10. Protectures for Freedom
‘Protecture’ was a word last used in the 1500s but should never have gone out of fashion. A Protecture replaces the government to protect our rights to self-govern such that governments fade into obsolescence. Remember my (Jefferson) paraphrased words–
‘If a nation expects to be knowledgable and free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be and protects it.’
Comforts and protection
Two matters are paramount.
The first step is to claim or assert one’s lawful identity as an independent living being, which proves and flatly denies that one is a dead, fictional legal entity.
The second step is to uphold your unalienable and inalienable rights and to protect you from all forms of initiated aggression, including violence, fraud, blackmail, rape and murder. That instrumentality should also administer natural justice as prescribed by intrinsic natural law. Its concern is remediating wrongful actions, not correcting wrong thinking.
Biometric ID
Biometric identification of one’s living nature renders all other identification worthless. It allows individuals to become sovereign masters of their lives and choices, with all comforts, securities, and freedoms preserved. No dissent is possible since everyone has equal life and property rights.
Australia has the opportunity to become the first country in history to stamp the words FREE NATION on the world map, but not for long, I suggest. In a social spirit of collaboration and cooperation, freedom founders will ensure that truth and freedom unite to create best practice institutions and other mechanisms to advance the quality of human life within self-governance. As a result, health care, trade, education, media, technology, and conscious knowledge will thrive. Leisure activities will escalate as freedom becomes commonplace.
Freedom is the trophy, but respect for the lives of others is the race. Nature’s gift of personally actioned synergistic power has no equal. No society has ever embraced it, yet no one can refute it although they can refuse it.
Protectures replace Government.
A Protecture is a constitutionally appointed body of people elected to uphold and protect people’s rights and freedoms. Such bodies cannot violate anyone’s rights without trespassing their charter, thereby instantly dismissing themselves. Aristotle came closer to the truth than any other ‘life’ advocate.
“What makes it true that something is good is not that it stands in some relation to desire, but instead that it is somehow perfective or completing of a being. And, what is perfective or complete of a being depends on that being's nature. So, for example, what is good for an oak tree is completing or perfecting it, which depends on what an oak is by nature.”
Your ‘human nature’ is that of life expressing itself, authored by your free will. So what is complete or perfecting of you, including your intrinsic governing laws, is perfecting your life. No alternative is possible without first rejecting your nature, which is precisely what authoritarian tyrants have done unto themselves, willingly, without force or coercion.
A protected society (protecture) is not a government, therefore. Instead, an elected ‘Protecture’ upholds and protects all individuals’ right to self-govern, thus denying all initiated force, authoritarian statutes, legislation, coercion, crime and trespass.
You can protect your liberties only by protecting the other man's freedom. You can be free only if I am free. —Clarence S. Darrow (1857-1938) American lawyer
Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it. —Pericles
The practice of law is a rational discipline of justice, not of legality. —Frank van Dun; “The Lawful and the legal.”
Protecting ourselves and our individual‚ rights is enabled because every necessary law already exists in our nature. Our individual right to seek life-sustaining goals or outcomes within the equal rights of all others categorically forbids all trespass of their rights. Lawmakers are entirely redundant therefore.
When people accept the criminality of authoritarian rule and resolve to protect man’s life, they will grasp the simplicity and beauty of creation denied their comprehension for millennia. That is the unprecedented societal revolution I speak of: the new epoch.
Fundamental Issues
That realisation frees us to seize, respect, enact, and protect freedom. But omit one of those four initiatives, and all is lost. That is the sole mission of a ‘Protecture,’ which lawfully allow people to abandon governments so they fade into obsolescence. In such a free society, we exercise our right to self-mastery and justly protect the same rights and freedoms for all others. It's that simple. Community services like fire, ambulance, road maintenance, waste disposal and other protections remain. Personal and societal benefits are incalculable, as my books describe.
People must learn that “freedom is indeed a fact of nature.” Authoritarian rule in defiance of nature is “aggression,” a crime against humanity! To repeat, no government can deny a society founded on the supremacy of life. All legislative attempts disavow life which instantly cancels their claim. That truth allows a lawful Constitution to be written! Its mission is to protect people’s rights and freedoms from all trespass, usurpation, coercion, authoritarian rule and violence.
