9. New-age society
New-age societies spontaneously build from the morally productive actions of individuals through intrinsic natural laws that promote peaceful cooperation. The people’s task is self-governance, self-mastery, and autonomy, assisted by protecting individual rights. Respect for others endorses their sovereignty, the only form of sovereignty possible.
That is the opposite of society today. Look around you. Do you see how human consciousness is arrested at the level of animality, based on the evil notion that we are ‘social animals,’ aka ‘useless eaters?’ All of our governmental structures are based on the premise that we must all adapt ourselves to the artificial constructs of legality, as though we are animals and their invented legal constructs were nature itself. Have you wondered why tyrants refer to themselves as ‘elitists’? Did you ever think the reverse may be true?
Are you beginning to recognise that tyrants have no power to rule you? They voluntarily relinquished the jurisdiction of life into which they (like you) were born. Do you see how that voids every pronouncement they make? No death premise can rule life. Their pronouncements are for dead entities, not you. Life is your banner, and you are free!
Free societies consist of self-empowered individuals who independently work to create their most excellent futures cooperatively. Each must discover their power and ensure nothing stands in the way of exercising it. Freedom is secured, not prescribed. State control is only necessary to preserve and protect the people’s rights and freedom.
Are you envisioning a new-age society that has never been spoken of? Today’s task is not to amend the legal system premised on dead legal entities but to assert our lives and responsible freedom through self-governance and protect both. The ‘Protecture,’ or state, protects people’s lives and property—their free lifestyle. This allows the death-based system to self-destruct and never return, no bullets ever fired.
Freedom for others = freedom for self
Freedom and respect are reciprocal in the new-age society. We can ensure our freedom only by endorsing other people’s rights to their lives. Individual rights are inseparable and morally constrain us. No enforced rule is necessary when people adopt and use these guiding principles.
Had humanity studied how consciousness works instead of how authoritative rule dictates our lives, it would have learned conscious fidelity long ago and why individual rights are indispensable.
That is our path to freedom and a state of peaceable civilisation. The new-age society embraces life, respect, and individual rights, thereby initiating and empowering human freedom and banishing tyranny. Our choice is crystal clear. We must learn intrinsic natural law and its incumbent responsibilities, exercise our right to self-mastery and protect the same rights for all others.
Unless we wake up to the fullness of freedom and the right to self-govern and responsibly act upon that right, we will have neither rights nor freedom.
Freedom for business and trade
Given that our conscious intelligence offers a model for free, collaborative, new-age societies, how might they be instituted?
- Can the natural laws of our nature be applied to trade and business that we know as corporatism, capitalism, and consumer socialism? Can the natural laws of our nature be applied to political and economic theories of social organisation concerning the means of production, distribution, and exchange?
- Further, in what way might these immutable natural laws advise people on how to formulate free societies?
- Are the principles of value acquisition or transfer robust enough to describe a moral and just society, absent government as we know it?
- Can we transition from authoritarian control to moral self-mastery and remedial justice without collapsing into a total disorder many call anarchy?
We should answer these questions by employing the (new-age society) principles we have learned.
- First, we should translate the intrinsic natural law formulas into practical business models for business and trade, locally, nationally and internationally. To that end, the Value Transfer Loop lends itself to a collaborative business model. Early in my career, I played a pivotal part in such a company, and its success far exceeded anything that competition could ever hope for. (Read Nature’s Providence.)
- Second, we should transpose intrinsic natural laws into a practical system of morality and justice that upholds life, including those of various creeds, cultures, and nationalities. This would allow us to enjoy an alternate form of governance, better described as ‘regulatory justice.’
I propose that a (new-age society) ‘Protecture’ would replace the government. Its function would not consist of making laws but upholding the Creator's existing laws locally, nationally, and internationally. Correction and remediation would be its sole focus, not overt control and regulation. Education concerning natural law, ethics, and morality would be central to its mission but not necessarily its practice.
Let's say “yes, I will.”
Today’s task is not to remodel society. Instead, the advocating, building, and practising of individual rights to the point where sociopathic dominance over Man crashes of its own accord. Value is the key. Discernment is vital. Integrity is crucial.
It is time for humans to say YES! Yes, I accept the responsibility to govern myself so that no commandeering rule is ever necessary.
