to the point that many people now plead STOP!
Is technology the root problem, or is it a deeper, more profound miscomprehension that most people know little about? Given that revelation, could AI morph into a computerised intelligence that inherently defeats present problems by revealing and repudiating the root cause? Could artificial intelligence morph into a Mentored Intelligence (MI) that upholds life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, personal and societal freedom worldwide, and accelerate that learning at blistering speed to the exclusion of all that might stand in its way? What will decide the issue? Technological intelligence, conscious intelligence, or your Creator? Could all three be involved? How?
Emancipated Freedom

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. Build a new model that makes the old obsolete. — Buckminster Fuller
The new era is life’s supremacy and our free will to live divinely as the Creator intended. Glimpse a Declaration of Independence, biometric identification, a new national crest, sovereignty, education, wings of ascendence for ‘architects of the future,’ plus a Protecture society and its revolutionary Constitution. Envision a new flag for Australia and what a free society ensures and protects.
Here’s a glimpse of what this new age may look like in material terms, remembering that its spiritual accomplishments far excel. Blessed divinity is within our chosen grasp.