ILB Guidance, usage and applications
For American State Nationals
This web page is exclusively for American State Nationals who have received their (iDeed) ILB numbers and codes: This web page has no relevance to anyone else.
If you have taken steps to Correct Your Political Status. then recording of your ILB Identifiers should be in accordance with the protocols on that page.

What is iDeed
The diagram below shows the origins and processes for the ILB profile you will have now received. Your profile includes —
ILB Number: “ILB”
Private Property Code: “PPN”
Private Bank Number: “PBN”
Born Date: “BD”
Born Locality: “NLN” Nation Locality Numbers - being the first 6 digits of your ILB number
Date of Issue: “DoI”
Private Security Number: “PSN”
The iDeed© system also reserves the following functionalities (applications) arising or deriving from “Independent Living Being©,” “ILB© Private Property Code©” and “iDeed Software©” computer application.
iDeed© Private Identification Cards
iDeed© Private Vehicle Identification Plates
‘iDeed©’ is the sole intellectual property of Max Emmons Taylor Jr., Private Property Code 4-VFK-2-0629, and; Kenneth Elwyn Bartle, Private Property Code 4-RBE-7-0525 exclusively; “iDeed”, Copyright © 2018, All Worldwide Rights Reserved, by the above parties exclusively.

What security applies to IDeed and ILB's
ILB Numbers and Codes, known as your profile, are privately owned
All iDeed© Numbers and Codes necessarily prescribe private ownership, resulting from inherent bio-data, without which, none are possible. The information they represent is ‘Private Property’ and cannot be the property of any governing Nation, therefore. Any stolen documented information can be regenerated by the software.
Consequently, the BI sequence and all its derivative codes and numbers are independent from any and all political interference usurpation or control—a free, independent, sovereign, flesh and blood, living, Homo sapiens, Sapiens being. Your ILB Identification Codes always belong to you, simply because your bio characteristics are encrypted therein. Your data prescribes you the sole owner. The information they represent is your Inalienable ‘Private Property.’
Identification is not the prime purpose of the BI sequence. Its function is to establish criteria used by the iDeed software to generate all other sequences in the system, for their respective purposes.
iDeed© Numbers, and Codes cannot be removed from the individual under force, fraud or coercion without violating the individual’s unalienable right to that information. For the entirety of an individuals life time, all iDeed© Sequences, Numbers and Codes are forbidden the property of anyone else including, but not limited to, any Country, State, City, locality or corporate entity. No country or corporate identity has any rights nor may claim any right, to own or use one’s iDeed© Sequences, Numbers or Codes under any circumstances whatsoever; save where express use is granted by its lawful owner according to specified conditions of use in writing.
What happens if I loose my Codes?
Any lost information can be simply regenerated by the software. Strict instructions are issued with all numbers and codes concerning replacement.
Registration versus Recording
Your ILB information can be placed on the public record, but with one proviso. Never should it be registered!; only ‘Recorded’ locally. Registration purloins or steals ownership of whatever you register. To register voluntarily is to give up your life. If local offices will not record the iDeed© data then any recording office is acceptable to place one’s iDeed data ‘on record.’
For (state/locality) recording purposes the Private Security Number should be included with your ILB Code and Private Property Code. Then all three codes/numbers are locked together, recorded not only as copyright, but also effectively declaring a patent on those sequences.
If you have taken steps to Correct Your Political Status then recording of your ILB Identifiers should be in accordance with the protocols on that page.
Can one’s ILB Codes be forged or falsified?
Yes, one can indeed invent an ILB Code, Private Property Code, and Private Security Number, all having like appearance to genuine numbers and codes, but lacking authenticity. However, there is no way a forger can take (steal) the biometric data, generate an authentic ILB Code, Private Property Code, Private Bank Number, and generate an authentic Private Security Number without the software.
At any time, life characteristics of the BI sequence can be re-entered into the software, and the genuine Private Property Code, and Private Security Number results. The tiniest discrepancy in the Security code instantly reveals any mismatch in an invented ILB Code or Private Property Code, thereby showing either one as counterfeit.
Proven invention thus established, is a violation of copyright, and fraud (possibly on three counts), each carrying the potential for punitive damages. Of course this also applies to theft, or usurpation of ILB information by regulatory authorities.

iDeed Applications - Private Bank Number
The bank number is the last portion of the ILB Number, no different materially than one’s account number printed on a check (cheque). Because the ILB has established the life of its owner, the Private Bank Number and ILB Code are private property. Banks who wish to divorce from the legal constructions of government, must earn the trust of their customers by converting from the ‘public’ to the ‘private.’ So is explained the express purpose of using 9 digit private ILB© numbers for bank account purposes.
How can I use my Private bank number?
Your ILB bank number will be of no use until such times as banks actually convert from the public domain to the private domain. Then you may be the first bank customer to ever own your bank account number, which forbids the bank to access it without your express permission. No bail-in’s will be possible, and no taxes paid from your account either. You are owner and boss. The bank is your servant according to mutually agreed terms and conditions..

