35. Dictionary Definitions

Definitions for ‘Intrinsic natural law’ are critically essential. All past Law Dictionaries are obsolete, regardless of Etymology. (A Work in Progress information Sheet)

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

Tragically, today, people twist, pollute, and distort the (English) language beyond lawful comprehension through poisonous philosophies and theologies, political correctness, legalese, and mental corrosion resulting from unchallenged beliefs. Electronic communications, such as text abbreviations, compound these errors. Laziness and apathy forbid inquiry to exact a devastating toll on mankind’s critical thinking, comprehension, and communication.

My (expandable table) below defines words used in my Constitutional Documents and elsewhere to define ‘intrinsic natural law,’ most agreeing with the works of Frank Van Dun, a (Netherlands) philosopher of law.

The difference between my definitions and those used in maritime law and common law is not one of jurisdiction, although it may seem so. The clinical precision of intrinsic natural law must be accurately defined and used for the benefit of all people at all times and in all places.

Amendments from people are welcome within the parameters of life values, intrinsic natural law, ethics, morality, objective philosophy, and life as the supreme value. See also my (Amazon) books, ‘Conscious Ascendance’ and ‘Navigate to Freedom.’

Contributions are welcome from serious-minded students of intrinsic natural law (INL). The word ‘legal’ belongs to ‘positive’ law only and has no place. Definitions for the Protectorate of Terra Australis


Allegiance [noun] – By the ‘individual rights’ immutably inherent in human nature, one’s moral duty to uphold the public order and be a protector of all peoples inherent rights and freedoms.

Australian National noun A flesh and blood living inhabitant born or ‘nationalised’ on the land of one of the states of ‘Terra Australis;’ not an alien, thus enabling specific reference to being, for example, a Tasmanian National or Victorian National.

Authority [noun] – in business and commerce, the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. In politics and today’s governments, verbal or written instructions, usually in the form of laws, acts, or statutes, having express intent to initiate rule, domination, control, overt force, dominion or lordship; all such initiated force trespassing an Individual’s unalienable (free will) right to life. ‘Authority’ has no place in a free society.

The word ‘authority’ may be used in everyday speech to delegate an action, such as “you have my authority to…” such (authorisation) usage specifically excludes all commands that trespass or violate free will choice. Better, “you have my approval to…

Charter: a written grant by the sovereign or legislative power of a country, by which a body such as a city, company, or university is founded or its rights and privileges defined; a written constitution or description of an organisation’s functions.

Civil: Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters: Law relating to private relations between members of a community; non-criminal.

Consciousness - definition: “Consciousness, is the systemic life-value transfer process between the conscious and subconscious minds, interfacing physicality and spirituality, authored by free will.

Constitution a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organisation is acknowledged to be administered:

Council: an advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.

Domicil. The place where a sentient living being has fixed his/her ordinary dwelling, without present intention of removal.

Elector(s) An Individual qualified by the provisions of this Constitution to (jointly with other qualified people) elect a qualified candidate to a position of ‘Member’ in the Australian National Protectorate or any State Protectorate.

Federal having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.

Human: [adjective] Relating to or characteristic of humankind, or Mankind; of or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines; (noun) a human being. (Note that Hu man or hue-man is a legal bastardisation of the word human that refers to the colour of man, reference to a legal person. Both are denied within natural law.)

Identification Natural An Australian National, or (Australian) “State“ National, whose (private property) encrypted biometric identification attests their flesh and blood independent living being, to the exclusion of all invented identifications or ID, biometrically appended or otherwise.

Independent Living Being (ILB) © A copyrighted term used in the © Copyrighted iDeed process for biometric attestation of life, facilitating universal biometric ID that by nature certifies Individual Rights so cancelling any and all fraudulent (legal) identifications of that particular Individual. (ILB Identification commenced in America mid 2020 for American State Nationals)

Individual [noun] A (single) Sentient, (volitionally conscious) Living Being having unalienable right to life and inalienable right to property: all reference to (legal) person (s) null and void.

Law [noun] – (Natural law, God’s law, Divine law, Laws of nature) Order, or orderliness; the natural order / orderliness of human nature. (“Law is not a prescription telling us, how we ought to behave. Law is a natural fact, and law is natural law and nothing else.” —Frank van Dun, Philosopher of law.)

Natural Law (noun) As for ‘Law.’ From the latin word ‘ius,’ which refers to a bond or obligation that arises out of a personal commitment made in a solemn speech; Law is an order of things. Accordingly, the term ‘natural law’ denotes a natural order of things. ‘Law’ also connotes respectability; law is an order of things that people ought to respect. Twenty natural laws are revealed by the full human conscious process, hence ‘natural law theory’ is now (factually) superseded by ‘existential natural law.’

