A New Conscious Age for Humanity
A New Conscious Age for Humanity dawns. It holds the universal secret to free societies. Conscious ability does not mean everyone has to be a genius. Infants can program their subconscious minds without words, math or science. You’ve done that, notwithstanding, today’s world is almost a dictatorship. Few people ask what caused it, and most vote for its continuance. Nearly everyone wants political and societal change, but authoritarian rule that has failed man for centuries is all they know. Does their subjugation, amounting to an international crime against humanity, result from lies, propaganda, indoctrination, endless legislations, financial thuggery and initiated force over centuries? If so, what is the root of that injustice, and can it be corrected?
Today’s global problem
The root cause of today’s global problem is ignorance of the human conscious process and its governing laws. Academia freely admits it cannot explain consciousness or how it works. Is that due to apathy, or is it deliberate?
“It is impossible to specify what consciousness is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it.” — Stuart Sutherland, British psychologist.
The result is a twofold tragedy of inestimable proportions. People are mentally deprived and perceive no remedy even should they experience anxiety, stress, emotional or social traumas. Conscious ignorance is an emptiness filled with inventions, hypotheses, presumptions, erroneous theories, cognitive dissonance, beliefs and propaganda, permeating people’s minds and preventing them from knowing that mental deprivation exists. Thus, no remedy is ever sought.
Worse, this dilemma conceals intrinsic natural laws governing the mental process, which flatly prevents us from adopting them into society. People know nothing of their God-given remedy to the world’s problems that should have been Man’s proper course from day one.
Do you accept that authoritarian domination and control, or are you willing to discover your true nature as a living man or woman–— a New Conscious Age?
Would you welcome your Creator’s gifts to change society so that you and your offspring can prosper and thrive in ways never considered possible?
Some readers may find the following information confronting. Reader discretion is advised. This paper is for those who ask questions, seek truth, and are willing to act on it.
Humanity is hogtied
Tech giants and investors pour billions into AI research to accelerate its rapid development. Why, when sceptics say that AI alone cannot solve the complex socio-economic issues plaguing humanity? My question is a trap. The root question is not how human consciousness might merge with machines but how our conscious process interfaces with divinity.
That begs us to enquire into the very nature of what it means to be human, raising ethical, philosophical, and spiritual questions far beyond technology. As my books describe, such questions range from the ‘law of identity’ to that of ‘natural justice.’ Ethics, morality, and spirituality are fundamental, and their implications include improving equality, biological and mental health, and the well-being of people worldwide.
Knowledge of our human conscious process makes artificial intelligence (AI) look trivial in comparison, even inept. AI will never suffice while it remains founded on the rhetoric of the old paradigm and past eras. The best it can do is regurgitate factual or false data in a modern vocabulary using the same truths or misgivings that created it. Who will discover the difference?
Can conscious intelligence suffice? Yes, because it is founded on the truth of our human nature, gifted and backed by the source Creator. Nothing surpasses!
The task is not to harmoniously integrate man with machines but to unite each man and woman with their spiritual essence, divinity, and the divine source of all power.
Conscious intelligence
Unlike anything the world has witnessed, I speak of a New Era concering conscious intelligence. Once people firmly grasp that the conscious process jointly interfaces physicality and spirituality, divorcing of one from the other effectively leaves us floundering in conscious ignorance. Our mission is not a question of AI capability, even respecting our values and interests, compassion, and empathy. Instead, it is learning and knowing that no substitute will surpass conscious intelligence because the (supreme) Source of our lives powers it.
The New Conscious Age concerns precisely that. All else is incidental. We are all born with this spiritual ‘catalyst for change’ but even after millennia, we are kept in the dark about its capabilities and limitations.
Education is essential for fostering a deeper understanding of its capabilities and limitations. That will empower individuals to make informed decisions and show how integrated personal benefits can explode into free societies and communities.
The conscious process
One of the biggest threats to our freedom as humanity is not a virus or the vaccine but a congenital disease affecting a large percentage of the global population. It is called Cognitive Dissonance.
