Societal Freedom won't happen - or will it? 

Want to change the world but don't know how?

You've never been taught!


Full consciousness for Societal Freedom

Societal Freedom is your ability to thrive and prosper - free from government intervention.

Did you learn you were born of nature – gifted with power to master your life and to excel,  thrive and prosper, absent limits?

Or must society rule your life so it can survive – at your expense?

Do you want your kids to prosper and thrive as never before?

Discover your full conscious process, the vitality of societal freedom and how intrinsic natural laws offer mankind a future the world has never dreamt possible.

Free Societies

Intrinsic Natural Law 2

Does government exist to ensure your freedom — or its own freedom to do as it pleases?  

Can we free ourselves from patriarchal powers and elites, so to govern ourselves? Can the people institute a different and more functional political body for all human kind, and protect it from ever defaulting back to rules of the past, all having failed abysmally? Can we free ourselves from patriarchal powers and elites, so to govern ourselves? Can were done with calamity and self-destruction, and institute societal freedom in a way never seen in history, never ever returning to authoritarian rule and tyranny? Does that sound long overdue? 

Damn right - here’s how. 

Intrinsic Natural law

Intrinsic natural law - Graphic

You’ve heard of law, statutes, executive orders, mandates, admiralty and maritime law, socialism, communism, democracy, common law, and republicanism, et al, haven’t you?

Do you know what the word law really means? ‘Law’ is natural law and nothing else. Were you taught how your body and minds govern themselves? Did you learn about nature’s governing laws at school? Did you know twenty intrinsic natural laws govern your nature automatically? But how can they do that if I have free will, you ask? Your Creator solved that problem handsomely! You've twenty gifts that uphold and sustain your life to prosper and thrive absent limits – but no one teaches that! 

Want to learn more? 

Full Consciousness

Neuroscience freely admits it does not know what consciousness or how it works. How are you to know?

Dictionaries tell us that awareness is  consciousness but thats only about one percent of your mind? What about the other ninety-nine percent? And what about you having fifty percent more conscious faculties than science recognises? Do you really want to raise your frequencies and vibrations, or learn the real truth about how and why you‘re bled dry, herded like animals, and spoken of as useless eaters, while so-called elitists luxuriate in their private jet en-route to a tropical island? 

Want to turn that upside down?

Societal regeneration

Do you want your offspring to suffer at the hands of evil, or would you prefer to learn to live in societal freedom as no one has ever dreamt possible?

Conscious vitality is a value-charged process from perception through awareness to emotional and spiritual joy. Its natural governing laws are for each our greatest benefit, nature most exquisite model for free societies which is exactly what today’s world pleads for. 

Societies Free, Diagram

Do you want the keys to Societal Freedom–to a bright, radiant, limitless future? If so, free organic societies rest in your hands awaiting enactment. Nothing has precedence, is more relevant, nor more urgent. Nothing past has described conscious vitality so fully, natural law so specifically, and objective morality more consistently. 

With that Societal Freedom model in mind, the words of Thomas Jefferson may now be paraphrased…

‘If a nation expects to be knowledgable and free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what should be and protects it.’ 

Knowledge of full consciousness rids ignorance. That is the first step. The next step concerns removing oneself from the clutches of legality and positive law

Books and video’s

The inescapable, unprecedented unity of consciousness, natural law, and objective philosophy is profound beyond measure. Never can its story be conveyed in a few web pages. It remains that although our conscious process is intensely complex, some ninety-two percent is fully automated to the point where infants can use it with no words, math or science. Natural law works the same way while objective philosophy points the way.

“The harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” — Albert Einstein.

There is no excuse for the continuity of 'law makers" when the Laws of Creation themselves have so long existed, nor any excuse for not discovering these 'natural laws'. Check out the books below or watch these Seven Videos

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Mail bartlek(at) for your invitation link.  

This is not a chat group - instead information for those wanting to understand natural law and humanities bright NEW future.

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