Very few people grasp we are each born free as individual soul expressions of nature’s source Creator. Few recognise their unalienable right to life, self-determination, freedom of expression, movement, and action within the same rights as all others. Those who comprehend their divine place in life also know that (retaliatory) protection of our rights and freedoms is the only form of rule lawfully permissible. Life's intrinsic protection is exceedingly powerful, a lawful tool no one has previously considered. Its divine source is 'natural justice.’ Either we learn to employ life’s gifts in gratitude, implement intrinsic natural law and profit thereby, or we ignore our responsibilities, allowing sociopaths to profit at our expense.
Clutching at straws, clinging to errant beliefs, ideologies and philosophies that erode our minds and poison our spiritual nature, are hangovers from the past. A new era dawns for free societies founded on what we are by nature. It is our guardian, and its intrinsic governing laws sweep aside apathy, passivity, indifference and ignorance.
Unprecedented documentation
Humanity now has the solution it yearns for, specifically, a new Constitution, a Declaration of Independence, and a Charter of Individual Rights. My (Protecture) Constitutional documents are set within ‘Nature’s Providence’—(coincidently, the title of my third book in the series). Thus, the stage is now set for 'Protectures' to allow legal/politico governments to fade into antiquity and not before time.
A Declaration of Independence
In switching from barbaric rule to a free society, we must discover the root source of natural orderliness and implement the means to preserve and protect it for all individuals within society. My Declaration of Independence separates Australia from Great Britain; all corporations and alphabet agencies, foreign and domestic, all bodies exerting mass domination and control. It is founded on the story told by me three books in series.
A new Constitution
My ‘Constitution for Terra Australis’ is revolutionary. The Protecture upholds every individual’s right to life and the means to sustain it. Here are a few of its significant differences from anything past.
- No upper and lower houses, parliament, political parties, legislations, or statutes exist.
- No national debt exists. All banks are private.
- No taxes of any kind apply. No inflation or deflation is possible.
- Police, border protection, the judiciary, and the military are retained subject to intrinsic natural law without exception.
- Living men and women are recognised—legal entities are abolished.
- Unalienable and inalienable rights are negatively specified, meaning they cannot be denied or removed.
- People have the right to bear arms within intrinsic natural law protocols.
- Any abrogation or trespass of the Protecture Constitution instantly collapses itself; all rights retained by the people.
Societal regeneration of this order is not a new form of government. It is self-governance under the umbrella of state and national protections, which are commissioned to protect people’s freedom, comfort, and security.
Once people recognise a solid, factual, protecture platform immutably grounded in their (conscious) human nature, they will affirmatively rejoice, knowing their future is free from interference, spiritually assisted, and that their lives and the fruits of their labours are fully protected. When this implemented model gifted by nature’s source creator succeeds, other nations will feel assured of protecting their people’s rights and freedoms.

To my knowledge, no constitutional document has been written based on nature’s precepts. The first nation to embrace nature’s course will set an enviable, non-exclusive world precedent that cannot be overstated. However, it must be emphasised that protectures and authoritarian governments are incompatible. No hybrid is possible.
Nature rules – and the people respect nature.
Protectures are structured from the bottom up – by the people.
- What one man cannot protect alone is best served by ‘Community’; hence, local Councils or Counties.
- What one Council or County cannot do alone is best protected by a ‘Greater Community’; therefore, ‘State Protectures’, including police and judicial services in the interests of Justice, fire and police services, state highways, and signage.
- What one State Protecture cannot do alone is best protected by a National Body, including judicial services and the Military, in the interests of Justice.
The complete societal structure builds on the rights of every individual and thus protects those rights. Protection is not from crime alone, but rather each one’s ability to thrive and prosper and their (born) right to do so.
The Protecture will find and arrest criminals and maintain lighthouses, radar installations, and airport safety fundamental to the people’s protection. It would defend them from foreign invasions and abolish all surveillance violating their privacy. It would not act as a charity service, subsidise businesses, or tell people whom they can sleep or speak with.