iDeed Applications - Documents
What font characters are used on I Deed documents?
Upper and lower case characters are used on all forms within iDeed©, without exception. Uppercase names, whether in whole or in part, represent legal fictions, hence iDeed© cannot be misrepresented as referring to any legal person, legal entity, or corporation.
Do’s and Don’ts for making ID cards or documents
Do not use borders and frames on your documents.
Don’t make ‘certificates,’ or use the word.
Always make clear that your names, image, ILB Numbers and Codes belong to you — are your property. You do not belong to them. This is vital.
Always make your claims explicit.
Hand print any autographs (signatures), Cursive writing is Admiralty Law.
Make clear that your unique Numbers and Codes (identifiers), are placed into your safe keeping by Creator, or Divine Creator. They belong to nothing and nobody else.
Minimally downplay your last (family) name. Although still an identifier, this name is shared and so is not expressly unique to you.

iDeed Applications - ID cards
The iDeed system reserves ID applications arising or deriving from Independent Living Being© ILB© Private Property Code© and iDeed Software© computer application.
As recipient of your ILB Number and Private Property Code, the authors hereby grant you express permission to design and make your own ILB ID card for your exclusive use. Their express purpose is not strictly identification, instead to confirm that you live, and that you are not a dead, fictional legal entity. The card should attest that your life is identifiably unique and independent.
Because the authors reserve and retain the right to offer commercially printed ILB© Private Identification Cards, so no permission is granted for you to offer such a product or service to others. You may only make your own personal ID card.
Here are two examples of how the front face of an ID card might look - expressly for American State Nationals.

Halley's card uses the well known Michigan bridge, and the American civil flag. Her PPC includes the blood group numeral ( 6, for B’ Positive) Her watermark is an American eagle on a wireframe globe symbol, indicating that ILB' Codes are universal.

Michael's Card features a flying Civil Flag, with his state and the Great Seal. The iDeed logo is included in greyscale, and his PPC includes the filled circle to signify his blood group, in place of the numeral 8. (see table below) . He has used PPC and ILB to denote the respective codes. The bottom row of numerals contain the essentials for easy scanning by Law enforcement. The purple background represents sovereignty.

The iDeed authors welcome use of the iDeed logo on personal ID cards, in colour, or in grayscale, depending on the the card design. All other use is forbidden by copyright. Just copy and save the image above; strictly for iDeed documents such as ID cards.
The blood group table shows the numeral, and symbol, representing each blood group. The symbol is for use in the PPC, in place of the first numeral following the (3) alpha characters. (The main purpose for this is for vehicle number plates, as shown below. Important: Rh nul is a certified blood group. It is not to be used as an excuse for not knowing your blood group.
Notice how the family name is understated. You took your first breath, not your family, and it is your card.
These cards exude life! That is their task. No zombie photos with lifeless backgrounds like on passports and driver's licenses. No dead fictional entities! Real, living people! No need to pass facial recognition. Absolute need to show spark, life and zest for life. Forget selfie photos - hire a professional or competent portrait enthusiast photographer. You live!
ID cards — Flip side
The primary goal of proving life has been achieved on the front card face. The back side of the card offers space for your public QR code, Minimum size 1.2" square - 33mm. Additional information may include Organ Donor, and 2 x Z symbols that identify with the same symbols used on Number plates, per the Nevada example below. Adiitionally you may include where your America State National information was recorded. Note, there is no need to print your BD on either face of the card, since that information is included in the QR code. The two examples are conceivably the flip side of the 2 ID cards shown above.

Halley's card offers that she is an organ donor, and so she has included her blood group explicitly. Her QR code will reveal her Born Date. She has repeated the ILB and PPC codes, and prefaced both. Note that both these cards explicitly describe that the card is private property. While items such as blood donor are yours to choose, these two cards show the essentials.

Michael has included the two Z icons that match his automobile number plate in the example below. Because he chose the filled circle symbol in his PPC on the front face of his card, which also matches his auto numberplate below, so he has used both PPC expressions here so as to avoid any possible confusion. He also shows where his American State National records are held.

iDeed Applications - Vehicle Identification
The iDeed system reserves ‘Vehicle Identification Plates’ is an application arising or deriving from Independent Living Being© ILB© Private Property Code© and iDeed Software© computer application.
Number plates for identifying the private owner of automobiles, and a particular auto, are derived from the Private Property Code© In order to conserve space on the plates, the blood group number is replaced by a (red) symbol, as shown in the diagram above, correspondent with the Blood Group number.
This example of an American State National plate shows that Michael's ID card (above) is irrevocably locked to his privately owned automobile.

