5. Free Societies

Free Societies rely on conscious knowledge as the path to freedom and a state of peaceable civilisation in perpetuity. Here's how!

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

Free Societies rely on conscious knowledge as the path to freedom and a state of peaceable civilisation in perpetuity. Personal freedom is the hallmark of our human nature.

“That personal freedom is the natural right of every man; and that property, or an exclusive right to dispose of what he has honestly acquired by his own labour, necessarily arises therefrom, are truths which common sense has placed beyond the reach of contradiction. And no man, or body of men, can without being guilty of flagrant injustice, claim a right to dispose of the persons or acquisitions of any other man, or body of men, unless it can be proved that such a right has arisen from some compact between the parties in which it has been explicitly and freely granted.” —Dr Joseph Warren (1775)

In the early 1800s, Josiah Warren asked what would become the interests of society if there were no rulers or lawmakers. Some challenged his mission, but he questioned if any plan could work more injustice to humanity than the ones it presently operated under. He argued that a belief that freedom would upset all orderliness was as baseless as believing that subordination to coercion has benefited humanity.

The only guarantee against revolution and violence and the only security for person and property and for the free pursuit of happiness will be found in each individual's interpreting liberty for himself and herself and for his own individual interests. — Josiah Warren

This individuality of interests would also necessitate individual responsibilities wherein people incur the consequences of their own decisions, meaning people act at their own cost. We reap what we sow. And that is precisely how intrinsic natural law functions. No less.

Conscious knowledge - free societies

Truthfully, all people are blessed with the lawful means to re-purpose every society on Earth, fully backed by the blessings of our Source Creator. Will you embrace conscious knowledge and free organic societies you’ve never dreamt of?

Conscious knowledge is the path to freedom and a state of peaceable civilisation in perpetuity. Thus, we may paraphrase Jefferson’s statement concerning the impossibility of freedom whilst ignorance prevails—

If a nation expects to be consciously knowledgeable and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be and protects it.

Truthfully, we are blessed with the lawful means to re-purpose any society on Earth, fully backed by our Source Creator. Will you embrace conscious knowledge and free organic societies you've never dreamt of?

Free Society has never been witnessed in all of history

America’s Declaration of Independence pointed the way—

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for the people to dissolve the political bands which have denied the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, full respect for the nature of mankind requires they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights and that to secure these rights, lawful protective instrumentalities be instituted among Men deriving just life-protective powers solely from the endowed laws of self-governance; that whenever any Instrumentality becomes destructive of these ends, wholly or in part, it is the right of the people to disband and replace the whole Instrumentality, so protecting their Unalienable Rights to Life, Freedom, and pursuit of Happiness in perpetuity.

All people are gifted the unalienable right to self-determination, freedom of expression, movement, and the unrestrained actualisation of ourselves the instant we are born. 

Freedom means complete separation from government coercion. It does not mean freedom from your landlord or your employer. It means freedom from the coercive dictatorial powers of the state and nothing else.

Freedom and respect are reciprocal. We can ensure our freedom only by endorsing other people’s right to their lives. Freedom, respect, and individual rights are inseparable and are precisely what morally constrain us. No enforced rule is necessary. 

People would have learned conscious fidelity and how individual rights are indispensable long ago if they had studied how consciousness works instead of societal rules. The governing laws of our conscious process are the path to freedom and a state of peaceable civilisation.

Today’s task is to embrace life, respect, and individual rights, thereby initiating and empowering human freedom and thus banishing tyranny.

Unless we wake up to the fullness of freedom and the right to self-govern and responsibly act upon that right, we will have neither rights nor freedom. —Kenneth E. Bartle

We must know our innate natural laws and their incumbent responsibilities, exercise our right to self-mastery, and protect the same rights for all others.

Freedom & business

Given that our conscious process offers a model for free collaborative societies, how might they be instituted?

  1. Can the natural laws of our nature be applied to trade and business that we know as corporatism, capitalism, and consumer socialism? Can the natural laws of our nature be applied to political and economic theories of social organisation concerning the means of production, distribution, and exchange?
  2. Further, in what way might these immutable natural laws advise how people can formulate a free symbiotic society? 
  3. Are the principles of value acquisition or transfer sufficient or robust enough to describe a moral and just society, absent government as we know it? 
  4. Can we transition from authoritarian control to moral self-mastery with built-in remedial justice without collapsing into a total disorder that many call anarchy? 

We should answer these questions by employing the principles we have learned.

  1. First, we should translate the natural law formulas into a practical business model for business and trade, locally, nationally, and internationally. To that end, the value transfer loop lends itself to such a collaborative business model. Early in my career, I played a pivotal part in such a company, and its success far exceeded anything that its competitors could ever hope for. 
  2. Second, we should transpose intrinsic natural laws into a practical system of morality and justice that upholds life, including for various creeds, cultures, and nationalities. By such means, we can enjoy an alternate form of governance, better described as ‘regulatory justice.’

Accordingly, ‘Protectorates’ would replace governments. Their function would not consist in making laws but in upholding the Creators’ existing laws, locally, nationally, and internationally. Correction and remediation would be their focus, not overt control and regulation. Education concerning natural law, ethics, and morality would be central to their mission but not necessarily their practice.

Today’s task is not to remodel society. Instead of advocating, building, and practising individual rights to the point where sociopathic dominance over Man crashes of its own volition.

Value is the key. Discernment is vital. Integrity is crucial.

It is time for humans to say YES!

Yes, I accept the responsibility to govern myself so that no other commanding rule is necessary. Sadly, that the simplicity of natural orderliness is not understood today because intrinsic natural law is unknown. Thus, ethics, morality, and free and just societies are unknown.

No one sees our Creator’s invitation for all men, women, and children to live joyful, promising, and rewarding lives. No one understands how natural laws ensure they can. Few grasp how these laws show us we can teach children about ethical and moral thinking from a very early age.

People focus on complex legalities backed by (gunpowder) rules, all creating mental problems and traumas. Who suffers, and who gains? Who profits when the populace screams that the government must do something? And who suffers when it does? Are we to ignore unceasing tyranny and lift our game by simply meditating or raising our frequencies?

Given this abysmal circumstance, how could anyone conceive of a lawful, friendly, supportive, and cooperative society based on natural laws? When people put freedom and security in place, it only remains to protect that condition so everyone prospers.