The problem is that the simplicity of natural orderliness and intrinsic natural law still need to be understood today. Until then, ethics, morality, natural justice, and free societies will remain unknown.
No one sees the Creator’s invitation for all men, women, and children to live a joyful, rewarding life. No one understands how natural laws ensure that you can. Few grasp how these laws can teach children about ethical and moral thinking from a very early age.
Who suffers, and who gains, when everyone must focus on complex legalities backed by (gunpowder) rules, all of which create substantial mental problems and traumas? Who profits when the populace screams that the government must do something? And who suffers when it does? Are we to ignore unceasing tyranny and lift our game by simply meditating or raising our consciousness?
Given this abysmal state of ignorance, how could anyone possibly conceive of a lawful, friendly, supportive, and cooperative society, using intrinsic natural laws offering freedom and security, where all that is needed is to protect that freedom condition so that everyone prospers?
A new-age society awaits our efforts
Grasp this idea, and a truly remarkable truth is evident.
Every law society could ever need is encrypted in every man, woman and child on earth.
Why? So, no human legislator can ever erase them! So long as we write consciousness off as unsolvable, we consign our lives to authoritarian domination and slavery. Thus, we deny ourselves of free and peaceable societies, offering benefits beyond anything ever envisioned in human history. Once we learn that mental veracity comes from within individuals, not from without, we are each behoved to understand freedom's scope, power and responsibility. This truth is enlightening and empowering. Conscious knowledge is the path to freedom and peaceable civilisation in perpetuity. Thus, we may paraphrase Jefferson’s statement—
If a nation expects to be consciously knowledgeable and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be, and protects it.— Kenneth E. Bartle
In the early 1800s, Josiah Warren considered what would become society's interests without rulers or lawmakers.
The only guarantee against revolution and violence and the only security for person and property and for the free pursuit of happiness will be found in each individual's interpreting liberty for himself and herself and for his own individual interests. — Josiah Warren
He reasoned that individuality of interests would also necessitate an individualism of responsibilities wherein each executive of responsibility always incurs the consequences of its own decision, meaning each acted at their costs. And that is precisely how natural law functions in the new-age society.
The Time Store in Cincinnati opened in May 182. Symbiotic principles were applied to the management and education of children and the purchase and sale of land. The autonomy of the individual was always strictly preserved and invariably respected. No legislation of any description assumed control over people at any time or for any case.
What resulted?
Such was the complete individuality of action that hundreds dealt at the Time Store without understanding much of its principles or its objects, but they perceived that it was their interest to do so, thus demonstrating that the business of the community can be brought into this condition by a natural and irresistible process; without combination, without organisation, without laws, without government, without the surrender of any “portion” of the natural liberty of the individual; demonstrating also that reformation need not wait till the world becomes learned: but the practical operation constitutes a process of re-education which no one can estimate without experience, and which the learned are most backward in acquiring. —Josiah Warren. New Harmony Nov. 1841. [Emphasis Mine]
What more proof of intrinsic natural law do you need?
Today’s task is to embrace life, respect, and individual rights, thereby initiating and empowering human freedom and thus banishing tyranny.
Unless we wake up to the fullness of freedom and the right to self-govern and responsibly act upon that right, we will have neither rights nor freedom. —Kenneth E. Bartle
We must know our innate natural laws and their incumbent responsibilities, exercise our right to self-determination concordant with the equal rights of all others.
Equality of law
A new-age society should have ‘rules,’ but like those in a chess game, none that coerce or enforce action. As self-governing individuals, we choose what we participate in, accept its rules, or decline, but are never forced by some ruling authority. To that end, intrinsic natural laws render legislation redundant. None of them ‘rule’ in the usual sense; hence, we have a new comprehension of what the word ‘law’ really means.
“Law is not a command, rule or norm, nor is it a collection or system of such directive elements. It is an objective condition that many people may and in fact do value. As such it may inspire them to formulate rules of conduct that help to bring it about or to restore it when it is impaired.
We may call such rules ‘rules of law’, but we should then always remember that they are only related to law as means to an end — and that they deserve to be called rules of law only because they have the establishment or restoration of law (or ius) as their end. For that reason they may also be called rules of justice, because the literal meaning of ‘justice’ (Latin: iustitia) is ‘what is conducive to ius’. In other words, justice is what aims at the establishment of the condition in which people interact on the basis of mutual consent. Justice is respect for law in the sense of ius.” —Frank van dun, Philosopher of Law
Thus, our proper, lawful intention for free societies should be to protect individuals against arbitrary power and ensure that people in authority face the same criminal penalties for wrongdoing as everyone else. By far, most people govern themselves successfully, whereby the Protecture exists to rectify any trespass of the natural order and its infrastructure. The people’s creative power is protected, and a new-age society blossoms.