This disease turns people into the prison guards of their own prisons of the mind. They are blind and deaf to anything that contradicts the narrative of the propaganda they digest daily from mainstream media. Obediently marching to the beat of the drum of the global elite's instructions. Marching towards their demise, believing fully that they are doing the right thing. —Michael Tellinger
Either we respect nature and our ability to govern ourselves or disrespect ourselves. Do you see the simple truth? We are self-governing individuals intrinsically, as nature and nature’s God determined. And that’s it! The conscious process teaches us life values, how to embed them in our subconscious, and how to benefit from the (feeling) reports we receive, thus guiding our spiritual journey in the New Conscious Age.
Spiritual Beings
That explains we are spiritual beings living spiritually in a material realm. Physicality is the Creator’s toolbox for exercising our spirituality, which explains what should be written in the Bible Book of Genesis.
’Let men and women have free will to uphold their life as they choose. Let them have a conscious mind that communicates with a subconscious mind so they may choose their values and receive reports through feelings and emotions, whereby they can alter their behaviour or change their values to advance intellectually, emotionally, morally and spiritually.
It’s high time we learned the truth. Conscious intelligence is easily practised by understanding how the conscious process functions. The Bible tells us—
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” Romans 12:2
Spirituality is vital
Spiritual or (non-material) values uphold our lives according to our choices. I refer to them as life values. Just as food is toxic or nutritional, our (chosen) life values are equally supportive or destructive of life.
Our emotions or feelings then endorse or admonish how successfully our actions have realised our values and desires. Our choices represent our ethics, while our actions testify to our morality; hence, most people govern themselves ordinarily. Thus, success or distress results from our free will, not when commanded otherwise.
Life and nature cannot be ruled.
The conscious process informs us that within the intrinsic rules or laws of Nature and Nature’s God, ‘no mind can rule another’; hence, no man can rule another. Why have we not been taught this fact of life—the Law of No Trespass?
Why have our authoritarian leaders or rulers ignored it or forbidden our knowing? Are they scared our knowledge would smash their tyrannical rule over the people? Would humanity’s knowing disallowed monarchs, emperors, judges, governments, and (eventually) corporations to rule men and women as though enslaved?
Such questions are crucial, as made vividly clear by a French Philosopher in the mid-1700s —
“While freedom is a fact of nature, people should be taught to consider that it is dangerous, whereby they ought to sacrifice their individual nature to the artificial condition of citizenship. Furthermore, natural persons should become artificial persons, that is, citizens —wittingly or unwittingly—willingly, or by legal compulsion.” —Jean Jacques Rousseau.
Humanity has never learned the first seven words but has swallowed the remainder, hook, line and sinker. And that (life-denying) premise upholds every tyranny on earth. Does it occur to you that (birth certificated) fraudulent legal entities and a legal system premised on death were not created for your benefit but to command your life to benefit many tyrants' lifestyles?
Were our so-called leaders forced to commit this fraudulent travesty? No. They, too, were born with free will, as Rousseau confessed by stating that “freedom is a fact of nature.” So why are you denied this knowledge today? Have you been conned, and billions of people before you? Is that crime against humanity what you want to continue for your children?
Many people claim that the sovereign will of government is absolute. But is it?
"As nature gives every man absolute control over all his members, so the social contract gives to the body politic an absolute power over all its members.” —Jean Jacques Rousseau.
That is the blatant truth of tyranny. Rousseau’s advocacy of authoritarian rule gives the government unlimited control over the people’s general welfare and the indisputable right to judge what that is, thereby denying the people’s rights gifted by nature.
People are then bonded by the (birth certificated) contract permanently fixed in the legal ‘body politic’ known as ‘citizenship.’ Thus, all individuals must surrender as the State requires, without appeal, under the (mis-presented) premise that “no one is above the law,” meaning their invented legislations.
Many see their escape from tyranny as withdrawing from the ‘legal’ to the ‘lawful’ by serving authorities an affidavit document. But why? Those tyrants relinquished life’s jurisdiction, not you. They've already departed your realm of life. Moreover, addressing their ‘legal’ jurisdiction means you automatically consent to its (purported) validity, instantly cancelling your claim, and they know it.
Are you beginning to recognise that tyrants have no power to rule you? None! They voluntarily chose to relinquish the jurisdiction of life into which they (like you) were born. And that voids every (legal) pronouncement they make! No death premise can rule life. They relinquished life. Their denial of it voids all their proclamations, per their choice!