Natural Law Definition The set of universal, eternal and immutable conditions governing behavioural consequences of volitionally conscious beings: Absent lawful respect for these maxims inherent in the nature and state of Man, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved

Naturalisation (n) –  The lawful act or process by which an individual from another country may acquire nationality of Australia in accordance with Protocols concerning the Australian Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the National Protectorate, and Charter of Individual Rights, as administered by a State Protectorate.

Person noun Per (centuries old) colloquial everyday language, a living individual man or woman; a flesh and blood sentient living being; such definition repudiating or refuting all past, present, or future definitions, (legal) Law Dictionaries notwithstanding.

Person: Natural, i.e., Natural Person (n) An individual living person; this definition repudiating or refuting all past, present, or future definitions.

President noun An Australian National elected by the people to the first rank or chief place to ‘preside’ over the ‘Protectorate’ in maintenance, preservation, and continuity of its orderly, lawful function.

Police noun Police officials: Peace Officials. Monitors or observers of the public order within the natural law and individual rights, charged with detaining or arresting all who choose to violate or trespass the public order.Police verb maintain natural law and order in, keep the peace in, keep guard over, keep watch on, watch over, guard, protect, defend, patrol.

Policed [adjective] Policing [ verb] Surveillance, monitoring or observation of the public order for the maintenance of peace and order as determined by (existential) natural law according to the Terra Australis Constitution and Charter of Individual Rights.

Police Protection Service The civil department of a Protectorate concerned with maintenance of public orderliness and safety; Police employees trained in detection of natural law trespass and violation, crime prevention and authorised to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.

Protectorate noun (National) a national body charged with Constitutionally protecting the rights and freedoms of the nation’s people, domestically, inclusive of national visitors; this definition expressly denied any legislative amendment, violation, usurpation, or abolition whatsoever. that is controlled and protected by another.

Protectorate noun (State) A state body charged with Constitutionally protecting the rights and freedoms of the state’s people, inclusive of state visitors; this definition expressly denied any legislative amendment, violation, usurpation, or abolition whatsoever.

Rights — individual A ‘right’ is a moral principle defining and sanctioning one’s freedom of action in a social context; Right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action for furtherance, fulfilment and enjoyment of one’s life; free from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men. Rights are innate, immutable, invisible and indivisible; none can conflict with any other, or be deemed to. Individual Rights are axiomatic, self-evident truth.

Rights — Inalienable - Right to Property: Inalienable right is the immutable self-evident right to the product of one’s actions; fruits of one’s labours, deriving from every Sentient Living Being’s  Unalienable Right to action. Without property rights, none have any means to sustain their life. Right to property is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values. 

Without property rights, none have any means to sustain their life, whereby a right to the actions and consequences of producing or earning property is not a guarantee that one will earn any property, instead a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. Right to property is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values. Individual Rights are axiomatic, self-evident truth.

–See also Rights – individual

Rights — Unalienable - Right to Life: Unalienable right is every individuals right and freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own voluntary, uncoerced choice in sustenance and maintenance of his life; no obligation to others save to abstain from violating their rights.

Sovereignty: Individual Self mastery: accepting complete responsibility and liability for one’s actions; an ethical mind engaging moral actions; applying life-values such as diligence, discipline, respect and integrity, in pursuit of practical, moral and spiritual thriving. No group sovereignty can exist.

Statute. noun (Positive law) A written (man-made) “law“ passed by a legislative body, inclusive of regulation, enactment, act, bill, decree, edict, rule, ruling, resolution, promulgation, dictum, command, order, stipulation, commandment, directive, pronouncement, mandate, proclamation, dictate, covenant, demand, by-law or ordinance. (Derived from the latin word ‘Lex,’ arising from directives used to mobilise armies). No Statute can ever apply in any Protectorate. [Any Statute found to be contrary to the Australian Protectorate Constitution is null and void and will be removed from all public record.]

Subject noun A person having implied allegiance to a personal sovereign such as a monarch. No ‘Subject’ can exist in a Protectorate Nation.

Surveil verb (surveils, surveilling, surveilled) [with object] keep (a person or place) under surveillance; closely monitor or observe.

Understand:1) perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker) 2) perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of, or be sympathetically or knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of (some constituent attribute, identity or idea) 3) to comprehend, apprehend, grasp, see, take in. (No legal connotation applies, as in “standing below or standing under another’s authority.