12. Lessons from the mind

Personal and social benefits are off the scale

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

Mind lessons are vital because people know almost nothing about consciousness while believing they know it all. Scientists, neuroscience philosophers, psychologists, and mystics have abandoned humanity, seemingly because they don’t know either and freely admit it. Humanity has relentlessly pursued technology at the expense of abandoning consciousness, psychology, and spirituality. The result is buoyant technology suffering intellectual and spiritual deprivation.

Here is an outline of this disaster to prompt your inquiries.

  • Science rejects spiritual thinking because it cannot examine thought in test tubes or microscopes.
  • As a result, philosophy skirts spirituality as pure subjective theory.
  • Psychologists and psychiatrists are caught in the crossfire and nod their heads approvingly.
  • Social sciences bow to every conceivable distortion and misconception that results because they’ve no conscious comprehension to debate the issue.
  • New age devotees flood the bandwagon of presumptions built on assumptions, thus contriving mystical hypotheses to fill the mental vacancy of mental ineptitude.
  • Human consciousness corrodes. Gross ignorance prevails, and wide-scale mental ills result.
  • Humanity is dazzled by technology but abandoned by human sciences. They wallow unconsciously in the dark ages. People are stuck with problematic beliefs no human scientists have addressed, and there’s no sign they ever will.

My book Conscious Ascendance deals with this subject in depth. My stand-alone conclusion is that nothing but a healthy reappraisal of consciousness will correct today’s social obscenities, rid our destructive patterns, and thrust us into a healthy state of collaboration with each other and our ecosystems. And why not? Although blessed with light-speed faculties so complex they almost defy description, infants can master this gift with no language, math, or science.

That means infants are more competent than the best adult minds, and no one knows it. If that does not tell you our education system is screwed, nothing will!

Or is there a hidden (satanic mastermind) agenda that forbids us from learning the truth of what we are, so totalitarianism can prosper?

Neuroscience failings

Neuroscience does not differentiate the conscious mind from the subconscious. No two-way communication or natural laws governing that process are observably present; thus, social disorder continues unchallenged.

Politicians and psychopathic alphabet agencies believe an ‘authority’ must rule humanity, whereby invented legislation is crucially essential. People are convinced likewise through propaganda and political correctness. What began as conscious guesswork is now an ethical and moral necessity, absent any reference to the exact nature of Man nor the mental process governing our actions. Ironically, no one questions the government’s moral standards because nothing seems to define morality but government legislation.

Human sciences are stopped in their tracks by nescience because no remedy exists. Alternatively, those aware of source creators’ beneficent gifts, such as elitists, bloodline propagandists, or other satanic beings, stealthily exploit conscious truth to enforce your slavery, all refusal punished. We are all herded and forced to submit like animals.

Social media clickbait flourishes unchecked because no one has the cognitive means to distinguish fact from fiction. People fall victim to the senseless ‘everything is energy’ notion that flatly denies existent reality. As a result, identity and causality collapse. Identification vanishes, and beliefs replace knowledge.

This mentally destructive feat defies comparison. Consciousness is now a mishmash of subjectivity, beliefs, illusion, energetics, vibrations, and frequencies. Belief in ‘unity or mass consciousness’ conceals the conscious process completely; thus,’ Life’ exits from all discussion, and panpsychism emerges like mushrooms from mental starvation. No mind communication is observable. Value transfer remains unseen. Our higher faculties are starved, which means greed demands more material possessions as the only relief possible. Legality now presides over lawfulness, while collectivism’ promotes group priority over each individual to produce socialism and communism. People scramble to learn who they are, never once comprehending this whole disaster stems from not knowing what they are.

“The hallmark of a mystic is the savagely stubborn refusal to accept the fact that consciousness, like any other existent, possesses identity, that it is a faculty of a specific nature, functioning through specific means. While the advance of civilisation has been eliminating one area of magic after another, the last stand of the believers in the miraculous consists of their frantic attempts to regard identity as the disqualifying element of consciousness.

The implicit but un-admitted premise of the neo-mystics of modern philosophy is the notion that only an ineffable consciousness can acquire a valid knowledge of reality, that “true” knowledge has to be causeless, i.e., acquired without any means of cognition.” — Leonard Peikoff. 

