8 Natural law education for humanity's new age
Natural law education derives from and is intrinsic to our biology and conscious process. Matters requiring attention are too numerous to list, but several distinctions are significant to new education for man’s new conscious era.
- Choosing valued goals becomes second nature. All fears of independence vanish. Confidence and self-esteem grow. Mental conflict, stress, and trauma diminish or fade into oblivion.
- Values placed on (subconscious) autopilot reduce mental stress to near nil. Old values fade into oblivion. There is no need for psychotherapy.
- Emotionally rewarded, we become humbly proud of their achievements and happiness.
- Focus on life shifts, not abandoning material things but spiritually enriching them.
- We are Spiritual beings living a spiritual life, exercising our spirituality in a material realm.
- Spiritual values enhance material gains, and not the other way around.
- No mind can rule another.
- Joy in life relies on why we choose our actions in spiritual terms.
Those who attain this level of conscious enlightenment will realise they have nothing to gain from pseudo-intellectuals, new-age mystics, pretenders, imposters, or blood-spilling authority.
Every emotional chaos or trauma from pulpits or parliaments of fiction, falsity, and irrelevance will have been removed from their lives without asking. Spiritual independence, enlightenment, and empowerment manifest as never before.
Confession becomes evident
Governments know full well that they are a private, legal, fictional entity with no legal control over anything outside their private corporations. They do not represent the people; they serve only their political interests and the (pretend) power they have. Political parties aim to get hold of the government and run people’s lives. With no life-affirming philosophy, they rely on indoctrination, intimidation, coercion, lies, and violence to have all others submit to their outlandish, anti-civilisation wishes, whims and legislation, with no refusal admitted. It remains that publicly proven actions and behaviour that violate another's right to life confess immorality, immoral action(s) and trespass of natural law.
As intrinsic natural law teaches unequivocally, no one and no government has any lawful right to be involved in commanding people’s day-to-day lives. Those who do confess to being outlaws by their actions and agree to suffer all (just) consequences arising. All (initiated) force, fraud, or coercion is arrested thereby.
Conscious ignorance is overturned.
The foregoing (skeletal) understanding demolishes conscious ignorance. Many phrases and beliefs in common usage are overturned or vanish. Examples include errant beliefs, political correctness, language abuse, creating a new reality, unity or group consciousness, the idea of giving up a child until age seven, and the notion that reality is nothing but an illusion.
The “hard problem of consciousness’ never existed, while the (believed) theory of panpsychism vanishes. ‘Ego’ disappears in the face of defining ‘egotism’ as the polar opposite of ‘egoism’.
Likewise, if free will is biased, it is not free. To demolish consciousness and free will by inventing ‘ego’ as a definitive for psychology serves only to sustain and promote conscious ignorance to the detriment and sufferance of all men, women and children. Better yet, no soul/body dichotomy exists because material and spiritual values are processed simultaneously by the same faculty.
The conscious process invokes Natural law education.
If you sense that conscious intelligence and intrinsic natural law enable you and your children to live in a free and peaceful society, then new education is paramount.
Many of today's teachings and beliefs are highly questionable. We can remedy ignorance, injustice, and suffering by genuinely understanding what the conscious process and intrinsic natural law objectively reveal.
It is time to begin. We are all blessed with the means to objectively reconsider our whole being as spiritually beautiful, a finely tuned life form endowed with divine essence and incredible potential in any human endeavour.
The jurisdiction of life
Our right to life is individual since no collective liver, brain, or stomach exists. The truth is that all people are born into the jurisdiction of life without exception. Those who rule us voluntarily chose to vacate life’s jurisdiction. They abandoned their lives to rule ours. We do not need to withdraw from their invented legal jurisdiction. They’ve already departed our life jurisdiction—into which they were born.
Those who step outside natural laws are outlaws”—Frank van Dun, philosopher of law.
If we choose freedom, we must protect our rights from all who refuse, usurp, overrule, or deny us. Without such natural law education and protection, authoritarian rulers, sociopaths, criminals, and tyrants have a free licence to crush humanity for their benefit.
Humanity faces an evident choice. Either we choose rights, natural justice, and (respectful) freedom, or we continue submitting to today's invented statutes, legislation, tax theft, oppression, tyranny, and slavery.
For freedom to reign, self-governance must assume prominence. No communal or majority votes are needed since the consent of our source Creator is intrinsic to our born nature.
New education must thereby teach that only tyrants intent on dictatorial or criminal activity can disagree or object to you and me exercising our born freedom within the equal rights of all others. The source Creator has bestowed our freedom; thus, protecting our right to life takes precedence. No need exists to invent dictatorial laws; worse, they violate intrinsic natural law and life itself.
A new mindset is imperative.
Has any Governmental structure served the people as it purportedly intended? Is today’s fight between good and evil political or spiritual? Could conscious intelligence be our remedy, recognised and addressed as the most vital part of our born nature?
An individual’s pursuit of knowledge properly results in a knowledgeable, creative and virtuous society. Advancement, diversity of thought, cooperative enterprise and the voluntary exchange of ideas are paramount. Beliefs subside as knowledgeable capability increases.
