15. Self mastery - Sovereignty

Sovereignty is ill understood and used. Self-mastery of one's consciousness is the key to (living) sovereignty. Use it or lose it.

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law


Self-mastery is attainable, desirable, and exceedingly rewarding. The caveat is that to change oneself requires understanding the substance you wish to change, specifically your mental operating system – your entire conscious process. And that, thankfully, is far easier than those words suggest. 

From the beginning of my research, I sought to discover how consciousness could apply to an infant with no words, math, or science, equally to an elder with a lifetime of experience. Success exceeded my expectations. Nevertheless, no psychologist, psychiatrist, mental health practitioner, or neuroscientist seemingly knows more than “consciousness means awareness.” They claim our six higher faculties of the mind are intuition, imagination, perception, reason, will, and memory. Their abilities are said to set humanity apart from other animals, on the top of the creation chain, and reportedly, per the Bible, we are the (made) image of and likeness of the one who created us. 

The problem, I found, was that mental scientists treat those faculties like balloons adrift in the air at a carnival. (Science is not subjective.) I wanted a solution, not a roadblock. I wanted to understand how those faculties function in unison and comprehend their substance and connection or interface with other faculties so I could fathom their wholesome communion, cooperation, process, and completion. 

I knew that countless people speak of raising our frequencies of vibrations, but none made sense because they don’t explain what consciousness is or how it works. That made no sense either. Eventually, my inquiries found nine higher faculties, fifty percent more than science recognises. I discovered that the conscious process, its sequence, orderliness, governing laws, and mental fuel are equivalent to nutritious food and a healthy body, and that made perfect sense to me. I found the beginning of the process, its checkpoints, and warning signals, plus green and red lights that signaled success or failure on completion.

Then I equated that string of events to a factory process: raw materials (reality) at one end, process, checkpoints, manufacture, and quality control, and ultimately, a shiny new product (different reality) having considerably more incredible value than I’d begun with. From that mental picture, I juggled my nine higher mental faculties until I saw that my (input) energy (fuel) would mastermind the whole mental process.

The result floored me. Not only had I found an infant bypass, especially for early learning, but I also found out our emotions are equal to red, orange, and green lights and that conscience is like quality control in a factory. I realised I had mastered myself and saw how others could do the same! Tears of compassion for humanity streamed for weeks. 

I learned more as time passed, so I published my findings in books that are now globally available. 

Altogether, that is great news because people now have an opportunity to learn (simplified) life-sustaining philosophy at primary school levels. And that prevents conscious nescience from ever developing. The same philosophical principles (later) delivered through college or universities spill over into all career choices and vocations, including jurisprudence (philosophy of law).

In short– nothing better exists for life than to govern ourselves according to the nature of what we are - not who we are.

One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself. —Leonardo da Vinci


Sovereignty means personal accomplishment, not political supremacy. Sovereign people apply life values such as diligence, discipline, respect, and integrity in pursuit of practical, moral, and spiritual thriving. Very simply, sovereignty is an ethical mind engaging in moral actions. Skills of personal excellence, spiritual accomplishment, and emotional rewards testify to those people’s advancement – joy and happiness blossom. 

Life does not require perfection; instead, it invokes an exemplary attitude towards a spiritual mindedness resulting in ethical thought, just actions, and behaviour, including a decisive willingness to correct errors. Unless that process is engaged and upheld, no sovereignty will emerge. 

Sovereignty is not automatic, so it cannot exist by default. Others cannot grant it since until it self-generates, it does not exist. 

People who awaken as fully connected beings and embrace these discoveries will leave ignorance and complacency behind them as though they never existed. As sovereign facilitators of a new age, these people will experience a vital energy of spirit unlike anything previously thought possible. This knowledge strengthens our connection with the Source of All Creation. The creator has your back all the way.

Those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them.—Steven Pressfield

Perhaps now you see the senselessness of pinning the word ‘sovereign’ on a collective mass of people such as a culture, race, society, or country. Representatives of such groups may indeed be sovereign people, but their practice is singular and individual, not communal. Society has no (collective) conscious means to practice those qualities. No collective consciousness exists, which means that only independent beings can practice self-mastery in a sovereign fashion. The word sovereignty has more recently also come to mean independence or autonomy, its rightful domain, but not its qualification. 

Sovereignty in society

This platform of personal benefit through sovereignty ushers in a new sociological and political foundation, more ethical and moral than any employed in the past. Peace-loving, organic societies are not only possible, the likes of which the world has never witnessed, and nature prompts their institution. Free societies will ensure that the Creator’s gifts gifted for self-mastery and individual sovereignty are always protected because they are so precious.!

Twenty natural laws offer unprecedented opportunities to forge unity and freedom for humanity. Authors, teachers, videographers, lecturers, librarians, and other disciplines may now embark on the most fascinating journey in human history: no more illusions and denial.

Sovereign people rely upon their integrity, values, honesty, truth, and respect for others. Effort is required, not perfection. Sovereign individuals do not seek to revise positive law, return to the Constitution, or institute the common law because they perfectly comprehend that (gifted) ’intrinsic natural law’ suffices in all respects. All else is irrelevant. ‘Unalienable rights,’ freedoms, living identity, and ‘natural justice’ must be protected. All people in the established free society must rightfully and lawfully point out that any challengers should refer their dispute to the Creator.