Spiritual mastery
secret no more
Spiritual mastery is the Creator’s gift to humanity, but no one knows it. It permits personal and societal advancement as never dreamt possible before. Imagine realising everything people have been told about our mind’s power and how to unleash it was disastrously incomplete, perhaps intentionally misleading. How can you or, indeed, humanity ever succeed?
What is Conscious Intelligence
Intelligence refers to a person's ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Application is the key issue, not merely knowledge. But how is that possible when psychology and neuroscience admit they do not know what consciousness is? How is intelligence possible?
- Most people feel stuck or overwhelmed, not from a lack of effort, intelligence, or ambition, but because authoritarian rulers have invested in upholding a (legal) ’system’ intended to force you into operating far below your potential. People are constantly held in a state of mental ignorance concerning their (born) nature and how it functions intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. The ‘system’ conditions (indoctrinates) us to chase ambitions that feel familiar or are in keeping with its goals, using quick-fix self-help techniques that are upheld by the system, never to be challenged. Some may help us in the short term, but they will never unlock the level of consciousness I'm talking about, one that sustains your life, not one that holds you back by offering remedies to invented problems that should never have occurred.
What is the remedy? Spiritual mastery, its practicalitioe revealed by the conscious process beeter described asx conscious intelligence.
That is the truth we're never taught, but that is fast changing. The solution I’m talking about is a person's conscious ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills as the Creator intended you should, not bowing to some societal dictator or government. Fictions, illusions, the (legal) death premise, oppression and human slavery are now becoming history.
We now have the conscious means to overcome all obstacles and tap into an elevated mental state where decisions are effortless, creativity flows endlessly, and life feels joyfully aligned with Source, never a battle. If that is your plan, you’re headed in the right direction. And thats the most exciiting change in world history. Tne supremacy of life and our (non-material) spritual divinity leaves everthing else in its wake, AI included. That's not to say machine ability is useless, but that so-called ‘intelligence’ unable to distinguish garbage (GI-GO) from divine truth is flawed from the outset.
Let’s look further.
Vital distinctions
The brain is a soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity, a person's mental processes contrasted with physical action. As a bodily organ, it is the concern of neuroscience.
The mind is the faculty of consciousness that enables people to be aware of the world, their experiences, thoughts and emotions. As a non-physical reality, it concerns psychology, philosophy and spirituality. The mind consists of the ‘cognitive’ (conscious, free-will) faculty and the subconscious faculty–an automated element below the level of awareness. Their joint ability to (cross) communicate is known as psycho-epistemology.
That sounds too good to be true, but’s not, mainly because science deals with the brain only. It does not recognise the mind or its communicative function. The resultant mental handicap seems intentional, considering governments fund most science. So, let’s forget the mental mechanics (science) of frequencies and vibrations.
My subjects are the conscious process, inter-mind communication, and value-based spirituality. If the reality of our conscious process became known, totalitarian rule would vanish overnight. So, buckle up because what follows about spiritual mastery in the next few minutes will redefine your life experiences and skyrocket your mental and spiritual abilities if you engage with it.
Mind as never revealed
I questioned how governments could be re-purposed around 2012 when faced with authoritarian control of the world’s populations. No form of rule answered my quest, including common law and natural law theory. I Reasoned that divine law must function through consciousness, but I was stopped by no one defining what it is or how it works. So I resolved to solve this puzzle using observational science and deductive reasoning. Research over five years led me to grasp the principles that I published in 2017. Further reinforcements cemented that knowledge, and that lead to 3 new books.
My grasp of the human mind's potential and potency wiped all previous conscious beliefs off the page! This was no passing thought, no conjecture on my part, because every aspect was reinforced by another, some repeatedly. When I sensed limitless potential, I recognised the Divine connection to Source and how our two minds communicate to interface physicality and spirituality.

I saw man’s role in life, patterns, orderliness, surety, heightened focus, the acute role of imagination, and how infants can program their minds without words, math, or science. Then I sensed the importance of spiritual values, how they fuel the entire conscious process and how conscious intelligence leads to spiritual mastery.
I was deeply humbled, yet my excitement flew off the charts. The (discovered) orderly patterns showed a deep connection between thoughts, a sharp ability to focus, intuition, conscience, and emotions, and even physical sensations of relief and relaxation. Realising that most people seek these benefits through meditation, therapy, or many different self-help methods, I saw that our real solution was intrinsic to our nature and available to all for free.

