1 Conscious Enlightenment
Conscious enlightenment is virtually unknown today, yet it holds the secret to freedom from authoritarian rule. Have you asked what caused global mayhem and widespread mRNA deaths and why most people regularly vote for the continuity of government that failed to prevent it? Is this international crime against humanity the result of lies, propaganda, indoctrination, endless legislations, financial thuggery and initiated force over centuries? If so, what allowed that, and can that injustice be corrected?
Would you be excited to learn there is a God-given solution to the conscious problem based on revelations that should have been Man’s proper course from day one? Does a revolutionary and triumphant social future await humanity, one you know little or nothing of?
Prepare yourself for learning truths that some people may find confronting. What follows is outside shared perceptions and beliefs concerning consciousness and natural law. Reader discretion is advised.
What will you choose?
Most people want political and societal change, but authoritarian rule that has failed man for centuries is all they know. Are you among those who accept that roadblock, or are you ready to discover your true nature as a living man or woman and use the Creator’s gifts to change society so that you and your offspring can prosper and thrive in ways never dreamt?
One of the biggest threats to our freedom as humanity is not a virus or the vaccine but a congenital disease affecting a large percentage of the global population. It is called Cognitive Dissonance.
This disease turns people into the prison guards of their own prisons of the mind. They are blind and deaf to anything that contradicts the narrative of the propaganda they digest daily from mainstream media. Obediently marching to the beat of the drum of the global elite's instructions. Marching towards their demise, believing fully that they are doing the right thing. —Michael Tellinger
A new mindset is imperative.
Has any Governmental structure served the people as it purportedly intended? Is today’s fight between good and evil political or spiritual? Could consciousness be our remedy, recognised and addressed as the most vital part of our born nature? A recent video stated—
We don’t need a new plantation master. We need the consciousness that forms the basis of a self-governing system. Is humanity ready to evolve beyond the point where it needs government? Can people disengage from voting and from the system? Can people deprogram the belief that your vote counts, the belief that your vote will change anything, the belief that we need government and the belief in authority?
Does that sound like an unprecedented societal revolution in the making? If so, are you aware that science freely admits it does not know what consciousness is or how it works?
“It is impossible to specify what consciousness is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it.” — Stuart Sutherland, British psychologist, 1959
Seemingly, technology has rocketed ahead while our mental knowledge flounders apathetically in the dark ages, or worse, conscious knowledge has been deliberately denied or forbidden. Do you see the monumental roadblock? Our consciousness offers a glorious future, but we’ve no seeming means to realise it. What if consciousness became known for what it is? Would that revolutionary new mindset overturn today’s authoritarian rule presently crippling society?
Conscious ignorance is rife.
In common usage and as dictionaries describe,‘consciousness’ means ‘awareness,’ yet that is less than one-tenth of the conscious process! Accordingly, ninety per cent of people are denied ninety per cent of their conscious abilities, and it is on this platform of ignorance that society rests intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and politically.
Today’s representative governments are nothing but incorporated service providers. We all are slaves to authority and victims of constant surveillance where all dissent is repressed. Pervasive speech censorship prevails, and justice is inverted. ‘Knowledge’ is now a lost word, displaced by ‘belief.’
We’ve all heard it said that “nature abhors a vacuum.” That being so, it must be asked if volumes of guesswork and presumptions have filled the massive void in our knowledge to become an accepted (and unchallenged) truth across centuries. It seems so, and that begs more questions. Is there a hidden agenda, and if so, what will eliminate it? If people are denied any mental means to overcome mental ignorance, are they victims of mind control, propaganda, erroneous beliefs, brainwashing, authoritarian rule, serfdom and dictatorship? Are you the victim of surveillance and social credits upheld by unelected ruling bodies like the CDC, UN, and WHO? Are you thrust into social slavery with no means of escape?
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was and never will be.” —Thomas Jefferson.
Conscious enlightenment is denied
First, academia freely admits it knows nothing of consciousness, made worse by many who describe ‘consciousness’ as ‘awareness.’ Consequently, few know anything about mind mastery, and so millions of people suffer from mental handicaps, anxieties and traumas!
Secondly, philosophers have for centuries taught that –
while Man’s freedom is a fact of nature, people should be taught to consider that it is dangerous; whereby they ought to sacrifice their individual nature to the artificial condition of citizenship; and that natural persons should become artificial persons, that is citizens — wittingly or unwittingly — willingly, or by legal compulsion.’ –Jean Jacques Rousseau
In practice today, you must be kept ignorant so that you willingly agree to forcible rule, deceitfully if not fraudulently disguised as your protection.
The solution to the first problem smashes the second, and that is a game-changer like no other!
Conscious enlightenment offers personal benefits never before considered. Further, its governing laws are the Creator’s model for free organic societies, which is beneficial beyond anything Man has conceived.
Problems stack up
Not surprisingly, cognitive science is today stuck with what is called ‘the hard problem of consciousness,’ resulting in the invention of ‘panpsychism,’ which holds that every atom of matter has an element of consciousness. People are also taught that consciousness can never be a science because free will is subjective. When conscious knowledge is denied, the phrase ” my emotions rule me " becomes commonplace.