How many private vehicles can be identified with the PPC?
ILB© Private Vehicle Identification Plates allow up to nine different vehicles owned by one individual to carry identical number plates, whereby each is recorded against its VIN, never registered. Each plate must carry an Identifier that locks the PPC to the recorded VIN number, so as to prevent theft. The iDeed authors grant no permission for you to offer such a product or service to others.
Commercial, (government) and fleet number plates are additional, all expressly denied use of ILB Numbers or Private Property Codes.

Use of the PPC for Private Property
Use your PPC on bikes, surfboards, and any other property you’d like to identify as belonging to you. When the number corresponds with the same number on your ID card in your wallet or purse, and that card carries your portrait, who will dispute that it belongs to you. No legal argument is entered. It’s a perfect match.
The more the PP Code looks like a manufacturer’s brand number, less likely a thief will attempt to remove it. Remember that for a perfect match, the blood group numeral on your card must be also be used on your property. Do not use blood group symbols (shown in the table above) for PPC signage . Use the blood group numeral.

When your Private Property Code is put on a private property notice, the tables are turned. Most folks will take one look and think it’s all official, meaning legal. Try the words ‘authorised by,’ followed your your Property Code

Related iDeed Matters
How do present day ID methods relate to ILB ID?
No present ‘identification,’ including social security numbers, driving licences, and passports, actually identify the flesh and blood living holder of those certifications. Instead they identify a fictionally created, dead, legal entity, fraudulently posited to be our ‘human’ being. No such entity is ever born, however. No such entity has a blood group. No such entity ever took a breath. No such entity lives! To offer up those (legal ID) documents on request, as proof of our (living) identity, is either to give false evidence, admit that one acts for the legal entity that unlawfully uses our usurped name, or both.
What is the difference between ILB identification and all other ID?
The ILB Code attests the life of the (data) donor being, nothing less. Secret algorithms determine that the ILB Code© cannot exist otherwise. The ILB number/codes cannot replace government ID, because their ID refers to a different (non-living) entity. Government ID remains unaltered and untouched; fraud notwithstanding.
Where does citizenship fit in?
Citizenship status has no connection or relation with any iDeed© sequence, legal or otherwise. An iDeed© sequence neither identifies one’s status nor confers it. Whatever an individual’s past, present or future place of abode, or status, whether of legal, political, juristic, religious or any other standing, is irrelevant. An iDeed© sequence, in any form, is not a form of identification that can be issued and owned by any Nation or its Government. iDeed© exists independent of an individual’s street, postal or web address; country or planet of residence.
Is ILB information valid in legal documents or in law courts?
NO! Both deal with legal entities in the public domain where independent flesh and blood beings are not recognised. ILB information will be ridiculed, thrown out, or earn ‘contempt of court.’ Living testimony in the form of an affidavit is one’s own recourse. This matter, where the first word uttered is ‘Life,’ is dealt with elsewhere.
IS your ILB Profile exempt from legal matters?
ILB© Codes exist in the private jurisdiction. Your ILB Numbers and Codes should never be used for attempting to extract yourself from citizenship and legalities of the public domain. Legal instrumentalities do not recognise Creator’s private, flesh and blood living human beings.
Under Maritime law, no word exists for a judge to address a living man or woman. Do not be confused by the term ‘natural person.’ A natural person is a real living human being ordinarily, a flesh and blood human being with a distinct personality. However, since the word ‘person’ has legal connotation, a ‘natural person’ can also be considered a person having legal obligations.
You may act as a legal identity, (or citizen)
Your ILB© number does not preclude you from acting as a LEGAL ENTITY, if that is your choice. Notwithstanding, you are never that legal entity, even if you choose to periodically act for it.
Remember always that legally a ‘person’ is a ‘thing.’ Identification of that ‘thing’ is not identification of your living being. Do not confuse the two. That fundamental deception is precisely why we need to establish our true and lawful identity as alive, define our rights, and initiate a new means of private identification that certifies both.
References and further information
For greater understanding of iDeed and all matters concerning ILB numbers and codes, see the QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS page
Readers are invited to follow through with all matters here discussed. All questions and enquiries concerning iDeed© may be addressed to the Proprietors via the contact page.
Warning -— Copyright
The iDeed System, with Private Property Code and Private Security Code, are the subject of copyright©. No copying, reproduction or use of the iDeed system formulations, Identifiers, graphics, or algorithms is permitted without prior written approval. Copyright© by and All Rights Reserved: Kenneth Elwyn Bartle© 4RBE70525, Max Emmons Taylor Jr.© 4VFK20928