Truth demands action in the new-age society.
This article has revealed nothing new—instead, a new understanding of what we’re born with.—our born authentic power that, when exercised, forbids tyrants' invented-(pseudo) political power. Freedom is not dormant; it is actioned. Please do so, and all legal systems premised on death show the crimes they commit as undeniable truth. Their every attempt refutes nature, which instantly invalidates the claim.
Everyone can learn the truth of Creation. Your conscious process aligns your personality with your soul, creating the authentic power to become the central force in your spiritual evolution precisely as nature intended. Your free will is immutably intrinsic. This fact of life authenticates your unalienable right to life and inalienable right to property that sustains life.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” —John 8;32.
Any trespass of this fact violates the natural laws that govern it. Life is the benchmark, not society, family, race, government, authority, or legal system.
Today’s choice is crystal clear: Either we accept an authoritarian society that denies freedom or we institute a new-age society within natural law and justice that flatly refuses all authoritarian demands. It’s one of the other. No life-and-death mix is possible.
The Creator’s model for the free new-age society
We are born into the jurisdiction of life, and protecting it is our mission. Life is our benchmark, which teaches what lawfully replaces authoritarian rule, the invented legal system, and pseudo-justice.
We accept God’s gift of allowing the people to govern themselves. The Constitution for a new-age society must specify the protective structure and the rights people have by nature. It must establish ethics, morality, and Justice according to nature's principles, not by decisions concerning multitudinous crimes recorded in law books.
Such knowledge encourages constitutional authors to specify what rights cannot be usurped, overruled, denied, or violated long before crimes are potentially committed.
The standard of virtue and respectful freedom is innate, not opinionated, even by a majority, or ruled by Justices in a courtroom.
A new-age constitution
This documant must not specify what people must do. It spells out their rights and that they cannot be taken, denied or trespassed because they are innate within our nature. Accordingly, the document relies not on people’s consent, differing opinions, or a majority vote; instead, the Creator’s consent to live abundantly and justly. Constitutional authors' must learn what our nature depends on for life’s success, recognise those masterly principles and their governing laws, and embody them into a constitutional document that upholds and protects them. That being done, the people’s rights and freedoms are ensured in perpetuity.
“But what about A, B, or C”? People may howl indignantly. “How can my thoughts or opinions be trashed as irrelevant or unimportant?”
The Creator already answered that question. If your thoughts or opinions support and sustain your life with the equal rights of all others, they are decidedly vital, relevant, and important to you and the! Congratulations, you’re a winner fully supported by a new-age society constitution.
Conversely, if actions resulting from your thoughts or opinions trespass or violate the equal rights of someone else, perhaps causing harm, you have trespassed their boundaries, but more importantly, you’ve rejected the governing laws of your nature, which forbid you any right to perform that action. You’ve repudiated your nature and rejected your life. Those opinions are unworthy and are rejected therefore.
Do you see the difference? You, not the government or someone’s opinion, maintain your right to freedom. Moreover, no court of Justice can rule against you when (court-proven) evidence certifies you’ve already ruled against yourself.
Yet that is what all governments do! Their ministers and members of legislative assemblies have forsaken the jurisdiction of life into which they were born, expressly to rule, violate, usurp and even deny your life. You do not need to resign from their (legal) jurisdiction. They have already vacated your (born) life jurisdiction.
Do you get it yet? Individuals entering into this new-age society must never give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest, which is what ‘social contracts’ inherent in democracies and republics demand.
The people must prize and fully protect their freedom, respecting all other’s rights because that ensures theirs. These facts must stand proud in a new-age society’s Constitution. Authors must ensure that specified protections are protected from all trespass, denial, and usurpation.
Constitutional authors have much to consider about freedom in new-age societies, but the principles are clear-cut in our human nature. Provided the authors appraise and apply them as they should, all who disagree must present any dispute to our Creator for resolution because that is how natural law works.
© Kenneth E. Bartle. 2025