Life is the arbitrator – not Society.
You are the facts of life. Life is your indelible proof. Assert it. Intrinsic Natural law is your key to the New Conscious Age.
“Everything that identifies the (living) you is the possession of the Divine Creator placed into the safe keeping of you, your inheritance and rights without obligation, without ownership interest actual or implied otherwise belonging; every trespass forbidden by the intrinsic governing laws of Nature’s Source Creator.”
That ‘lawfully’ written text emphatically directs all dissent to the Creator, not a law court. No (invented) fictional entity can refuse it because they have no (life) means to do so!
Furthermore, no living man or woman can deny life without automatically cancelling their denial! That spells the end of authoritarian rule!
That’s what all courts and tyrants need to learn urgently. Today’s task is to assert our lives and responsible freedom through self-governance and protect both, thus allowing the tyrannical death-based system to collapse through obsolescence, never to return.
Aristotle came closer to the truth than any other ‘life’ advocate.
“What makes it true that something is good is not that it stands in some relation to desire, but instead that it is somehow perfective or completing of a being. And, what is perfective or complete of a being depends on that being's nature. So, for example, what is good for an oak tree is completing or perfecting it, which depends on what an oak is by nature.”
Your ‘human nature’ is that of life expressing itself, authored by your free will. So what is complete or perfecting of you, including your intrinsic governing laws, is perfecting your life. No alternative is possible without first rejecting your nature, which is precisely what authoritarian tyrants have willingly done unto themselves without force or coercion.
A new epoch
My (Amazon) books 1. Conscious Ascendance, 2. Navigate to Freedom, 3. Nature’s Providence. describe how spiritual (not religious) values drive our mental operating system using twenty intrinsic natural laws. None command us, and none rule. As the Creator's model for free societies, they guide, uphold and protect our lives in the New Conscious Age.
We are gifted with those mental faculties when we are born but have been denied that knowledge for aeons. Our task is to learn it and thrive, implement its laws and thus protect our lives. No one can lawfully deny them without disputing their nature, rendering their protest fraudulent. Science and psychologists have not recognised that truth as yet. However, that knowledge is imperative!
The emerging New Conscious Age is NOT driven by the will of those who've awakened to lies. It is built by those who have tapped into their life force and comprehended its vitality and power to exercise it spiritually in their daily endeavours. The mainstream media and governments won't ever mention it. They fear it because their domination and control of humanity vanishes in a flash.
Education is sorely needed
Education is essential for fostering a deeper understanding of its capabilities and limitations. This will empower individuals to make informed decisions and show how integrated personal benefits can explode into free societies and communities.
Were you taught that our conscious process depends on nutritious values, just as our digestive system depends on healthy foods?
- Did you learn that the subconscious mind automatically monitors and adjusts our systems to preserve and protect their functioning?
- Did you know that our cognitive and subconscious minds communicate? Or that when we inform the subconscious about what we value, which connects with God’s spirit or essential mind, we gain control and empowerment over our lives?
- Were you taught that the subconscious mind interfaces physicality with spirituality and our soul with divinity?
- Were you likewise taught that our connection to divine power is unquestionable, provided we prize and uphold values that life depends on, which also reward people emotionally and spiritually?
- Could consciousness be our remedy, recognised and addressed as the most vital part of our born nature?
Will you embrace this New Conscious Age? A recent video stated—
We don’t need a new plantation master. We need the consciousness that forms the basis of a self-governing system. Is humanity ready to evolve beyond the point where it needs government? Can people disengage from voting and from the system? Can people deprogram the belief that your vote counts, the belief that your vote will change anything, the belief that we need government and the belief in authority?
Does that sound like an unprecedented societal revolution— a New Conscious Age? New education is imperative. Our conscious process offers a glorious future, but we’ve no seeming means to realise it.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was and never will be.” —Thomas Jefferson.
What if consciousness became popularly known for what it is? Would that revolutionary new mindset overturn today’s authoritarian rule presently crippling society?
Protectures replace Governments
Our tasks are self-governance, self-mastery, and autonomy. Respect for others is our sovereignty, the only form of sovereignty possible. We’re blessed with the means to build free societies, making all authoritarian ruling entities obsolete, but what will replace governments?
