21a. Protected Society

Where life reigns supreme, and the people institute protection of their rights and freedom to govern themselves

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

ius natural Master

What is a protected society? It is one in which life reigns supreme, and the people institute protection of their rights and freedom to govern themselves.‘Nature’s Providence,’ published January 2024, describes that consciousness reveals twenty natural laws and an objective philosophy for thriving in life. It wraps all three into a powerful parcel for personal use and benefit.

Many people find the subject of (mainstream) philosophy worthless, tedious, tiresome, or irrelevant, mostly with good reason. Objective philosophy is quite the opposite: clear, engaging, vital, encouraging, inviting, even exciting. (Readers of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand will know what I am speaking of.)

‘Life’ cannot be transferred because it is not detachable from what it is. Do you get it? Bodily constituents are our ‘property,’ rightfully under our control. But because ‘life’ is what we are, it cannot simultaneously be a separate entity we own. Life is not an associative attachment, extension, product, or separately distinguished ‘property’ of our being. It is our being. The instant we concede that life can be ‘owned,’ even by ourselves, we confess that life is a property available to all who might take, steal, sell, enslave, or trade it.

Are you getting a glimpse into what “consent of the governed” means? It’s not your vote on polling day that the government wants. It’s your life! Are you getting a glimpse of what biometric identification delivers? No government can have your life!

You cannot refuse or deny your life without using it. Thus, life is the conditional foundation stone on which an objective philosophy rests. Life lives. That is its identity. It is what it is. Or, as Rand stated, A is A. Life ownership cannot exist separately. Property ownership can and does. You own your torso, limbs, organs, and mind. But life is life. It is what you are.

I submit that those descriptions and reasons are the most proper and lawful descriptions of individual rights. None belong to inert fictional legal entities because a dead fiction cannot take any action. A Protective society must protect all your (individual) rights to life and property.

Does that explain why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) document states that’ human rights’ are to be ruled by the United Nations (Article 29.3) – in contravention of its (Article 1) statement that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”?

Do you notice how that document begins with the word ‘free’ (individual) in Article One, then swaps it for the phrase ‘liberty’ (collective) in Article twenty-nine, and trusts that no one will notice the profound difference between freedom versus slavery, notwithstanding some permissions thrown in for comfort’s sake?

  • Do you now see why states rule that ‘equitable title’ be separate from the ‘legal title’? 
  • Perhaps you now see how millions claim “my life is my property,” never understanding they just signalled it as a marketplace commodity up for grabs. 
  • Maybe you grasp how unalienable rights uphold your right to life, which makes ‘life ownership’ irrelevant.
  • Mutilation of body parts or organs violates one’s life. That, of course, leads to Gender dysphoria, specifically distress experienced by some people whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth don’t match. Notably, both the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) recognise Gender dysphoria as a psychological diagnosis.

Are you glimpsing how your life’s concealed (property) theft is a very covert form of mind control? 

Does that help explain why the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC has the word INALIENABLE engraved in twelve-inch high letters, despite Jefferson using the word ‘Unalienable’? We are mind-controlled physically and mentally.

People are wakening to such matters but cannot let go of the mindset that government rule is inescapable. They do not recognise that upholding our right to life and, by analogy, the vital need to protect our right to life are distinctly separate issues.

That fact was not self-evident in 1776, but now, in retrospect, we can learn the lesson, specifically that protections must themselves be protected. Jefferson offered that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.” Sadly, that remedy allows the horse to bolt before the gate closes.

In retrospect, Americans should have fully protected their declared right to claim their right to life! If America’s revered ‘Declaration of Independence’ is ever to be retrieved, an additional clause must specifically protect the right to life. For example–

“To secure the certain, unalienable right to life, unless all men created equal, unequivocally and irrevocably ensure their right to life, and their unalienable right so to do against all cancellation, violation, or usurpation, they will have neither.”

We can ensure our right to life only by endorsing other people’s right to their lives. Freedom, respect, and individual rights are inseparable. The evidence is incontrovertible, as witnessed by full consciousness. Neither of our two minds can violate the process of the other, whereby each respects the other. Nature obliges that we respect our own lives and the lives of all others.

Let’s not ‘beat about the bush,’ as the saying goes. The conscious process reveals specific governing laws that uphold and support mindful functioning. None rule. None order. All are advisory in that they explicitly direct the conscious process so that it properly fulfils our desires so that we live according to what we most value. Because these laws govern the consequences of our actions, our free will is fully protected.

The jurisdiction of life

So, how do we resist? How do we reclaim ourselves? We do not! Why not? Because to plead deliverance from evil is to admit its criminal authenticity. It is not valid now, and it never was. Evil holds no power but what we grant it. So stop! Tyrants have no legitimacy precisely because they had to abandon their born Nature to command yours authoritatively!

  • They walked out on life – voluntarily. You didn’t.
  • You’ve not spat in the face of your creation. They have.
  • They voluntarily relinquished their born Nature; you didn’t.

Call them out, and they must defend their (supposed) right to disagree with your position. They cannot because the more they support the insanity of invented ‘straw men,’ ‘citizens, and ‘legal persons,’ the more they express their total cluelessness of life itself – which confirms their utter incompetence to hold any public office!

Consider the evidence offered by life. Neither our heart nor lungs can trespass the other nor our two minds. Free will cannot interfere with the subconscious function protecting our minds. Likewise, the ‘natural law of No Trespass’ protects society, which reciprocally protects our individual life choices. Nature protects its defence capabilities.

We do not need to exit the government’s legal jurisdiction. Criminals confess crimes by their harmful actions, whereby they convict themselves. That is how natural justice works. And that means no indemnity can apply to a legal’ office.’ The individual man or woman who (from that office) actioned any trespass or crime against society is fully responsible, mitigating circumstances accepted. Although a legally instituted office dictates legally necessitated actions, each action is the product of a single living man or woman’s choice to act criminally. No legal protection or indemnity is possible, therefore. (See The Nuremberg Trials for evidence.)

To protect other people’s rights is to guarantee one’s own. Jurisprudence instructs that any trespass of another’s rights automatically relinquishes one’s right to life, manifestly being one’s agreement to remediate all (victim) harm or loss, respectively, in that measure. Criminals confess crimes by their actions, whereby they convict themselves.

That is how natural justice works - the foundation for a protected society.