Four key elements stood proud.
1. Clarity of mind. Once the sequential (conscious) process is grasped, mental clarity escalates, and so do cognitive efficiency, efficacy, purposeful thoughts, and positive emotions. All that was tiresome, even dull, vanishes. Clarity of purpose escalates, and all that once seemed mentally overwhelming becomes crystal clear. Fear vanishes and one's spiritual power markedly increases.
2. Life values. About 15-18 virtues or life values guide our subconscious mind. The Creator tasked it with upholding and sustaining our lives automatically. Whether it drives our car while we talk with our passengers or guides a surgeon scalpel in an operation, it relies on spiritual (non-material) values like diligence, courage, truth, respect, integrity and fortitude. But that automation cannot apply to our free will, or we have none. However, if we (cognitively) choose the same values, both minds are on the same page.
Synchronistic spiritual power then emerges, unlike anything we’ve witnessed previously.
3. Life’s purpose. Did you spot it? We are spiritual beings living a spiritual life as co-creators. Physicality is the toolbox we are gifted with to exercise our spirituality, and that realisation changes almost everything.
4. Connection to Source. Once we grasp that our subconscious mind interfaces spirituality and our soul as a co-creator, we see it is connected to the Source. This understanding reinforces feeling more aligned with ourselves and the world, revealing a more profound sense of purpose.

Study this diagram to understand the process further.