A ‘Protecture’ (people last used that word in the 1500s) is a constitutionally appointed body that upholds and protects people’s rights and freedoms. It cannot violate anyone’s rights without trespassing its charter and instantly dismissing itself. The people forbid authoritarian rule through the Protecture as delineated by their (human) nature gifted by the Source Creator.
A Protecture is not a government. Instead, an elected body of people whose task is to uphold and protect all individuals’ self-governance, thus denying all initiated force, all authoritarian statutes, legislation, crime, coercion and trespass. Lawmakers are redundant thereby.
In this New Conscious Age, free societies spontaneously build from the morally productive actions of individuals through intrinsic natural laws that promote peaceful cooperation. Each man and woman utilise their power to ensure nothing stands in the way of exercising it. Freedom is secured and protected, not legislatively prescribed.
The practice of law is a rational discipline of justice, not of legality. —Frank van Dun, philosopher of Law,”
Your right to seek life-sustaining goals or outcomes forbids all trespass of others' rights. Only when people accept the criminality of authoritarian rule and resolve to protect man’s life will they grasp the simplicity and beauty of creation denied their comprehension for millennia?
That is the unprecedented Age I speak of.
The new conscious age demands a revolutionary constitution
To that end, I have drafted a revolutionary Constitution (for Australia), backed by a Declaration of Independence and a Charter of Individual Rights. All have universal applications.
The Constitution protects man's natural order, allowing people to govern themselves. Eleven articles (on this website) describe this position more fully. The complete societal structure derives from the bottom up rather than the top down. Protection is not only from crime but also ensures our ability to thrive and prosper and our individual (born) right to do so. Police, courts, lighthouses, radar installations, airport safety and the Military remain.
It is not for the Protecture to inspect food, fight poverty, create jobs, feed or vaccinate anyone, fight discrimination, mitigate climate change, subsidise or give grants to individuals or businesses, explore space, rectify income equality, regulate commerce, or provide public assistance. Neither should it ever intervene, regulate or control peaceful activity.
Rules apply to institutions, businesses, and the like, but people can accept or reject them as “Terms and Conditions.” There is no need for majority rule, and no authoritarian rule exists.
Authoritarian rule vanishes
No one who relinquishes the jurisdiction of life into which they were born is fit to hold any public office. They voluntarily chose to be outlaws, as Frank van Dun makes clear. They departed the jurisdiction of life. You didn’t. The more these tyrants swear their sovereign rights as legal entities, thus denying yours, the louder they confess their guilt. Their crime against humanity is undeniable.
Now, do you see what lawfully replaces authoritarian rule, the invented legal system and pseudo-justice? We are born into the ‘jurisdiction of life, and its protection is our mission. Life is our benchmark, which requires a new mindset, that which the conscious process teaches. We accept God’s gift or allow criminal action to deny it — as it has done for millennia. Our choice is clear, as Richard Buckminster Fuller said—
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
There you have it. We’ve all been gifted the Creator’s societal model for peaceable civilisation in perpetuity, so we can now paraphrase Jefferson’s statement—
If a nation expects to be consciously knowledgeable and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be and protects it.
The New Conscious Age dawns.
This is a complete about-turn from every issue promulgated in the past, and this opportunity may never be repeated. These revelations are revolutionary. Man is on the brink of spiritual transcendence that will change humanity’s course forever.
When you use your conscious process as intended, you revere the Creator and are blessed. Conversely, those who willingly refuse their gifted right to life effectively spit in the Creator's face.
Gross atrocities committed by psychopaths and many corporate authorities dramatise our Creator's path to personal and societal emancipation that we could never have dreamt possible. We must seize and protect that opportunity.
Is this a fight—a battle? No. It is our choice to triumpantly show evidence that those who knowingly refuse their nature, their divinity, have willfully chosen to fail. That is how intrinsic natural law works. No judge punishes them. They chose to punish themselves.

The time for complacency is over. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prepare for natural orderliness through intrinsic natural law— the New Conscious Age
The change you seek is at your fingertips. It’s time to take back your (individual) sovereign control and never let go. Man's illustrious future will be the biggest revolution in human history! People have never witnessed anything of its kind! Your offspring will love you forever. Begin today and remember:
No one decides justice–it just is!
© Copyright 2025. Kenneth E. Bartle.