Students logically choose life-supporting values as an investment in themselves. Virtues arise from their pursuit of excellence centred on life’s purpose. These virtues arise from their pursuit of excellence centred on life’s purpose.

Truth rids ignorance
Grasping the truth of our nature is now the battle for humankind. Nothing past has described consciousness so thoroughly or intrinsic natural law so specifically. Their relationship is incontrovertible. One cannot have one without the other.
Each individual’s pursuit of knowledge properly results in a knowledgeable, creative and virtuous society. Advancement, diversity of thought, cooperative enterprise and the voluntary exchange of ideas are paramount. As our knowledge capability increases, beliefs subside.
Integrity, honesty, commitment, truth, and self-preservation are inherent in the natural laws that govern all our faculties, systems, and processes, without which life would cease. Thus, values, ethics, and morality all emanate from within individual men and women in every country and culture, each according to their choice, corresponding with the right of all others to choose.
“Bureaucrats protect the establishment. Leaders protect individual rights.” —Charlie Kirk.
That means, so long as human and sociological sciences refuse to study the human conscious process in life-value terms, these intrinsic laws will remain hidden, and the never-ending sufferance of humanity, including your children and grandchildren, will continue.
Intrinsic natural law grants no permission or authority for one to trespass upon another’s life, as witnessed by neither of our two minds being able to overrule the other.
Natural law refuses all authority and all initiated force. People have the morally justifiable right to exercise force to arrest such assaults. Murder and self-defence are opposites.
Vital matters concerning Conscious Education
- The notion that ‘reality is an illusion’ is a deception needing correction.
- Conscious education needs a complete overhaul based on (spiritual) life values.
- Bogus ideologies need to be replaced by objective ethics and morals founded on the sanctity of life.
- Philosophical and human science education require urgent revision, save for ‘objectivist philosophy’ already ahead by a country mile.
- Religion and spirituality are seriously questioned.
- Law education needs urgent revision.
- Justness and justice concern (moral) actions, not prior (ethical) intentions.
- Ethics, morality, and natural justice need repurposing. All are removed from the public domain of government and placed squarely in the private domain of sovereign individuals to which they rightfully belong.
- All ‘collectivised’ jurisdictional claims over ethics and morality are invalidated.
- Justice is concerned only with remediating wrongful actions, not correcting wrong thinking. Ethics and moral correctness are urgent pre-emptive tasks for human science education.
As living, flesh and blood beings, none of us need to legally extract ourselves from maritime law because, by its admission, it has wilfully divorced itself from us already! With their invented legal systems, governments have deliberately chosen to vacate the realm of life and intrinsic natural law and have certified that fact by violating it in full. Their wilful actions confess their outlaw behaviour. Authoritarians automatically renounce their nature by refusing to recognise their flesh and blood, whereby all their legal statutes are null and void from inception. They have no claim since the self-denial of natural law (one’s nature) is a matter for the Creator, not for a courtroom to decide.
Consider the benefits of conscious intelligence and intrinsic natural law education.
- The ‘Hard Problem of Consciousness’ disappears.
- ‘Panpsychism’ is shown as a fallacy.
- ‘Natural law theory’ is called to account. Intrinsic natural law takes its place.
- Our conscious process is wholly overhauled based on (spiritual) life values.
- Psychological and Philosophical education is revised
- Human science education is improved on all fronts.
- ‘Law’ education is corrected.
- Ethics, morality, and natural justice are societally repurposed.
- Bogus ideologies are replaced by objective ethics and morals founded on the sanctity of life.
- Our right to life is individual. No collective liver, brain, or stomach exists.
- Life is the supreme value — the foremost concern of every comfort, security, safety and freedom we desire.

In sum, the Creator has modelled the (intrinsic natural law) principles of ethics, morality, and natural justice, smack in the core of our conscience and emotional reporting systems, exactly where they belong! Huge benefits manifest by ascribing ethics to the thought process and morality to behaviour.
Never before described in this manner, consciousness and its governing laws invite us to live life to the full as our birthright since the dawn of Man. We, our children, and our great-great-grandchildren will all benefit. Act now if you want to recapture childhood exuberance with its joys and delights as an adult, to supercharge your life in ways you’ve never dreamed of. Tomorrow may be too late!
Just think. You can access your divine source and its commensurate power with full conscious intelligence and intrinsic natural law in your arsenal. As a result, all bogus philosophies and erroneous teachings flounder in the falsities of their inventions with only one court of appeal—nature itself.
© Kenneth E. Bartle 2025
For supportive references, please see the following:—
Links Concerning Collectivism and Altruism:
Anthem, by Ayn Rand - Webpage - Free export to PDF
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Links Concerning Consciousness:
Conscious Ascendance —Kenneth E. Bartle
Links Concerning Philosophy:
Nature’s Providence — Kenneth E. Bartle
The Atlas Society, Website
The importance of Philosophy: Full website
Links Concerning Natural Law:
Navigate to Freedom — Kenneth. E. Bartle
Natural Law: A Logical Analysis, by Frank van Dun
Natural law —Frank Van Dun
The Lawful and the Legal —Frank van Dun