22. Protecting Protections

Protecting our lawful protections is easy, but why, if these truths are self-evident?

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Societal Freedom trio

Protecting our Protections is not a formidable task. The American Declaration of Independence is the most definitive exposé of Man’s individual rights ever written. Its protections of Man’s life, as an individual and not a social animal, are clear, unequivocal, and unambiguous, so why is it not upheld as today’s definitive standard? Having made such progress, what error or omission allows usurpation of our right to life, thus to be overruled, rejected, reviled, repressed, stripped from existence, and denied practical utility? There seems to be only one answer. Nothing on the political horizon of 1776 suggested any necessity to safeguard the essence and nature of those protections for eternity. All was self-evident—was it not? People worldwide should have fully protected their declared right to claim that right! After all, ‘the laws of nature and nature’s God’ pertain to our living being, necessitating that we safeguard our rights from all usurpation or cancellation.

Jefferson wrote that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.” Still, that clause allows the horse to bolt before the gate closes. More is needed to preserve our right to life forever and protect our unalienable right to life. For example–

To secure the certain unalienable right to life, unless all men created equal, unequivocally ensure their right to life, and their unalienable right so to do against all cancellation, violation, or usurpation, they will have neither.

Our nation is doomed unless we rid ourselves of pseudo-governments that rule by force and institute a Protecture to prevent their reoccurrence.

Protection is gifted

The sovereign Right to Life of all Sentient Living Beings is non-revocable and non-negotiable, within the equal rights of all other Sentient Living Beings, but not fictional legal entities. Our right to seek life-sustaining goals or outcomes through our actions categorically forbids all trespass of those rights. No debate is possible to any man or woman without them relinquishing their rights, whence all discussion cancels. Those (usually government) people may claim they have the legal right to trespass on one’s right to life in some form. However, living men and women enact those (invented) legalities, not fictional (legal) entities. (See the Nuremberg decisions.)

  • No one can rightfully live without the individual right to act so to live. Whosoever preaches or decrees otherwise holds death as their premise.
  • No claim of right may negate or usurp the unalienable rights of any other living human being.
  • No trespass of any other living being’s right to life is permissible under intrinsic natural law.
  • Our right to act, so to live, fully accepts the reciprocal right of all others, equally so to do. 
  • Our rights are guaranteed when our actions preserve other people’s right to life.
  • When our actions violate others’ rights, we forfeit our own. Trespassing on another’s rights self-cancels our (individual) rights, respective of that particular action.
  • Our body, thoughts, emotions, and actions are our life and responsibility, reciprocally valid for all others equally.’
  • No collective rights are possible without trespassing one or more individuals’ rights to life.
  • Individual rights guarantee one’s freedom to think and act. They impose no obligations on one’s neighbours except to abstain from violating their rights.

Failure to protect our freedom from the state weakens or destroys the freedom of others. Safeguarding others’ freedom assures our own.

Our right to self-defence is innate.

Our biology rids all enemies - foreign and domestic

  • ‘Domestic enemies’ refers to diseased cells.
  • Foreign enemies are ingested or injected with toxic substances.

Our conscious process does the same–

  • ‘Domestic enemies’ — refers to destructive values we might assimilate. 
  • Foreign enemies — means protection from all interference (coercion, propaganda, falsehoods) with our chosen Life Values.

Your right to bear arms is intrinsic– your creator unequivocally approved your right to self-defence!

‘A natural right in the strict sense is that which is naturally under a person’s control, his body with its faculties of movement, feeling, thought, and speech. By extension, a natural right is what a person brings under his control without violating any other person’s natural rights.‘ Frank Van Dun.

Right to bear arms

The same applies to your right to bear arms, concluding the matter. Not only does our nature urge that we protect ourselves against all enemies, but our nature obligates us the right to keep and bear arms. Freedom imparts that we seize, respect, enact, and protect it. Fail any of those four things, and we’ve lost it.


So, how do the people protect their protections?

  1. They declare independence from all forms of authoritarian rule.
  2. They write and implement a ‘Protecture’ Consitution inclusive of a Charter of Individual Rights (not human rights), as revealed by the Creator’s gift of the twenty governing laws of our nature. (Such clauses explicitly state that our rights are gifted by our Creator, not invented by man.)
  3. Then, the Constitutional authors explicitly state that no ‘Protecture’ can remove, usurp, trespass, or violate those rights; such action instantly dismisses the Protecture, thus returning all rights to the people.
  4. Constitution authors back that clause by specifying that no one can amend such clauses because no one can amend nature.
  5. Constitution authors back all of that by stating that all the preceding has our Creator’s full consent and that any dispute must be addressed to nature’s source creator since no law-court of man can override the supremacy of life. 

Those who choose to countermand, trespass, or violate the intrinsic governing laws of nature or nature’s God automatically relinquish their right to choose, thereby accepting full accountability for remediation restitution or recompense as Natural Justice may deem appropriate. Alternate choices are always available, mitigating circumstances accepted.

Actioned trespass of natural law involves the trespasser’s admission of the violation, acceptance of enforced cessation, and obligatory consent to remediate harm and endure restoration respectful of that transgression. In other words, criminal action forfeits freedom, whereby the victim remedially acquires rightful justice, without which no rights and freedoms can exist.

Constitution Authors must address and satisfy those two vitally essential distinctions. Natural justice rests entirely on their complete and unambiguous resolution.

In principle, people protect themselves through Nature and the Protecture. Nature’s source creator gifts all of it. Our task is to learn, practice, uphold, and teach it, ever thankful we are blessed to do so.