Spiritual mastery secrets
What do you see now? It seems no one speaks of our conscious abilities today addresses any of those four matters, yet they are vital. None are taught. Although people talk about unlocking your potential, practising mindfulness, setting better goals or advancing your capabilities using meditation and that may offer some guidance, very few ever explain conscious intelligence. Few, if any, get to the root of the (ignorance) problem, thus upholding its continuation.
Spiritual mastery requires we comprehend that our cognitive mind conducts our conscious process like an orchestra. What it should play and why are vital to your material, emotional, and spiritual success, because your subconscious is tasked to honour your requests, whether they be moral or immmoral, good or evil. You cannot change that, but you can inform it what you want to do. God wrote our conscious hardware and ordained that we use free will to write its software.
To that end, your subconscious mind wants to know what you value. It cannot process your values without you choosing any, just as an empty stomach cannot digest food. Thus denied, the subconscious will apply values from past actions to your present-moment activities because they were your choice.
That’s a big problem. When you have no idea which values from the past it will apply, you’re stuck with the outcome not knowing its value source or how to override it. And that’s where most people are grounded, sadly, meaning fear, uncertainty, disillusionment, anxiety and stress prevail with no remedy.
This trap isn't your fault, necessarily. It results from not being taught how to program life values into your subconscious mind. Instead, you are societally programmed by never-ending distractions that pressure people to conform while bowing to governmental systems designed to keep us in a reactive state.
Change that, and everything changes! That’s the good news.
Breakthrough Discovery
The secret is quite simple, because if you think of our consciousness as a factory process beginning with raw materials and ending with a shiny new product, three things are apparent. First, we must respect the raw material for what it is, or our efforts will be senseless. Second, we must determine the value of the (desired) finished product. Third, we must constantly value-check each process step to ensure our goal is not disrupted or damaged. And that's precisely how our conscious process works.
We’ve nine conscious faculties and each one is a step in the process. In thought terms, the raw material is our ‘perception’ – what we perceive something to be. The shiny new product is what we perceive later, plus a (sentient) (feeling) report concerning the value we’ve created. The result, materially and spiritually, is success or distress, to which we respond accordingly.
Importantly, although never taught, those faculties use values along the production line. I’ve listed some, like diligence, courage, truthfulness, respect, sincerity, and fortitude. They keep everything in order so the process flows smoothly and we achieve the success we want, materially, emotionally and spiritually.
Disaster reigns - but no more
But what happens if we ignore those life values and our subconscious mind defaults to past actions that showed we once prized intolerance, carelessness, apathy, dishonesty, lies, or near-enough-is-good-enough? Pain results in some form. The subconscious mind is viciously stung and writhes in agony because opposing values now challenge it. Do you see the problem? The Creator tasked it to do what you’ve forbidden it. Your two minds are at cross purposes— on different pages. The price you pay is severe emotional distress, made doubly worse by leaving you no remedy. Your entire mental process is an uncontrollable monster.
Who is in charge now? Government? My real breakthrough came when I discovered how 15-18 life values could be programmed into our subconscious mind, precisely as infants do when learning to crawl. You’ve done that, thus you've proven your ability once and for all.
Later, someone decided you should never know how values work becaise you cannot be authoritatively ruled. That means your escape from their evil only requires one straightforward change, yet most people don't know anything about it!
Assert your life and live it to the full.
Here’s what you've been waiting for—the method itself. I call it ‘Spiritual Mastery’ because it allows you to master your spiritual life as a sovereign individual. You've the secret to an invigorating, masterful state of consciousness intrinsically within you but seldom accessed. It’s not about increasing your mental workload. Rather, it’s about reducing it to the simplicity your Creator intended. Consider it as : " The greater the simplicity, the more your power.”
The task is not to shift your brain into a higher state of awareness but to upload your chosen life values to the subconscious mind so they run on autopilot. This dramatically reduces your mental workload and cancels almost all your emotional turmoil, as as a result, your spirit soars!
Guess what?
You can learn how to program your mind again, remembering that it must be easy or infants could never do it. Spiritual Mastery takes only three short steps, each lasting one minute at most.
Imagination is for Spiritual Mastery
Your imagination is key, but this time, there are no make-believe doctors and nurses or cowboys and Indians. This is very serious because images are the vocabulary of the subconscious mind, and you are speaking to your connection to the Source.
Begin by choosing a spiritual (non-material) life value or a material value that supports life. The subconscious mind recognises both because it is tasked with upholding such values. Now, use your imagination constructively and creatively. Use its images to (projectively) teach your subconscious mind what you most value.
Step One: Visualise or imagine preparing to exercise that value in the future. For example, where will you be, what time of day, who will be present, how will you dress, etc—no more than 60 seconds.
Step Two: Imagine exercising that value exactly as you prepared for it. For spiritual values such as ‘respect,“ visualise an event such as a board room or sales meeting where you must respect other people’s ideas and opinions—no more than 60 seconds.
Step three: Imagine the outcome(s) of (repeatedly) realising that value in your life. Picture how that value will support and advance your life. A salary increase, or a new career maybe? Focus on ossible benefits but do not invent a particular outcome. Just imagine broad potentials, with no time frame. Allow 60 seconds maximum.
Please do it as soon as it is practical! Enact that value in real-time, because, if you fail, you will have convinced your subconscious mind that lying and cheating yourself are your most prized values — and it will uphold those non-values without question. (That is how burglars enjoy themselves—but never truly live.)
Take charge of your emotions and your life.
Fifteen values, each three minutes long, mean you can change your lifestyle and mindset in 45 minutes. Yes, I know it took a week to build your value list and a week more to practice them, but you get my drift. Practice them until they become automatic, and change them in the same way if you need to. Your life will improve, and you can change it as you choose. Perfection is not demanded, but your free will intent to pursue life values is. If not. your subconscious will default to values you have long forgotten, those that no longer serve you.
The results of Spiritual Mastery
It will take time to prove Spiritual Mastery to yourself, so start small. Master just one value until you’ve proven the method, just as you did as an infant, and then you know how it is done. After that, your feelings will point straight to your values, allowing you to unravel feelings in seconds. Keep or change your values or actions. It’s that simple.
Like the factory example, you'll also learn that your conscience value-checks your proposed actions before you act. Your emotions value-check the finished product after you have acted. Then, you’ll sense how you’ve been gifted an automated mentoring system you never knew you had. You’ll see how you can use your intuition to ask questions of your Creator, recognising that your gifted (intuit) search engine (like Bing or Google) is priceless. And when you learn that all your subconscious faculties are powered by the same ‘engine of integration’ working singularly and cooperatively at light speed to uphold your life, you’ll never settle for mental ignorance again.
You’ll become a spiritual being as your Creator intended. Your mental clarity will feel as sharp as a superpower, leaving no doubt about why the Creator gifted animals with super-acute (five) senses that we do not have. We do not need superior senses because we’re light years ahead, consciously and spiritually.
Spiritual Mastery is nothing short of remarkable.
Things get more exciting by the minute because fear has gone. You feel more aligned, alive, and connected to the source who made you what you are so you can develop who you are. That means you are a co-creator with the Source, unmistakably!

