4. Society by Company or Symbiosis?

This crucial decision, dictates the structure of any new constitution.

© Copyright 2024. Kenneth E. Bartle.   — Researcher, Objective philosopher, Psycho-epistemologist, Published Author – Content Creator for ‘The One Great Network,’ USA.

Full Consciousness, Objective philosophy, Intrinsic natural law

Society as Company’ applies to all social systems governed by invented rules. These include sporting clubs, charitable and educational institutions, corporations, and corporatised governments. All such societies depend on their ‘subjects’ (members) giving exclusive attention to the society, especially its preservation. Its social rules bind all members. Rule-bound company is what the word ‘society’ really means. Loyalty to other members and leaders is foremost.

Rules governing the management of these societies are not law within their original meaning. Instead, they are ‘artificial orders’ of ‘artificial persons,’ whose legal systems attach legal rights, duties, and obligations to various organisational positions with the legal structure.

Observe the fundamental difference. As an order of artificial persons, no members are living beings (men or women) in the legal sense. Within any of these particular games, social systems, or society, the word ‘persons’ (persona = mask) denotes positions, roles, or functions governed by a system of (invented) rules that facilitate their (respective) functioning. We may think of these artificial persons, for example, as white and black pieces in a chess game, including the respective playing rules of the King, Queen, Knights, Pawns, etcetera. Other examples include a Rector, Dean, Student or Faculty member for universities, or King, Government, Parliament, Minister, and Citizen in a nation-state.

Such legal artifice does not attach to the living men or women elected or appointed to occupy those positions. Indeed, this legal separation removes any misdeeds or personal liability from public accountability. For example, the ‘branch manager’ did something, not Susan. No living individual is legally accountable, only the position.

Our governmental societies are wholly collectivist since only the legal organism is said to exist. Legal entities and ‘positions’ substitute for humans. Of course, no state will ever speak of ‘collectivism’ because it knows that word is morally tainted. Instead, it focuses on the word ‘we,’ or ‘society.’ Society must agree. We need this. We want this. We need to ensure, etcetera. The formula does not change even when questioning possibilities. What should we strive for? What should we get? How can we do better? We know society wants more, don’t we? 

All of this brainwashing is deliberate. Its sole purpose is to eliminate the word ‘I,’ thus to banish individualism from the face of the earth. Auguste Comte said, “We cannot tolerate the notion of rights, for such notion rests on individualism.” He did not say, ‘I cannot tolerate the notion of rights.’

Society by Symbiosis

Natural law exists for the sole purpose of upholding, sustaining, and enriching your life. Free will is the architect of your life; all other instructions take second place.

When you grasp that natural law is not about crime but concerns the beauty and fullness of spiritual life on a material plane, you will have consciously advanced more in two milliseconds than humanity has in two centuries!

Our task is to identify the born nature of ourselves and what life is to identify that everything we enact is for our most excellent value and benefit. Pretence, no matter how small, is self-defeating. 

The difference between ‘Society by Company’ and ‘Society by Symbiosis,’ described by Frank van Dun, is both clear and very precious. There is nothing inherently wrong in an organization or company having ‘office bearers’ conform to ‘terms and conditions’ of employment. Nor having them conform to procedural standards for the organization or company to succeed in its endeavors. That is ‘Society by Company.’

However, office bearers that ‘command’ or ‘coerce’ non-employees to conform to procedural standards so that the organisation or company succeeds are pure evil. Outlaw behaviour usurps and violates the rights of all non-employees by exercising authority it does not have. It purports to have the ‘consent of the governed’ while blatantly overruling ‘consent.’ ‘Government’ is a gross perversion of ‘Society by Company,’ 

Welcome freedom and protect it.

Now, re-consider Society by Symbiosis. People within particular geographical boundaries who choose to live morally by respecting each other and who, by their efforts, contribute to that society’s progress and advancement act symbiotically. (Symbiosis involves interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, usually to mutual advantage.) That is ‘Society by Symbiosis.’ Most importantly, that’s exactly how our human biology and conscious processes work. 

Within that symbiotical society, there is nothing inherently wrong with naming orderly constructs: bodies, organs, or faculties that perform specific tasks, monitor, make adjustments, produce reports, and even repair the damage. Again, that is precisely how our human biology and conscious processes work. So, we assign names to various’ office bearers,’ such as bone marrow, lung tissue, intuition, imagination, and memory. We recognise contributions made by different bodily organs and conscious faculties in preserving the symbiotic society wherein they reside. We also comprehend that none of these ‘office bearers’ command another office, nor does any ‘office’ command the same office in another human body.

Having learned that lesson, we transmute our comprehension of freedom and success to human society. The result is a ‘symbiotic society thriving on freedom.’ Grasping its precious nature, ‘We the People‘ ensure that no ‘Society by Company’ can overrule, violate, disband, or destroy ‘Society by Symbiosis’ freedom. Self-governance ordained by nature is precisely what a ‘Protectorate’ Constitution must ensure. Our resolve is certain.