7 Self-governance in the new conscious era
Self-governance relies on natural laws, which, unknown in the past, have made self-mastery nigh impossible. Guess who steps in? The government relies on the catchphrase ‘consent of the governed,’ not because you consented but because people are forcibly denied every means to refuse.
Our nature and self governance
Intrinsic natural law delivers an unprecedented alternative. It replaces the phrase ‘consent of the governed’ with ‘the nature of those governed’ precisely because nature has already implanted natural law within Man that intrinsically implores our morality.
Self-governance is our rich blessing, but we must demonstrate its existence in practice. That lawful switchover is powerful beyond measure. Nature’s consent is indisputable and thereby preserved. That means, most importantly, that no government can authoritatively rule because that would violate free choice inherent within ’the nature of those governed.’
Self-governance is not significantly different from ‘constitutional law’ that upholds ‘unalienable rights.’ But upholding our rights is not governing them. Don't even think about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR. (Article 29 (3) cancels them all.)
Intrinsic natural law gives voracious teeth to constitutional law provided it preserves and protects individual self-governance. Lawful progress of this kind is unheard of!
When you grasp that ‘consent of the governed’ holds you in bondage with no relief and that ‘self-governance via one’s nature’ is the only thing that can free you from centuries of human enslavement, you’ll glimpse heaven on earth as never before.
Benefits excel
Nature’s Source Creator has invited you to live to the fullest extent, filled with joyfully beautiful possibilities about which people are taught nothing. No one teaches that feelings and emotions are nature’s gift of an automated mentoring tool. No school classes teach how your consciousness works; thus, you are denied your nature's incredible, bountiful, dynamic power. To that end, Natural law is constructive, supportive, gracious, purposeful, loving, and spiritually uplifting. In this realm, authority, rule and initiated force are exiled!
Understanding intrinsic natural law enables us to reappraise society as we know it, cancel what does not work, and institute what does. Consider that, by nature, we are each the living model of a cooperative, symbiotic society of fifty trillion individuals. Nothing further is needed except to understand and employ those spiritual principles.
That means all authoritative rule is stopped dead in its tracks. Perpetrators automatically confess agreement to suffer all just consequences, hence (government-initiated) force, fraud, or coercion is cancelled before it begins.
We should also note that the right to bear arms and defend against foreign and domestic enemies is intrinsic to our nature. To forbid either or both is unlawful.
All that remains is to assert that one lives, thereby showing that all denial is nullified by denying life itself. All who claim that society must exist on the (legal fiction) premise of death confess they’ve no entitlement to any public office.
Self-governance facilitates free societies.
The Creator’s alternative to authoritative rule is your participation in self-governance. It is constructive, supportive, gracious, purposeful, loving, and spiritually uplifting as shown by the conscious process.

When authoritative rule, and initiated force are cancelled, tables turn unmistakably. When transgressors' behaviour self-confess their need for remediation, free people only need self-mastered morality, never commandments. It follows that education concerning morality, law, and justice is overdue serious revision.
Self-governing people in symbiotic societies come together as equals for a mutually uncoerced benefit, or they go separately and individually as they came. Freedom pertains only to single persons. The word freedom does not apply to society or any public realm. Liberty is the (proper) collective term applicable to a community.
Self-governing people will implement a lawful protective instrumentality to uphold their unalienable and inalienable rights to protect you and them from all forms of initiated aggression, such as fraud, blackmail, rape and murder. Remember–
Unless all men who are created equal unequivocally protect their unalienable right to life and their inalienable right to the fruits of their labours against all violation, cancellation or usurpation, they will have neither rights nor freedom.
Humanity is not impelled to any particular social order but will naturally gravitate to the organic sociability that friendly, lively, and convivial associations characterise. These attitudes imply and impart equal standing, mutual respect, cooperation, and collaboration in all societal or business interactions, made possible by their (individual) nature, ethical thoughts, moral actions, and separation.
The founding premise is that Man is (socially) spiritual, not animal or fundamentally materialistic.
Picture an organic, free society as you’ve never considered before. Symbiosis means interaction between two organisms living in close, physical association, typically to the advantage of both. Hence, ‘society-as-symbiosis,’ or ‘symbiotic society,’ describes a convivial society of independent flesh and blood human beings living in close, physical association wherein respectful and responsible interaction typically and mutually advantages all respective participants.
Such society springs from the (free) independence of its constituents and their self-governance, each according to their free will, where all respect the mutual rights of others as intrinsic natural law exhorts. No ruling body exists to bow to.
Self-governing societies
An organic, symbiotic society is composed of free, independent people who live according to their choices among their likes. In their mutual dealings and interactions, they respect the natural law of the human world. Its convivial order is that of adults living as responsible and caring people.