Consciousness is refused to be a science — because ‘awareness’ is said to be subjective. Quantum physics holds that everything is energy. Thus, reality is an illusion. After that, beliefs replace knowledge. Conscious abilities are reduced to subjectivity, illusion, energetics, vibrations, and frequencies, a mentally destructive feat that defies comparison.
Belief in ‘unity consciousness’ or mass consciousness denies the individual faculty of consciousness. ‘Life’ is omitted from all discussion. Ignorance magnifies because our abilities are arrested to that degree. No mind communication is observed, and there is no perceivable value transfer. Nothing unites our higher faculties. Three of our nine higher faculties are not recognised.
Since we live in a physical realm, people commonly believe our conscious operating system exists solely to satisfy our desire or need for material values or possessions.
Problems from Conscious Ignorance
We associate ‘awareness’ with conscious ‘satisfaction.’ And that, for most people, is where the story of consciousness ends. People ignore spiritual values and conscious enlightenment or assign them to religion.
Not surprisingly, conscious belief is stuck in the rut of physical matter and material values. People consider nothing else, ignoring all thoughts of enlightened consciousness thriving. The ‘hard problem’ survives. ‘Panpsychism’ gains wider acceptance while cognitive scientists wrestle with whether the brain alone can explain consciousness.
Human consciousness remains stopped at the level of animality. Conscious ignorance of this calibre promotes ‘collectivism’— the foundation of socialism and communism. People are then coerced to obey government demands as though (invented) legal constructs were nature itself.
Conscious ignorance has robbed us of vitality
- We’ve all witnessed boundless enthusiasm for life in young children in all lands and cultures, their unstoppable energy, passionate exuberance, and unquenchable vitality. Yet, those wondrous abilities and joys are killed off in just a few years. What permits this tragedy? How are children and adults robbed of their vitality, and why?
- It is time to ask some hard questions.
- What is consciousness?
- What is its purpose?
- How does it work?
- Will our knowing improve our personal lives?
- Will that knowledge enable people to live in societies free from authoritarian rule?
Ignorance results in ‘collectivism’
Much conscious ignorance is based on ‘collectivist philosophy,’ itself premised on the notion that we are all social animals. World-acclaimed philosophers have for centuries expressed ideas such as —
While ‘likeness, equality and freedom are facts of nature, people should be taught otherwise; to sacrifice their individual nature to the artificial condition of citizenship… become artificial persons, i.e. citizens willingly or by legal compulsion; and that we ‘cannot tolerate the notion of rights, for such notion rests on individualism.
Is that senselessness, or is it the deliberate intention to keep us all ignorant to justify totalitarian rule? If consciousness is indeed an attribute of each individual, then it is not a collective phenomenon, nor can it ever be. But when individuality is overruled by ‘collectivism,’ consciousness is denied, leaving us consciously dead. Authoritarians must preserve conscious ignorance after that to preserve their domination and control.
Conscious ignorance abounds in today's world. Thus abandoned, we are left exposed to theories having no (life) basis and no spiritual value. Propaganda and mind control run rife, and that is the source of today’s problems worldwide.
Conscious enlightenment is the progenitor of life
The bottom line of our conscious process is ‘life,’ not physical matter as neuroscience would have us believe. ‘Life’ is the supreme value, without which nothing is of value. Accordingly, our subconscious mind upholds and sustains life’s value just as our heart and lungs serve the same purpose.
Our free will is not tasked in that manner. We are free to choose materially, mentally and spiritually. We may select values that help us thrive or those that diminish or restrict our lives, which usually results in physical or mental impairment of some kind or to some degree.
It has been established that the invisible feeling of hunger correlates with visible activity in the brain's hypothalamus, but such correlations do not offer a theory of consciousness. Further, while science can explain what the machinery of the eye does, it cannot explain the spark of brilliant perception or dazzling awareness of something new or profound. This apparent mystery is called ‘the hard problem of consciousness,’ a term coined by David Chalmers, an Australian philosopher and cognitive scientist.
If conscious enlightenment is of value to our lives, why are psychologists or neuroscientists not asking such questions? Is there a link between intuition and conscience? What are emotions exactly, and what triggers them? What is the role of imagination, and does it correlate with memory? The list of questions is almost endless, but whom have you heard asking them or explaining the answers? I’ve found none in thirteen years of intensive research.
Conscious enlightenment is precious.
Either the world plunges headlong into a totalitarian dictatorship, or it awakens instead to spiritual consciousness and free organic societies never witnessed in all history!
Let’s face it, natural law proponents are the only people who have ever suggested what might replace today’s abysmal societal structure, now proven beyond doubt to have utterly failed humanity.
What natural law theorists have yet to learn, however, is that free, organic societies are modelled within the conscious and biological nature of every man, woman and child. That model, if implemented, would consign all forms of authoritarian rule to history forever.
Given these discoveries, a new sociological and political foundation, more ethical and moral than any employed in the past, is ours for the will to achieve it. If the benefits of full spiritual conscious enlightenment and the freedom it delivers do not excite your passion to choose both, then what will?
Never forget what Thomas Jefferson wrote–
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was and never will be.
© Kenneth E. Bartle 2025