People without knowledge of consciousness and its workings know nothing of their innate natural laws. They’ve no intellectual weapons to combat propaganda, political correctness, or statutes ignorantly called ‘law.’ Tyranny steams ahead, protected by ignorance from all challenge, arrest, or elimination. Evil smashes every moral obstacle in its path. No mental means seemingly exists to overturn today’s mindset fixed on (necessary) authoritarian rule.

So, the massive intellectual void grows progressively more extensive as more assumptions build on presumptions, all purportedly offering mental, emotional, or spiritual healing. Yet not a single one of these proselytisers describes our conscious process. The reigning common mindset never changes; we all must conform to the artificial constructs of legality and force as though herded animals.

Devious Control

Are you beginning to see how easily we may be deviously and criminally mind-controlled by our ignorance of what consciousness truly is? Do you see the senseless tragedy, or should I say crime?

Yet, blessed with abilities we’ve never learned, personal benefits fly off the charts, doubly serving to build new, free, organic societies never before imagined.

The problem is, with little more knowledge than we had centuries back, we have never discovered the importance of spiritual purpose. We have not recognised its source, simplicity, or spiritually empowering nature, and we’ve paid a hefty price.

Several factors are responsible–

  • Philosophic materialism is the view that non-physical things do not exist. Spirituality is senseless, therefore. All talk of “spirit” or “spirituality” is sheer mysticism. People are nothing more than matter in motion, whereby physical nature is King.
  •  This theory defeats itself because its platform contradicts the non-physical nature of “thought.”
  • Philosophic idealism holds that everything is idea, energy, or consciousness. There is no such thing as matter, physical objects, or bodies. Physicality is a hologram — an illusion. Everything is energy or frequency.
  •  These theories also defeat themselves. People use vocal cords, a pen, or a keyboard to express the theory. Moreover, ears, eyes, and brains must exist before others can hear or read such claims.

Ayn Rand eloquently summed up the absurdity of materialism and idealism when she said —

“A body without a soul is a corpse; a soul without a body is a ghost.”

Mental deprivation is today’s ‘normal.’ Deprived consciousness invokes a childhood mentality denied all means of escape, made ripe to be ruled by all who trade on our handicap. The more we cling to them, the more we are controlled. Said differently, in striving to fill the void left by mere “awareness,” we reach out to images from Hollywood, billboards, television, and social media that more easily cripple our minds than mere ignorance. And no one knows our deprivation exists.

My books tell the story, but here are the most critical findings and criteria.

  • We all are equal in nature yet vibrantly unique in expression.
  • Our immune system works to protect and heal us from disease.
  • Natural laws govern our physiological processes, but none command our life.
  • Our free will process is monitored and modulated, but its content is not!
  • Free will cannot interfere with the subconscious process and so protects it.
  • Our subconscious mind is not open to external influence, save what we freely permit.
  • The conscious mind cannot override or revoke the subconscious mind’s automated processes because it is fully automated.
  • Anything that influences the subconscious mind absent conscious permission, raids, robs, or violates its functionality.
  • The subconscious mind cannot discern, evaluate, judge, or create. That would overrule our free will choices and undermine our cognitive abilities.
  • The subconscious mind works in the positive realm always, truthful, thus protecting our free will.
  • No data enters our subconscious without we freely admit it.

One riveting revelation springs forth. All authoritarian and totalitarian rule cancels, because No mind can rule another.

Courageous, trustworthy people seeking to write a new societal Constitution have a clean slate with inbuilt protection through intrinsic natural law.

Over the past few months, it has become increasingly apparent that if people fail to grasp consciousness, they will only perceive (factual) natural law as another artificial invention. Even the name ‘natural law’ sucks because most people associate “law” with regulations, mandates, legislations, and authoritarian rule from the top down.

Worse, ‘consciousness’ in the same sentence as ‘natural law’ sounds illogical or nonsensical. Like “I’m aware of the law, get over it.”

That summation spells ignorance across the board, entirely forgivable by the tragedy of nescience. First, consciousness is not awareness; second, law is not what we think it is; third, natural law is intrinsically immutable. Thus posited, no artificial invention is possible.

These misgivings call for a radical overhaul of all education concerning the human sciences and what we dub the legal system. People want much better than what we have, but only now has a worthy alternative presented. Its attributes, methods, and protections are yours courtesy of intrinsic natural law. They explain how consciousness informs, and educates, eminently proving how intrinsic natural law is not manufactured or legislated.

The populace will not swing the pendulum of justice in the freedom direction, but a few people can and they will.

“Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Meade