- Individuals can lawfully pursue their goals independently, in the company of, or in collaboration with others. Business contracts (preferably covenants) are personally and responsibly warranted. Legal loopholes such as office, title, position, company, or corporation are nonexistent.
- Symbiotic order has no organisational or statutory purpose. It has no leader, director, or governor, nor owners.
- Nothing in an organic society establishes rulers or the ruled. No individual or group owns or rules it, is responsible for it, or is answerable. No common goal exists, and no central authority controls or directs the activities of the people in it.
- No authority exercises direction, rule, or control, meaning no government may exist because such defeats its moral and spiritual purpose.
- Relationships of direction and influence may exist in the convivial order, e.g., from elders and those of great wisdom. Still, there are no positions of power to exert influence or command.
- Participants abide by the natural laws of orderliness. Natural law ethics differ from judgements of justice (morality).
- Outlaws are those who choose to step outside natural law; their trespass actions are their agreement to suffer all (just) consequences arising.
- The arrest of violence and service of natural justice, remediation, and recompense accords with natural law.
- All problems are resolved through diplomatic negotiations, appointing a judge or arbitrator, always remembering that no one seeking resolution can become the subject of the negotiator or any judicial agent.
Intrinsic Natural Law for free societies
Are you beginning to see the self-governing alternative to authoritarian rule over our lives? The alternative to society as a company, in the form of government, is society-as-symbiosis.
Picture an organic, free society as you’ve never considered before, one in which we are indubitably blessed. Here is a glimse, albeit without formal protection. Regardless, the Creator has modelled a free, peace-loving society for every man, woman, and child while preserving each individual's individuality.
Nothing prevents us from translating the intrinsic laws of our beings into natural laws for human society. We are living proof they truly function, their moral veracity and connectedness.
Evidence that they uphold and sustain life is incontrovertible. And we know without doubt that our free will, our freedom, is always protected.
Let’s now view these natural laws in societal rather than personal terms.
What can we expect from a convivial society?
We do not need to wait any longer for deliverance from authoritarianism. Your freedom, respect for others, and responsibilities are yours alone. Your life belongs only to you, and your joy in this world is to live it! Protection from aggression is our right to life.
As later discussed, a ‘Protecture’ society has only two functions: to uphold individual rights and to protect the people. Its only entry point is the personal rights of the people. Should it fail its task, people have the right to abolish it and begin over. It protects the population as individuals, not vice versa, as governments purportedly do today.
Because Man is the only living species that can share and expand his knowledge from one generation to the next, one’s growth of knowledge is more than any individual could begin to acquire in their lifespan. Every man and woman on earth stands to benefit incalculably from the knowledge others discover.
Actions indicate, delimit, and define what kind of Men can be valuable to one another. Every self-governing man and woman can cultivate beneficial or detrimental outcomes from their actions, and all are free to learn of the consequences beforehand.
Rewarding and life-sustaining facilitations are not automatic. Life must be diligently sought and worked at, and people must respect the truthfulness, authenticity, and safe efficiency of their faculties with the power to choose their behaviour virtuously.
Knowledge and free trade in an independently based, rational, productive, and free society will positively benefit all. Those of lesser ability will profit as often they are the greatest beneficiaries of freedom and unfettered production. Cooperation allows all who participate to achieve more excellent knowledge, skill, and productivity return on their effort than they could make alone.
Authoritarian rule is rendered obsolete
No government can exist in an organic, convivial society because fraud, theft, hindrance, arrogance or bloody-minded criminality offer no benefits; all such harm is subject to arrest.
In the old regime, parasitism grew in advance because governments thrived on regulation, not production. Bankers, war profiteers, and drug dealers are parasites, equally as thieves, slackers and second-handers who contribute nothing. They utterly rely on your production and mine and will fight like cornered rats to enslave us.
Beneficial labour division is not possible without voluntary exchange. Without private property rights, all is expropriated by (authoritative) regulatory conformity.
Before 1913, Americans kept 100% of their paychecks, but still, there were roads, schools, colleges, and fire departments.
With self-governance, peace-loving individuals focus on what each can do, not what others should do. Division of labour makes for more choices. Those who have tasted asparagus or green beans bought from their labour also have access to tuna, theatre, transport, orchestral music, the right to travel, and non-homogenised milk.
Do you now doubt whether intrinsic natural laws and self-governance are plain common sense backed by the Source Creator?
I’ve bridged the gap between what does not work and what will so that you think of society from a radically different perspective. Yet, in those descriptions, I’ve barely scratched the surface.
Now that you've glimpsed the new conscious era for humanity and the undreamt benefits it foretells, it is past time to implement it.
© Kenneth E. Bartle 2025