An Unprecedented Future
An unprecedented future awaits man. Three years of despair is over and gone so stop living in denial of your glorious future. This period of transition between what was and what will be is your opportunity to thrive like never before.
Your unprecedented future is now known, but tragically very few people know of it and what little effort is needed to achieve it. It remains that your actions today will greatly influence tomorrow, but living in the past will never bring it on.
Yes, I’m talking of big solutions, radical indeed, but within the reach of everyone provided they first step out from the bonds of denial. Low-cost, practical solutions are available right now. There's no need to wait for a financial crash or political upheaval because your unprecedented future can begin today. It’s a beautiful, diverse, and amazing world, and that can be said of your mind as well. So now it is time to explore its offerings as never before. You'll want to share your discoveries with others.
As your own consciousness ascends and its governing laws open new doors to your vibrant success endorsed by great happiness you’ll see exactly what this unprecedented future looks like, and you really will want more. As free societies begin taking shape don’t be surprised if your own creativity leaps out of the starting blocks. Whether you research deeper, create artworks, offer webinars, write a book, or whatever, you’ll begin communicating more, not only with your subconscious mind, but sharing with other people and with crystal clarity, exactly what it means to be truly alive.
My books are your path to that unprecedented future. Like my son Scott who wanted the truth now, I researched for years and struck gold. This work is exemplary, exactly what the world needs to transition from slave societies to free societies.
The three foundations of full consciousness, natural law, and objectivist philosophy are rock solid and fully interlocked, and better still, they form the operating system that is your life.
You'll not find these astonishing revelations anywhere else!
Your beautiful, creative, and joyously unprecedented future awaits.

Conscious Ascedance
People plead deliverance from anxiety, stress, and trauma. But what remedy is there?
It’s right here!
This masterly virtuoso shows how infants succeed with no words, math, or science. From that understanding, life values emerge to unleash subconscious power as our Creator intended.
Learn how each of our higher faculties build a platform of serene confidence, surety, assertiveness and mental efficacy, all fear, anxiety and stress relegated to history.
Navigate to Freedom
This book destroys the idea that everything must be decisively determined and controlled by (incorporated) governments with little or no care for our welfare – but what promotes their ruling agenda.
Here's an entirely different societal platform founded on human nature, and twenty natural laws encrypted therein. Ten years intensive research presents astounding revelations that substitute free societies and how ‘Protectorates’ are a future never dreamt.

Read these three books and you'll never look back!
Internet happenstance brought me to Kenneth’s understanding, my life has never been the same since and neither will yours. —Max E. Taylor Jr.

Natures Providence - for free Societies
This book concludes the 3-part series. It unites the three fundamentals for free societies, namely Full Consciousness, Natural Law, and Objective Philosophy. For your unprecedented future, this book nails it!
It is highly recommended that you read Conscious Ascendance and Navigate to freedom first. Thay lay the groundwork for this book