3. Prime Constitutional Matters 

What kind of Society do you seek?

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

History teaches a fundamental fact. Rule by authoritarian force is all that the world has known, whether by empire, monarch, kingdom, government, socialist or communist party, democracy, republic, or today’s (fraudulent) corporations. We have only one alternative. Societal freedom as our Source Creator consented. The choice is clear. Either we choose continued forced enslavement, or freedom by accepting and instituting the Creator’s consent. Refuse that, and we deny our gifted nature.

Declaration of Independence 

From what? Freedom cannot exist in a controlled society. Unless the people declare their independence from all authoritarian rule and its evils, no change occurs, and authoritarian rule continues.

Man vs animals

Cognitive awareness triggers our free will to use what we are aware of or to begin learning more about what we are aware of. ‘Perception’ makes us aware, and that prompts us to think. We automatically respond to emergencies like pulling our hands from a flame. Otherwise, awareness invokes that we learn, and we must. Because our subconscious mind pauses at the point of becoming aware, we’ve no alternative but to exercise our faculties as our Creator intended we should.

Animals are different. They do not think like us because their nature automatically responds to their perceptions. They hunt, sleep, mate, forage for food, or engage in self-protection according to ever-changing circumstances, environment, and nature. Our differences from animals become apparent. They adapt themselves to their environment as their nature determines. They change skin colour, grow fangs or defensive attributes, shed their skins, hibernate, or shed a winter coat for a summer coat. On the other hand, we adapt our environment to our purposes as our free will determines. We build roads and bridges, irrigation canals, transport and communication systems, and farm crops and animals.

This marked difference between animals and ourselves poses an important question. Why can many animals see, hear, smell, and feel with far greater sensibilities than we possess? Are we the superior species or not? If so, why are we deprived? Suppose nature, or our Creator, is capable of providing superior senses in animals, birds, or fish. Why are we not blessed with like faculties? That answer is that they must have more highly developed faculties because their lives depend entirely on being very acutely presented with the realities they perceive. They live or die based on the accuracy of their sensory data. Whatever knowledge they need to survive and thrive comes from their heightened sensory ability and nothing else. 

We live or die based on conscious inquiry and learning. We only need to be made aware that something exists. People must learn and profit from what it is. Although our senses are less acute than those of animals, we suffer no deprivation. Fish can swim better than we can, but they cannot build swim pools. Birds can see much further and sharper but cannot build radar systems. Our mental faculties far exceed those of animals. That blessed ability is ours alone. From that, we learn, lest we should.

Once we begin to comprehend how mental data processed by our minds is the equivalent of physical food processed by our digestive system, we see that nutritional food equates with ethical thought and moral actions. That shows how we differ from animals even more precisely and why it is vital to comprehend how our mental faculties utilise spiritual values. Sadly, or tragically, humanity has been deprived of that knowledge for centuries. Monarchs, emperors, dictators, socialists, communists, or fraudulently incorporated rulers known as corporations politically and legally define us as animals or monsters. The populace sees no end in sight while their prison cage is continually re-legislated within the entrenched mindset. Here lies the root of this plague — 

Today’s debacle–

Rousseau (1712–78), a French philosopher and writer, said “that while human freedom is a fact of nature, people should be taught to consider that it is dangerous, whereby they ought to sacrifice their individual nature to the artificial condition of citizenship. Natural persons should become artificial persons, i.e., citizens — wittingly or unwittingly — willingly or by legal compulsion.”

His philosophy and five others like it remain taught today. Are you kept ignorant so authoritarian rule continues unchallenged? My first book, Law from Within, 2017, and Conscious Ascendance 2022 exposed that insanity to the world. To believe that consciousness, perception, sensations, and feelings are vibrations while not knowing how consciousness works allows assumptions to build on unchecked presumptions. As Marcus Aurelius said, “Opinions matter naught if no one knows anything about the subject.

Suppose our thoughts, especially their (spiritual)’ values,’ are spiritual abstracts, not physical manifestations. In that case, vibrations and energy do not apply to them. Spiritual abstractions may logically trigger emotions that manifest as physical vibrations, but cause and effect are not interchangeable. So, we may paraphrase Einstein by saying that “every material thing in life is vibration, but spirituality is the coherent flow of abstracted values upholding and sustaining our lives.”

The Bible book of Genesis describes how God created plant life and animal life, and then — “God created man in his image; in the image of Creator God — male and female He created them.” Tragically, we do not read the differences between these three life forms, So let me summarise. 

  1. Animals are perceptual beings. They adapt to their environment as their nature determines. For example, they change colour, shed their skins, grow defensive attributes, hibernate, etc.)
  2. Humans are volitional beings. We adapt nature to ourselves as our free will determines. We build dams, railroads, and houses because they sustain and profit our lives.

Suppose we read this passage in the Bible book of Genesis. 

“let men and women have free will to uphold their life in the manner of their choosing — a conscious mind that (two way) communicates with a subconscious mind, so men may choose their values, and receive reports through feelings and emotions, to alter their behaviour or change their values, and thrive intellectually, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.”

That comprehension is mind-blowing! It gets better. Twenty natural laws are also found there, one powerfully and unequivocally revealing that “No mind can rule another.” 

Instantly, the age-old mindset shatters beyond repair. Its replacement is priceless. It is not a mindset change when we engage our minds in accepting all the Creator’s gifts to us, thus allowing all rulers to follow suit or face the consequences of refusing their nature. That done, our mental, ethical, moral, and emotional joy explodes into a mindset of respectful freedom and natural justice.’ Spiritual consciousness is precisely what nature’s Source creator intended, its discernment the long-awaited ‘great awakening’ excitingly within your grasp.

Now, we can paraphrase Thomas Jefferson–

If a nation expects to be knowledgeable and free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be and protects it.

This excellent, unprecedented new path in life consented to and backed by the Creator relegates all initiated rule and force to history. A ‘Protectorate Nation’ is our constitutional task, for which Source creator cancels all arguments.

The rehabilitation of our environments and our social and political systems requires rehabilitation of our psychology, not merely as individuals, but as a species – that a spiritual change must be the basis for social reform and the restoration of the earth’s ecosystems. —Jeremy Griffith (Australia)

Fully equipped to learn and implement the governing laws of your nature, no one needs to wait. As your new mindset beautifully and powerfully fills with new comprehension, each step will confirm constitutional changes in full accord with the Source creator’s consent, absent limits. You will help build a new constitution for your nation, and nothing will stand in your way!