Benefits from Spiritual Mastery
List your values. Walk your path. You are a creator. Your destiny is your choice. Select it wisely, remembering to treat yourself with kindness, gratitude and love. Your spiritual mastery is at one with universal intelligence. Take ownership of your narrative. You chose it. It’s yours!
What appear as small incremental shifts are massive transformations that manifest faster than expected. You will experience physical relief from tension or anxiety as your two minds harmonise, plus your intuition will expand as discoveries become daily events.
The quick-fix culture that so many depend on will fade into insignificance as life values, not pretences, fuel your acute use of automated Spiritual Mastery authored by your free will. What seems like heightened ‘gut feelings’ is your indisputable spiritual connection to the Source, made available through intuition according to your chosen life values. You'll feel an unshakable sense of calm, gratitude, and a profound assurance of ethics, morality, and justice, all underpinned by the life values (virtues) you chose.
There is no magic. Instead, you have an astounding, almost incomprehensible surety that seems to defy logic, but it doesn’t. It is pure logic arising from your connection to your Creator as a co-creator. That deeply profound connection enables you to navigate challenges with ease, empathy, and understanding and be richly rewarded emotionally and spiritually, whether you are a student, worker, or retiree.
You sought to support life, and that’s what you now have—no sitting silently for hours or avidly following misgivings concerning energy and vibrations. Instead, you have a direct connection to Source and only need to maintain it.
Do you now see why you are blessed with emotions? Every feeling stems from what you’ve chosen to value, cognitively or by default. Every feeling reminds you of your values, and signifies the end of that thought and its action. The process now repeats for your next thought train. Life and spirituality grow with each repeating cycle.
Personal Sovereignty
Self-reliant people are self-focused. They apply Life values such as diligence, discipline, courage, and integrity in pursuit of practical, moral, and spiritual thriving. They master their abilities, minds, ambitions, imagination, values, thoughts, actions, and emotions. They exemplify respect and morality for all others, and every mental and emotional reward signifies success. Skills of personal excellence, mental acuity, and spiritual accomplishment testify advancement and divinity. Joy and happiness are their rewards.
Perfection is not demanded. Instead, an exemplary attitude toward life, a spiritual mindedness resulting in ethical thought, leading to just actions and behaviour, and a will to correct errors. Spiritual mastery is vital because these people set their desires, ambitions, and values on human nature and life, rightfully and lawfully establishing that all challengers must refer any dispute to their Creator. Sovereignty is personal enactment, not collective, closed to others' opinions or votes.

Those who awaken to these realisations will break through opinion and bias and lift the veils of ignorance and complacency as though they never existed.
As fully connected beings, they will experience their divinity as facilitators of humanity’s new age.
From spiritual mastery to societal harmony
Guess what? The conscious process described so far is only half the story! As radical and stupendous as spiritual mastery is, there is a great deal more and it is mightily profound!
For our nine conscious faculties to process our perceptions through an intelligent pathway to completion and emotional rewards, specific governing rules must apply, all centred on our chosen values. For example, our imagined future must be based on past discoveries. Deliberations must be based on truth, not fiction, or we are led astray. Intuition must be founded on our enquiries, desires, proposals, and deliberations; otherwise, it means naught. Conscience cannot arise until we propose an action. Valueless feelings are impossible. All pertinent data must be communicated between our faculties for our consciousness to work materially and/or spiritually.
Guess what? Only twenty intrinsic natural laws govern the process to ensure that our desires and ambitions are faithfully executed, irrespective of our free will choices.
That is stupendous news! In short, the spiritual mastery process is governed precisely to protect and uphold our free will choices!
The source Creator wrote those governing rules into our nature. They are not broken by us choosing disruptive or non-life-supporting values. They are always respected, reinforced by the fact that feelings notify us that we’ve erred from a life-supporting path so that we can correct the destructive value or action.
That is the Creator’s gift by which we master ourselves.
Have you guessed it yet?
“No mind can rule another.” Those twenty intrinsic governing laws are all we need. Implant them in society, and every statute and legislation on earth is shown as redundant!

Human slavery is abolished. No government is required, and no parliament, congress, or senate need exist.
There are no taxes, no theft and no indoctrination. All practitioners wither and die by their choice to jettison the gifts they were born with, but not you. Tyranny and wars disappear as ethics, morality and natural justice surge across the face of the planet. Certified protections ensure that the same twenty laws protect every individual's right to life, free will and right to the fruits of their labour.
‘Protecture’ societies are very different from ruled societies, as described in 2, Navigate to Freedom and 3, Nature’s Providence. Has it registered yet? You’ve just learned how governments have made themselves redundant, by their own choice, in the most straightforward manner, our freedom fully backed and blessed by our Creator. No government re-purposing is needed. Life is the supreme value and needs protection, as you’ve now grasped. That’s all!
Commit to Action.
I challenge you to commit to the Spiritual Mastery method, which I fully explain in my book 1, Conscious Ascendance.
Set your subconscious a simple task, like awakening five minutes before your bedside alarm. You will prove you can do it, like when you learned to walk. Then, set a new value-based target. Do that for just three values. This is not an experiment. It works, as infants prove.
Write your life value list. Engage your imagination and upload those values to your subconscious for autopilot success. Prove to yourself that you have mastered your mind, and nothing will hold you back.
You are now the master of your life and all pretenders are left in your wake. Commit to the Spiritual Mastery method, and your subconscious mind will become your buddy. Results will exceed anything you ever imagined.
God gifted you free will and conscious intelligence for your Spiritual Mastery. Embrace all three, and you will prosper – absent limits!
© Kenneth E. Bartle. 2025