18. The Mystery of Natural law

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

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What is natural law? The subject of ‘natural law’ baffles most people, but not the (natural) law of gravity. Nature’s governing laws work to maintain a state of natural order or orderliness, without which, failure or disease of some kind would result.

The ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’ (Thomas Jefferson’s words) are immutable and intrinsic within every man, woman and child, without which we cannot live. For example, no cell in one’s body can trespass or violate another because natural law prevents it. Each cell is then able to contribute to life individually, ably supported by neighbouring cells and bodily harmony results. Our conscious and subconscious minds work similarly, and so do our bodily organs. This orderliness illustrates self-respect and respect for all others. 

Logically, we should assist in this orderly process by choosing to act in like manner. Either we eat nutritious foods to thrive and prosper, or we eat junk or toxic food and suffer accordingly. Regardless of the outcome, our free choice is respected in full. And that exposes the fundamental difference between natural law and all forms of man-made law, common law included.

Statutes and legislations’ made by man are not law. They are statutes and legislations falsely called ‘laws.’ That is where the error creeps in. Statutes and legislations (aka “Positive laws”) prescribe or rule in advance. Statutes order us to do this but must not do that, and we are penalised in some form should we not comply with such orders. Accordingly, our free will is coerced, manipulated or denied.

Natural law does the exact opposite. By governing the consequences of our actions and no more, it fully upholds our free will, necessary for our conscious process to function. Thus we choose to thrive and prosper, or else we suffer. We are rewarded physically and emotionally by exercising morality; likewise chastised, rebuked or arrested for acting unlawfully, unjustly, immorally, or for causing harm.

Natural law imparts that we have the (born) ’right to life,’ and, therefore, a right to the “fruits of our labours,” property being that which sustains our lives. Accordingly, natural law is the source of our individual rights. Natural law, plus our individual right to life and property, are all intrinsic and immutable. No human legislator can erase them, but they can and do overrule them.

Differently said, the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God bestowed by our Creator gift us the unalienable Right to live, and to think and act in support of our lives, plus the inalienable right to the property of our efforts which sustains our lives, respectful of all other's right to do the same.

It follows that whoever disputes these immutable governing laws, voluntarily refutes their nature. By such action, they declare they’ve no right to interfere with any sovereign being, no right to represent those people, no right to hold public office, and no right to rule them. Natural law is the opposite of all ‘Positive law’– statutes, legislations, executive orders, et al. 

“Liberty, is unobstructed action according to our will; but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.” - Thomas Jefferson.

Ten tenets apply to all natural laws

1 Natural Law is to be respected; not obeyed

Our free will is always free! Natural law cannot be obeyed or disobeyed; instead, it is to be respected. Every living man, woman and child has free will choice to respect natural law, or else to treat it with belligerence or contempt and even refuse it. Notwithstanding, all consequences that befall are one’s own.

2 Natural law is of Man; not for Man

Integrity, honesty, commitment, truth, and self-preservation are inherent in the natural laws that govern all our faculties, systems, and processes, without which life would cease. It follows that values, ethics, and morality, all emanate from within individual men and women, in every country and culture, each according to his or her choice, correspondent with the right of all others so to choose.

3 Natural law is objective, not subjective

Subjective opinion is not refused by natural law but is fundamentally irrelevant if it offers no spiritual or life-sustaining purpose. Actions that respect natural law are objectively lawful. They uphold life objectively, and serve justice, therefore. Actions that do not are unlawful and unjust, mitigating circumstances admitted.

4 Natural law is immutable

Natural law is inviolate. It cannot be overruled by anyone, or any construct of ours, without confessing by such action the unlawful power or force so to do.

5 Natural law upholds independent human life

The populace or a nation’s people are an aggregation of independent living beings, all equal by species, yet fully unique in expression and thus independent. No (common) lung, organ, brain, stomach, mind, or consciousness exists. Individuality of human life cannot fuse into one unified entity, without sacrificing our unalienable right to life to a ‘collective’ (society) having no life in itself.

6 Natural law grants no authority

Natural law categorically establishes that no individual may command another; testified by neither of our two minds (or two body cells) being able to overrule the other. Accordingly, natural law grants no permission or authority for anyone to trespass on another’s life, singularly or collectively.

7 Natural law refuses all authority

Natural Law denies all authoritative orders save its own remedial adjustments, whether from a partner, neighbour, pulpit, parliament, dictator, congress or any other.

8 Natural law admits no trespass

Whosoever knowingly initiates the use of physical or coercive force, or fraud against others, negates and paralyses the victim’s means of survival. By such trespass actions, perpetrators abdicate the free will right to choose. Those who step outside natural law are outlaws. Outlaws are not free.

Natural law refuses initiated force in all its forms, and for that reason, the right to exercise force to arrest such assaults is morally justifiable. Murder and self-defence are opposites.

9 Natural law seeks integrity

Natural orderliness that governs our being is complete and without lack, entirely given to the maintenance of our life with immutable, undivided, wholesome integrity. Natural law obliges that we act in spiritual accordance with the same integrity of purpose that upholds our physical life. Spiritual integrity is vital to sustaining and enhancing inestimable joys that result from living a life of moral integrity!

10 Natural law supports our life respectful of all others

When our actions outwardly manifest honesty, and integrity found within, without which our mental and bodily life could not exist, so the orderliness and morality of our societal structures will correspond. Nothing more is needed, save to arrest all violations of that natural order. Nothing less will suffice.

Here's a glimpse of the twenty natural laws in sequence –

Our human conscious process shows a sequence. Begining with existence and concluding with natural justice, so these natural laws form a Circle; a flower diagram. Each law relates to the next and all the others, so forming a composite whole. They then divide into four groups, and each group corresponds to its diagonal counterpart. As shown in the diagram, ‘Being’ points to ‘Integrity’ and ‘Nature’ Points to ‘Responsibility’ 

Additionally, the bridge between the ‘Nature’ group and ‘Integrity’ is the natural law of respect (10). The natural law of Morality (15)  bridges Integrity and Responsibility. The natural law of Reciprocity (5) now bridges our being with nature, as it properly should. Similarly, Natural Justice (20) binds our Being to Responsibility. Observe also that the first three groups concern a fullfilling life, versus the ‘Responsibility‘ group which is mainly concerned with maintaining its success. 

But that's not all. Every separate law has a diagonal counterpart. For example, Law 3 points to law 13, 6 points to 16, and 8 points to 18. Of utmost importance, this comprensive diagram is not my invention. It is our gift from Source Creator (Nature) as revealed by our (sequential) human conscious process; that being ‘life value‘ processing and exchange between our conscious and subconscious minds, authored by our free will.     

 This page describes the twenty natural laws intrinsic in our human nature.

None rule. None command. All exist to satisfy your desire to thrive and prosper.
It may help to read this page also. 

Natural Law Flower

Natural Law Flower