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Freedom Leadership

Freedom founders do not seemingly exist. But perhaps they do and all they need is certain assurance that their goals can be achieved. Perhaps that is what you seek. Maybe you know already that the Australian continent is not governed. More people are learning that we Aussies are controlled by none other than service corporations whose unelected sociopaths  deny our ‘unalienable right to life’ under the banner of a ‘new world order.’ 

Many people believe that Common law is the only path forward, never comprehending that its failure to protect the people from domination and control has contributed to today’s dilemma. No form of ‘democracy’ offers a solution either. It simply empowers the consented ‘right’ of the majority to rule everyone. Freedoms are refused and society fractures into rival groups resulting in mob rule or gang warfare. Democracy does not remove the  invented legal ‘right’ to rule. It remains that the moral right to rule and immoral wrong to refuse rule, utterly deny ‘natural rights’ and freedoms, all in criminal violation of our human nature. Small wonder no freedom founders present.

Errant philosophy must be overturned

Since the advent of Man, we have been wilfully repressed and denied through ideologies and philosophies that have ruled the people through mind control and conscious ignorance. Plato, a Greek philosopher (300 BCE), argued that although likeness and equality was indeed a fact, thus people ought to be taught otherwise so they would accept the different benefits and burdens arising from various positions in a politically organised society. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French philosopher (mid 1700s), believed that while Man’s freedom is a fact of nature, people should be taught to consider that it is dangerous; whereby they ought to sacrifice their individual nature to the artificial condition of citizenship. Furthermore, natural persons should become artificial persons, legal citizens, – wittingly or unwittingly—willingly or by legal compulsion.

Societies - Ruled. Diagram

Given those philosophies are still taught, it's no surprise that freedom founders are denied the truth of human nature and no relief from tyranny is possible. No one understands that people who elect to be ‘ruled by force’ deserve all the hardships or violence that their (elected) minders initiate.

Freedom must be protected from trespass

Once it is discovered that (Divine) Natural Law is immutably encrypted in our human nature, and that it outstrips all invented legalities without exception, no democracy, statute law or common law, offers any legitimately viable substitute.

Freedom founders grasp that freedom is divinely consented by our very nature. They know that we each are born free, as individual soul expressions emerging from the singularity of the Source Creator. They recognise our unalienable right to life, self-determination, freedom of expression, movement, and action. So, once individual rights are seen to be imperative, freedom founders reach an unmistakable conclusion.

Protection of our rights and freedoms is the only form of rule lawfully permissible.

Our ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ must be protected, and that is an in-built fact of human nature. Self governance is a fact of nature and must be protected.

Existential natural law for Freedom Founders

Can you visualise twenty universal laws sufficient to render hundreds of law libraries obsolete? If so, picture fourteen of these laws given to personal development and thriving, three to self correction, and three to personal and societal protection, all dynamically interconnected and fully integrated, like a symphonic orchestra with your conscious mind as the conductor.

Societies such as we’ve never witnessed are ours for creating, sociologically and politically  more ethical and moral than any employed in the past. Peace-loving, organic societies are not only possible, they are impelled by nature itself. No ’law of Man’ stands above Divine law as consented by our Creator and encrypted in our human nature.

“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8.32. 

Freedom founders have a new model for society

Freedom leaders have a uniquely different model that surpasses all others. Buckminster Fuller summed it up perfectly.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Full consciousness is that model. As gifted in our nature, all freedom founders need do is press the GO button. It defines that an organic society relies on a certain ‘orderliness’ that must be preserved, and that whatsoever orchestrates the destruction of that ‘orderliness’ is immoral if not criminal.

Freedom advocates must discover the root source of that orderliness and implement the means to preserve and protect it.

Human nature shows freedom founders the way forward

We each have some fifty trillion cells plus multitudes of organs and systems, all living as individuals in a cooperative society governed by a few natural laws. Every one upholds your free choice to live as Creator intentioned. But instead of using this model, we are all  condemned to hell because of a societal failure to govern a mere seven billon people.  