The principal (Protecture) task is to ensure that each person respects other people’s boundaries. Self-governing individuals must exercise, maintain, and protect their (individual) right to life, whereby any (elected) Protecture, (formerly government), serves to preserve the protections morally practised by each individual. If not, a breakdown in the moral fabric of society results, including violence, crime, child trafficking, drug abuse, deviant sexual promiscuity, and more, all of which smash the blessings of freedom and prosperity to shreds.
Importantly, the more that authoritarians protest or claim their right to rule you, the louder they admit guilt, which is what they need to learn!
Freedom architects are needed, whose knowledge, training, and expertise in many fields of endeavour are sufficient to become the ‘founding fathers of Australia’s Independence. These trailblazing architects of ascension will depart from asinine beliefs, learn the exciting truths of consciousness and creation, and institute the people’s right to life, property and freedom. Love, peace, and harmonic, organic societies will prosper as never before, with all pretenders, naysayers, second-handers, and wishful theorists consigned to history by their free choice to reject life.
The new age awaits you
This paper only sketches the fundamental precepts of intrinsic natural law now embodied in my Constitution document. Other authors will take these basic principles and establish precedents constituting a free society's lawful basis. The resultant protection protocols will express the people’s right to live free from all that inhibits, obstructs, or denies their right to life. Rights are fully preserved in any process to contract for the acquisition, transfer, or exchange of property. All forms of theft are denied, including duties, registrations, taxation, and theft via eminent domain, as explained elsewhere in protection terms.
Constitutional authors for the Protecture must ensure that educators in the human sciences, biologists, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy correctly address intrinsic natural law, as they should have. Their newly acquired task is to explain and translate those principles into a thriving and productive society that offers protection of all individual rights and freedoms.
It is not for the government to inspect food, fight poverty, create jobs, feed or vaccinate anyone, fight discrimination, mitigate climate change, subsidise or give grants to individuals or businesses, explore space, rectify income equality, regulate commerce, or provide public assistance. Neither should it ever intervene, regulate or control peaceful activity.
Just think what will happen when those roadblocks and financial imposts are removed. Will today’s government workforce move from obstruction to be re-employed in production? Would two-parent incomes reduce to one, even four days a week, not five? Would your income swell, as well as your favourite charity, annual leave, children’s education, retirement fund, hobbies, or art collection? And that’s just for starters! My book ‘Nature’s Providence’ offers three examples of how free societies can work, even within taxation laws. Imagine the result when all theft is forbidden.

No one needs to wait.
Humanity now has the most splendid opportunity to instrument ‘free organic societies’, never to be repealed, but only your action can secure it for you. Isn’t that great news? Do you want to be a founder in the most prodigious societal revolution the world has ever witnessed? Begin today and a free symbiotic society will very soon arise, sufficient to cancel all artificial (fictional) laws, maintaining and perhaps enhancing existing societal protections.
Do you see the incredible advantage of having your Creator’s backing? By using your conscious process as intended, you revere your Creator and are bountifully blessed. Conversely, those who willingly refuse their gifted right to life effectively spit in the Creator's face. Gross atrocities committed in the past now dramatise our Creator's path to personal and societal emancipation that we could never have dreamt possible. That opportunity is what we must seize and protect. You are the facts of life.
“Everything that identifies the (living) you is the possession of the Divine Creator placed into the safe keeping of you, your inheritance and rights without obligation, without ownership interest actual or implied otherwise belonging; every trespass forbidden by the intrinsic governing laws of Nature’s Source Creator.”
That ‘lawfully’ written text directs all dissent to the Creator, not a law court. Do you sense a complete about-turn from every bugbear of the past? I trust you do because these revelations are revolutionary. Man is on an brink of spiritual transcendence that will change humanity’s course forever. The by-product is a complete political overhaul unlike anything past.
Recognise that your power in this world is yours to assert responsibly, within the equal rights of all others, and remember, this opportunity may never repeat.
The time for complacency is over. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prepare for natural orderliness through intrinsic natural law. The change you’ve been waiting for is now in your hands.
Step up to your (individual) sovereignty and never let go of your freedom. Man's illustrious (Protecture) future will be the biggest revolution in human history! People have never witnessed anything of its kind! Your offspring will love you forever.
© Kenneth E. Bartle 2025