23. Lawful biometric identification

Biometric ID attests that one lives by encrypting biometrics exclusive to the owner/donor, being the lawful living man or woman identified.

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

Biometric ID attests that one lives. Any form of governance founded on intrinsic natural law instantly abolishes all forms of identification founded on fictional legal entities, including social security numbers, driver’s licenses, and passports.

Logically, lawful protectorates founded on intrinsic natural law require that people be identified by their born ( living) nature, not by some (alpha) numeric code in a government database.

No real societal or political change can happen until people assert their born identity, cancelling all other forms of ID. People must learn the difference between themselves as living beings and fraudulent dead entities. They must also learn the difference between legal and lawful. Grasp their responsibility and that respect for the lives of others is now theirs, also comprehend that the protectorate will serve as their protector only while they act in like principle. 

In 2013, I devised a method for establishing that each sentient Living Human Being indeed lives and is therefore separate and independent from any fictional or fraudulent Legal Entity inhabiting the international jurisdiction of the sea! 

Most people are listed as ‘dead and presumed missing,’ so three dead corporate entities – a Public Trust, a Public Transmitting Utility, and a Public ESTATE – function ‘in our name’ instead. Yet, no such fictional entity is ever born. No such entity has a blood group. No such entity ever took a breath. No such entity lives! For us to offer up social security numbers, driving licenses, and passports, upon demand, is to give false evidence and admit that one acts for the legal entity that unlawfully uses our usurped name or both.

Thus misidentified, people’s right to life is legally denied. This criminal circumstance results from centuries of mental neglect reeking of errant, collectivist philosophy that teaches it is moral and proper for a dictatorial few to rule all others by force. Although philosophically archaic and politically barbarous, no alternative presents, much less is considered.

Consequently, a new, dual-copyrighted, lawful biometric identification system’ (ADD LINK) based on the copyrighted iDeed© software now exists. Our independence, thus established, spells freedom, inclusive of respect and responsibility. This method is used by American State nationals (for two years already) and is available in Australia. 

Its prime function of Biometric ID is to attest that you factually and indisputable live as a living man or woman, whereby every breath and action you take categorically refutes and denies that any fictional, fraudulent, legal entity, howsoever identified, played no part whatsoever. Your living responsibility for action, thus certified, indisputably relates your independent living being (ILB) to the Nuremberg codes.

Protectorates primarily protect living men, women, and children. Thus, we each are obliged to hold a form of living identification confirming who was responsible for actions affecting others, both for good and evil, rightfully or wrongfully. Natural justice seeks not to punish wrongdoers but to restore the natural order.

Additionally, ‘iDeed’ identification includes a Private Property Code (PPC), which is itself private property. This Alpha-numeric code is not for public use save that expressly granted by the holder, the donor of that biometric data.

Offshoot benefits include a private bank number and car number plates. They irrefutably establish that the identified owner is a flesh and blood living human being and that a car is the private property of its owner. (Today’s registration legally denies private ownership.) Number plates first identify the owner, then vehicle ownership. (Note that such plates have no solid border signifying incorporated ownership, not private ownership) Up to nine identical number plates may be affixed to several vehicles belonging to the owner. E.g., Car, trailer, motor home, motorcycle, each related to the Vehicle’s VIN code. The same Private Property Code also serves to be used on bicycles, surfboards, musical instruments, etc.

ID Cards

This iDeed biometric ID has been in use for two years for American State Nationals. These cards are samples only but show the full identity of the (owner) cardholder. More text is included on the flip side. Some tips for you. The last digit in The ID # is one's gender. Do legal identities have a gender? The last digits in the private property code (PPC) are the minute of your first breath as an independent living being. Do legal identities ever take a breath? The single digit before those 4 numerals, or symbols on a number plate, is your blood group. Do strawmen have a blood group? These plates are your property 

Haler ID card

Car Number plates

Here are some sample number plates - the last is a sample for Protectorates - with the State Crest. These plates are your property and so is the car they are affixed to. Note that all commercial cars and vehicles have a bordered number plate as presently. Private plates and Protectorate plates do not. Identical plates may be used on up to nine different cars that you own.

Number Plate
WA Number Plate
SA Number Plate

A new Australian flag

A Protectorate substituted for (so-called) Government in Australia decrees the present Australian flag redundant, insofar as the Union Jack and Commonwealth star no longer apply. Ideally, A new flag must have a symbology that embraces Australia’s location in the world, its original sovereign peoples, and a motif expressing freedom and independence. The following are submitted for consideration.

The following designs are offered for consideration–

Option 1 - Flag desig

Option 1

4 colours with green and gold. The animal symbol of freedom is locked into the South Cross star cluster - making an icon in its own right. Australia replaces the Union Jack - the green flash signifying freedom, vitality and the unity of one nation

Flag option 2

Option 2

The Union Jack is replaced by 3 boomerangs, and the sun, taken from the Indigenous flag,. These three stand for L A W – Land air and water. equally, I U S being ius naturale, which is Latin for natural law.  Also 4 colours.

Flag option 3

Option 3

As before, the sun is from the Indigenous Flag on a very deep blue background that looks almost black. The Roo symbolises freedom. the red white and blue of the present flag is then retained. 4 colours also 

 Flags must be recognised from a distance, Tip, stand back until the image looks like a postage stamp.  Does the flag image say Australia? If not, it's an instant rejection. 