To switch from that barbaric rule to a free society is not as complex as it first appears. First, we must learn how our human conscious process works. It reveals the twenty natural laws offering enormous personal benefits. Then we can sweep apathy, passivity, indifference and ignorance aside. We can stop clutching at straws. Stop clinging to errant beliefs, ideologies and philosophies that cripple our minds and poison our spiritual nature.

A new constitution for Terra Australis

Freedom founders can transpose that (natural law) orderliness from our human nature into society. Organic communities will then blossom as never witnessed in all history. People will become sovereign masters of their own life and choices, all comforts, securities and freedoms preserved. Freedom founders will position Australia to become the first country in history to stamp the words FREE NATION on the world map.

Societal Regeneration of this order is not a new form of government. It is self-governance under the umbrella of State and Federal Protectorates, all commissioned to protect people’s freedom, their comforts and securities.

How can this ‘Free Nation’ begin? Natural Law Assemblies are being formed. Their initial focus will be education concerning natural laws, or as Thomas Jefferson referred to them, the “laws of nature and nature’s God.” They are divine and nothing surpasses them.

Free Societies

Do you have the expertise and willingness to become a freedom founder, a forefather of the Societal Regeneration of Australia, much as America’s forefathers declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776?

National Assembly of Freedom Founders

When sufficient numbers of freedom leaders gather in these state assemblies, the full dynamic power of natural law and its factual encryption in human nature will be revealed. It will take people some time for everyone to grasp a totally new way to live life to the fullest, unhindered by anyone telling them what they can and cannot do. It takes time to accept that trespass against the unalienable rights of other means relinquishing one's own rights in the process, but natural justice offers no let-outs.   

The time for action is now

Eventually an information package will assure all Australians of their freedoms, comforts and securities but you need wait no longer and my books describe natural law in full.  

High stakes and attainable goals

These founders of freedom will joyously and affirmatively respond when they realise that their path to action is guaranteed free from interference, that it is spiritually assisted, and that their lives and the fruits of their labours are fully protected. Moreover that all capital infrastructure, public transport and essential services are maintained with minimal interference.

Freedom founder success

By these means the Australian people can be offered an emphatic assurance of freedom and societal peace for which they presently crave.

In short, Australia can surpass what Americans did long ago! In a social spirit of collaboration and cooperation, Australia’s freedom founders will ensure that truth and freedom unite in creating best practice institutions and other mechanisms intent on advancing the quality of human life within self-governance.  Health care, trade, education, media, technology, and conscious knowledge will thrive. Leisure activities will escalate as freedom becomes commonplace.

No one has yet witnessed a world where everyone moves freely through life with radiantly clear knowledge of their true potential, their spiritual purpose, and their true connection to the Source of everything. Freedom leading success entirely depends on our learning of our consciousness and its beneficial governance with free will upheld as sacred. Implementation of Creator’s model will result in such success that other nations will feel comfortably assured to protect their people’s rights and freedoms likewise.

Become a Freedom Founder

Freedom architects are needed now, those with knowledge, training, and expertise, sufficient to become the ‘founders’ of Australia’s Independence. They will irrevocably stamp Australia’s freedom on the world map. These trailblazing architects of ascension will depart asinine beliefs, learn the exciting truths of consciousness and creation, so cutting to the chase of instituting the people’s right to life, property and freedom, ridding all violations. Love, peace, freedom and organic societies will prosper as never before, with all pretenders, naysayers, second-handers, and wishful theorists consigned to history. 

Maybe the skills you’ve developed over years can be turned to freedom leadership? Perhaps you’ve long yearned for a freedom leading opportunity but have seen no way forward? Wait no longer. If this prospect excites you, and you are willing to diligently strive for your children’s exciting and most blessed future, please commit by contacting the author via the contact page.

I trust that you now see the most splendid opportunity to transform the Australian continent into a ‘free organic society’ as never before witnessed, never to be repealed. Do you wish to become a founder of freedom?

Kenneth E. Bartle © 2021
